Sports Books

Sports Books
Book Cover
Number of Pages
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72010International Sport: A Research SynthesisChristos AnagnostopoulosTable of ContentsISBN:978-960-6672-63-7
290 pages
Paperback: 40€
(It includes Shipping and Handling)
Electronic copy: 30€
62006An Amalgam of Sports & Exercise ResearchGregory T. PapanikosTable of ContentsISBN:960-6672-08-5
364 pages
Paperback: 50€
Hardcover: 80€
(It includes Shipping and Handling)
Electronic copy: 30€
52005International Research on Sports Economics and Production Gregory T. PapanikosTable of ContentsISBN:960-88672-2-3
320 pages
Paperback: 50€
Hardcover: 80€
(It includes Shipping and Handling)
Electronic copy: 30€
42004The Economics and Management of Mega Athletic Events: Olympic Games, Professional Sports, and Other EssaysGregory T. PapanikosTable of ContentsISBN:960-87822-9-5
317 pages
Paperback: 50€
Hardcover: 80€
(It includes Shipping and Handling)
Electronic copy: 30€
32003The Economics of Professional Sports and Olympic GamesGregory T. PapanikosTable of ContentsISBN:960-87102-7-8
168 pages
Paperback: 40€
Electronic copy: 30€
22002The Economics, the Management and the Marketing of SportsGregory T. PapanikosTable of ContentsISBN:960-87102-1-9
144 pages
Paperback: 40€
Electronic copy: 30€
12000Themes on Tourism, Recreation and Leisure:
Proceedings from the 1st International Conference on Tourism, Recreation, and Leisure
Gregory T. PapanikosTable of ContentsISBN:960-02-1728-9
272 Pages
Paperback: 40€
Electronic copy: 30€