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Organizational Structure: Executive Committee



The Executive Committee consists of six members elected every three years by a secret ballot. The Executive Committee discusses and makes decisions on all operational matters of the institute. The current executive committee was elected in July 2013 and it has a 3-year mandate (July 2016). The current members of the Executive Committee are the following (click here for a picture of the executive committee members during their 56th (14 July 2012) meeting in Athens Greece):


            Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos (C.V.).


Vice President of Academic Affairs:

            Dr. Nicholas Pappas (C.V.), Professor, Sam Houston University, USA.


Vice President of Financial Affairs:

            Dr. Chris Sakellariou (C.V.), Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.


Vice President of ICT:

            Dr. Panagiotis Petratos (C.V.), Associate Professor of Computer Information Systems, California State University, Stanislaus, USA.


Vice President of Research:

Dr. George Poulos (C.V.), Emeritus Professor, University of South Africa, South Africa.



            Dr. Zoi Boutsioli (C.V.), Instructor, Open University of Greece.

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