Education in Greece 2018

A Study Tour Program on “Education in Greece, the Impact of Historical and Cultural Contexts”
in collaboration with Georgia State University

Detailed Program

ATINER Staff responsible for the program: Ms Despina Katzoli (Researcher), Mr Konstantinos Manolidis (Administrator), Ms Celia Sakka (secretary). Phone: + 30 210 3634210.

Saturday 17 November 2018 Depart from Atlanta NA
Sunday 18 November 2018 Arrival at Athens NA
Monday 19 November 2018 09:00 School Visit (14th Primary School). Principal: Ms. Kaproiti. 


11:00 School Visit (1st Primary School). Principal: Ms. Markoyannaki.

14:00 Urban Walk.1 . Person Responsible: Ms. Elena Glykou.


Tuesday 20 November 2018 08:30 School Visit (66th Primary School). Principal: Mr. Iakovidis.


10:30 School Visit (Lakoniki Sxoli, Private Primary). Principal: Mr. Fragis.

17:00-17:30: Thanasis Kikinis, President, Teachers’ Federation of Greece. Education in Greece: Structure, Curricula, Working Conditions & Current Issues.


17:30 -18:00: Zisis Kapranas, Special Director, Teachers’ Federation of Greece. Key Problems of Primary Education in Greece & Greek Teacher’s Federation Demands.


18:00-18:30: Giota Venetopoulou, Library and Publications Manager, Teachers Federation of Greece. Minority Education in Greece and the Issue of Migrants Integration.

Wednesday 21 November 2018 Visit Delphi (includes lunch) Visit Delphi No
Thursday 22 November 2018 10:00 School Visit (Sxoli Xatzivei, Private Primary). Principal: Ms. Xatzivei.


15:00 School Visit (49th  Primary School).

17:00 -17:30: Athanasios Verdis, Lecturer, University of Athens, Greece. Shadow Education in Greece and Internationally.


17:30-18:00: Panayota Yanneli, Professor, Athens Metropolitan College, Vice President,
Greek Dyslexia Company, Scientific Associate, National Centre of Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Greece. Current Reality in the Area of Special Education in Greece.


Friday 23 November 2018 Free Free Yes2
Saturday 24 November 2018 Depart Athens No

1The urban walk includes the broader area of downtown Athens. Among other sites, it includes: Zappion, Syntagma Square, Temple of Olympian Zeus, Ancient Roman Agora and on Acropolis Hill: the Propylaea, the Temple of Athena Nike, the Erechtheion, and the Parthenon. The program of the tour may be adjusted, if there is a need beyond our control.

2Offered by ATINER at the Stamatopoulos Tavern, 26 Lisiou str., Athens, Greece 105 58 with greek live music. (it does not include alcoholic beverages). The menu will include traditional varieties of greek food and one soft drink per student. Vegetarian food will be provided.