Ecology Panels and Streams

Streams and Panels organized as part of the
7th Annual International Conference on Ecology, Ecosystems and Climate Change, 15-18 July 2019, Athens, Greece
Abstract Submission Information
15-18 July 2019
Valuation of Marine Ecological Services
Stream Leader:
Dr. Mordechai Shechter, Professor Emeritus, Department of Economics, University of Haifa, Israel.

The outcome of the proposed panel may provide fundamental estimation of the wide array of present and forthcoming ecosystem services. Any future management scheme for these resources must in the future take into account not only the inherent values of ecosystem services, but also the possible trade-offs between various management policies as well as their economic and social implications (often uncertain). In order to fully encapsulate the realized and potential benefits of marine ecosystem services, research should be expanded to include all ecosystem services and to explore means for possibly enhancing existing benefits. In addition, the research should explore possible conflicts with other marine usages (e.g. extraction and utilization of energy resources, maritime traffic, coastal – e.g., recreational – and marine infrastructure expansion) as well as the investigation of possible pathways for future sustainable management of the seas.
Deadline: closed
Abstract Submitting Form