
Academic Members of ATINER based on Singapore

TitleFirst NameLast NamePositionAffiliationCountryCV
Dr. Zuolian Cheng Senior Lecturer School of Chemical & Life Sciences, Singapore Polytechnic Singapore cv
Ms. Soo Chin Foo Manager School of the Arts Singapore cv
Ms. Joanna Gravier-Rymaszewska Doctoral Researcher Nanyang Technological University Singapore
Dr. Boo Cheong Khoo Professor National University of Singapore Singapore
Dr. Ho Keat Leng Assistant Professor Nanyang Technological University Singapore cv
Dr. Soe Marlar Lwin Senior Lecturer Sim University Singapore cv
Dr. Jo Ann Netto-Shek Lecturer Nanyang Technological University Singapore cv
Dr. Chris Sakellariou Vice President of Finance, ATINER & Associate Professor of Economics Nanyang Technological University Singapore cv
Dr Bilyana Shuman Lecturer Division of Linguistics and Multilingual Studies, Nanyang Technological University Singapore
Ms. Huiyi Eve Tam Clinical Psychologist National University Hospital Singapore cv
Dr. Huiling Teo Member Women in the Arts Singapore
Dr. Tin Lam Toh Associate Professor National Institute of Education Singapore
Dr. Rama Venkatasawmy Lecturer University of Newcastle Singapore cv