Media and Climate Change: Call to Action

A Microsymposium on “Media and Climate Change: Call to Action”
as part of the 23rd Annual International Conference on Communication and Mass Media
12-15 May 2025, Athens, Greece

The Mass Media & Communication Unit of the Athens Institute is organizing a Microsymposium on “Media and Climate Change: Call to Action” as part of the 23rd Annual International Conference on Communication and Mass Media, 12-15 May 2025, Athens, Greece.

Selected papers will be considered for publication in the Athens Journal of Mass Media and Communications (Editor: Dr. John Pavlik, Professor, Rutgers University, USA)

The microsymposium explores the relationship between the media and climate change. How the media shapes public understanding of climate change, and motivates the public towards climate action is the focal area. Varied media outlets, from traditional journalism to digital platforms, highlight issues such as carbon footprints, deforestation, and finding alternatives to carbon emissions. Development, which is the driver of progress, often has environmental consequences. The media looks for stories of sustainable practices and climate change. Diverse spheres of media coverage such as politics, economy, education, tourism, and civic amenities can mainstream climate coverage by interweaving climate science into the story. The media amplifies the voices of climate scientists and activists, by contexualising the scientific literature and happenings in a language understandable by the common people. Here, we

will look into the challenges the media faces in combating climate change. Collaboration among journalists, environmentalists, and policymakers is needed for communicating climate change. This dialogue on the media and climate change will drive sustainable development, and help protect the earth for future generations.
Keywords: Carbon footprints, communicating climate change, sustainable development, environmentalists

You may participate as a presenter of one paper and/or an attendee.

Please submit an abstract (email only) to:, using the abstract submission form by 1 April 2025 to: Dr. I. Arul Aram, Chairperson, Faculty of Science and Humanities, Anna University, Chennai, India. Abstracts should include the following: Title of Paper, Full Name (s), Affiliation, Current Position, an email address, and at least 3 keywords that best describe the subject of your submission. Decisions are reached within 4 weeks.

Fee structure information is available on

Special arrangements will be made with a local hotel for a limited number of rooms at a special conference rate. In addition, a number of special events will be organized which give a great opportunity to further discuss the issues presented at the conference. From ATINER’s long experience these events bring together scholars from different countries and disciplines which may result to research collaborations and joint publications. These events include a pragmatic symposium (as organized in Ancient Athens but fine-tuned to synchronous ethics), a special one-day educational island tour, a Mycenae and island of Poros visit, an Athens educational walking tour, a day trip to Delphi, and an ancient Corinth and Cape Sounion visit. Details of the social program are available here.

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