Engineering Education & Teaching Panels & Streams

Panels and Streams organized as part of the
4th Annual International Conference on Engineering Education & Teaching, 3-6 June 2019, Athens, Greece
Abstract Submission Information
3-6 June 2019
Intra-personal Development in Engineering Education
Stream Leader: Dr. Rosalie Van Baest, Academic Memberm ATINER & Lecturer, Fontys University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands.
“How” can one stimulate Engineering students to open up for personal development, for conscious intra-personal development? Focus on the intra-personal, by conscious reflection, is fundamental to set personal development in motion and keep it moving. It creates a possibility to recognize changes and developments of one`s own personal qualities, to contemplate on them in a critical way and if necessary make adjustments. Insight into one`s personal qualities, and those of others, is valuable not just to engineers themselves, but it is also a condition for effective teamwork and leadership. Higher Engineering education is often cognitive and practical oriented. Affective education is of significance in a process of personal development: a holistic approach. It is not always self-evident for Engineering students to motivate themselves in respect of their conscious personal development process. Reflection and awareness are basic conditions in this process. Which meaning attaches Engineering students to their personal development during their education? In the personal development process during Engineering education, time and space are needed for students to make independent choices during the working out of assignments that are focused on the development of personal qualities. In this respect experiential and student-centred are of importance.
Deadline: closed
Abstract Submitting Form