Representation in Architectural, Landscape and
Urban Design
Nicholas N. Patricios, Giulia Pellegri,
Clara Goncalves, Fatih Rifki and Jesus Lara
ISBN: 978-960-598-530-1, 192 pages
First published in
2022 by ATINER
Paperback: 50€ (It includes Shipping and Handling)
Electronic copy:
of Contents
List of
Contributors |
i |
Press Release:
vii |
Preface |
ix |
Introduction |
xi |
1. |
The Ideal City by Leonardo Savioli Luca Barontini |
1 |
2. |
Gaseousness as a “Symbolic Form” of the 21st
Century Massimo Canevacci,
Emmanuele Lo Giudice
& |
15 |
3. |
The Strada Clementina: Digital and Branding
Strategies for Landscape Enhancement Paolo Clini, Ramona Quattrini & Maddalena
Ferretti |
31 |
4. |
Symbolic Architectural Identity: The
Digital Survey and Representation of Garage Musmeci
in Catania Graziana D’Agostino
& Mariateresa Galizia |
47 |
5. |
Representation as a Narration of the City Methodological Project Proposal Sara Eriche & Giulia Pellegri |
61 |
6. |
From Resilience to Resiligence:Towards New
Urban, Territorial, Environmental and Social Goals Manuel Gausa |
79 |
7. |
Abstraction and Resilience: Symbolics and
Space Ulrich Gehmann, Michael
Johansson & Andreas Siess |
103 |
8. |
Dooroom: Elements and Scenarios
in the City of Rooms Maria Gelvi |
119 |
9. |
Drawing as a Transdisciplinary
Inquiry Tool Clara Germana Gonçalves |
133 |
10. |
Telling and Showing: The Cartographic Drawing Fabio Luce, Giovanna A. Massari &
Cristina Pellegatta |
147 |
11. |
The Graphic Expressive Forms of Resilience
and Regeneration from Art to Historical and Contemporary Architecture Francesca
& Michela Scaglione |
163 |