Thank you note from ATINER

Thank you note from ATINER

ATINER wishes to thank its thousands of friends and members who have provided their support during these difficult times of the pandemic. Some have opted for a free voucher to participate in one of ATINER’s future conferences. Some other have decided to participate by presenting online. Some have decided to join the online conference because it was not permitted in the pre-pandemic period. The 2020 ATINER’s events were all offered online -even though some were able to come to Athens- respecting the laws, regulations, policies and recommendations of the European Commission (the government of the European Union Member States) and the Laws of the Greek Government. In 2021 and 2022 some of the participants came to Athens and presented onsite along with other online presentations. Within this framework, ATINER’s internal policies (terms-and-conditions), regulations and practices are implemented. These terms and conditions included the contingency of a pandemic. Once the pandemic is over, ATINER is ready to host all its events onsite but we will keep the online as an option for the time being.