Mechanical Engineering Unit

Mechanical Engineering Unit

Head: Dr. Nikos Mourtos, Professor, San Jose State University, USA.

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Academic Members of the Mechanical Engineering Unit

Total 59 Members-Showing 100 per page
TitleFirst NameLast NamePositionAffiliationCountryCV
Dr. Azli Abd Razak Head of Center Studies (Thermofluid and Energy) Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA Malaysia cv
Dr. Ahmed Farouk AbdelGawad Vice Dean for Graduate Studies & Research and Professor Mechanical Power Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University Egypt cv
Dr. Ghezal Abderrahmane Teacher USTHB University Algeria cv
Dr. Anthony Ademola Adeyanju Senior Lecturer Ekiti State University Nigeria cv
Dr. Abdulkareem Sh. Mahdi Al-Obaidi Senior Lecturer School of Engineering, Taylor's University Malaysia cv
Dr. Ayman Aly Professor Assiut University Egypt cv
Dr. Aly Mousaad Aly Assistant Professor Louisiana State University USA cv
Dr. Arun Premnath Arasan Associate Professor SCSVMV University India cv
Dr. Valentin Birdeanu Senior Scientific Researcher ISIM Timisoara Romania cv
Dr. Glen Bright Dean of Engineering University of KwaZulu natal South Africa cv
Mr. Tyrone Bright Lecturer Durban University of Technology South Africa
Mr. Richard G Carranza Consultant Carranza Consulting USA cv
Dr. ChunI Chen Professor I-Shou University Taiwan, China cv
Dr. Javier Cubas Assistant Professor Polytechnic University of Madrid Spain cv
Dr. Marc Daniel Retired Professor Aix-Marseille University France cv
Dr. Samir Kumar Das Professor and Dean Defence Institute of Advanced Technology India cv
Dr. Predrag Dasic Professor High Technical Mechanical School Trstenik Serbia cv
Dr. Zied Driss Associate Professor National School of Engineers of Sfax (ENIS), University of Sfax Tunisia cv
Dr. Anis ELaoud Senior Lecturer/Researcher School of Engineering Rural Equipment Medjez Elbeb Tunisia cv
Dr. Antonio Ficarella Professor University of Salento Italy cv
Dr. Jose Luis Garzon Lama Senior Researcher IAE - Institute of Aeronautics & Space, Sao Jose dos Campos Brazil cv
Dr. Roberto Gomez Associate Professor Institute Of Engineering- UNAM Mexico cv
Mr. Mohammad Amin Javadi PhD Candidate & Graduate Teaching Associate (GTA) The University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) USA cv
Dr. Roland Jochem Professor Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management, Technical University of Berlin Germany cv
Dr. Erkan Kacan Head Computer Technologies Department, Pamukkale University Turkey cv
Mr. Arash Kamali-Asl Graduate Student Sharif University of Technology Iran cv
Dr. Reyazul Haque Khan Professor Federal University of Technology-Minna Nigeria
Mr. Muhammad Abid Khan Masters' Student & Research Assistant Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Near East University Turkey cv
Dr. S. Senthil Kumar Associate Professor Department of Design & Automation, School of Mechanical & Building Sciences, VIT University India cv
Mr. Mark Lin Mechanical Engineer Medtronic USA
Dr. Hussein M. Ali Assist. Professor Technical Engineeing College of Mosul / Northern Technical University Iraq cv
Dr. Radhika Mani Madireddy Associate Professor Pragati Engineering College India cv
Dr. Dalgobind Mahto Director Jaipur Institute of Engineering and Technology India cv
Dr. Mike Mavromihales Senior Lecturer &Course Leader University of Huddersfield UK cv
Dr. Ahmed Mezrhab Professor Mechanics and Energetic Laboratory, University Mohammed 1, Oujda Morocco cv
Dr. Jorge Carlos Moran Gonzalez Professor University of Vigo Spain cv
Dr. Nikos Mourtos Head, Mechanical Engineering Research Unit, ATINER & Professor San Jose State University USA cv
Dr. Hakim Naceur Professor University of Valenciennes France cv
Dr. Diogo Neto Assistant Professor University of Coimbra Portugal home
Dr. Resat Oyguc Lecturer Istanbul Technical University Turkey cv
Dr. Youn Cheol Park Professor Jeju National University- Department Mechanical Engineering South Korea cv
Dr. Ljiljana Radovanovic Assistant Professor University of Novi Sad Serbia cv
Dr. Aniello Riccio Professor Department of Industrial and Information Engineering, Second University of Naples Italy cv
Dr. Carlos Rolando Rios-Soberanis Professor/Researcher Titular “C” Scientific Research Centre of Yucatan Mexico cv
Dr. Sumer Sahin Professor Atilim University Turkey cv
Dr. Abhishek Saxena Professor School of Engineering, Dev Bhoomi Uttarakhand University, Dehradun India cv
Dr. Mohammed Shaat Research Scientist Department of Mechanical Engineering, Southern Methodist University USA cv
Dr. Karthikeya Sharma Assistant Professor National Institute of Technology Andhra Pradesh India cv
Dr. Francisco Silva Auxiliar Professor ISEP – School of Engineering, Polytechnic of Porto Portugal cv
Mr. Cristian Silviu Simionescu Professor, Head of Department of Environment, Applied Engineering and Agriculture University “Dunarea de Jos” Galati, Romania Romania _CV.pdf
Dr. Katica Simunovic Professor Department for Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Slavonski Brod, University of Osijek Croatia cv
Dr. Stevan Stankovski Professor Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad Serbia cv
Dr. Ștefan Țălu Associate Professor Ph.D. Eng. Department of Research, Development & Innovation Management (DMCDI), and Department of Automotive Engineering &Transportation, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca Romania cv
Dr. Ali H. Tarrad Professor Universite de Lorraine France cv
Dr. Muthuramalingam Thangaraj Associate Professor SRM Institute of Science and Technology India cv
Dr. Andres Tremante Deputy Director, Engineering Division, ATINER & Professor Florida International University USA cv
Dr. Bulent Yesilata Professor Harran University Turkey cv
Dr. Samy Yousef Lecturer Department of Production Engineering and Printing Technology, Akhbar Elyom Academy Egypt cv
Dr. Aoulmi Zoubir Lecturer University of Tebessa Algeria cv