Electrical Engineering Streams

Streams organized as part of the
2nd Annual International Symposium on Electrical Engineering, 23-26 July 2018, Athens, Greece
Abstract Submission Information
23-26 July
A Stream on “Data Science”
Stream Leader:
Professor Marcos A Rodrigues, Sheffield Hallam University, UK.

The aim of the stream is to bring together scholars and students interested in advances in Data Science. Papers (in English) addressing theoretical or practical issues in Data Science are welcome, from any application domain. Of particular interest are papers addressing pattern recognition or machine learning models and algorithms for effective decision making, communication, visualization, or data product development.
Deadline: closed
Abstract Submitting Form
23-26 July
A Stream on “Energy: Storage & Management”
Stream Leader:
Dr. Alexandre De Bernardinis, Academic Member, ATINER & Researcher/Scientist, French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks, IFSTTAR, France.

The aim of the stream is to bring together academics and researchers interested in Energy.
Deadline: closed
Abstract Submitting Form