Self-Regulation and Social Competence: Psychological Studies in Identity,
Achievement and Work-Family Dynamics
Edited by McWelling Todman
ISBN: 978-960-6672-49-1, 168 pages
First published in 2009
Price: Paperback: 50€ (It includes Shipping
and Handling) Hardcover: 70€ (It includes Shipping and Handling)
Electronic copy: 30€
of Contents
Preface |
PART I: Issues in Social and Subjective Identity |
1. |
Role of Globalization on Skin Bleaching in Tanzania Lawrence Young , Kelly M. Lewis &
Sinead N. Younge |
9 |
2. |
Complexity and Challenge of Conceptualization
and Assessment of Social Identity
Foster |
19 |
3. |
Psychological and Social Risks Associated with
HIV/AIDS among Gay and Bisexual Male Youth in the United States Arnold H. Grossman |
35 |
4. |
Examination of Psychosocial Factors Associated with Compulsive Buying Michael Kyrios
47 |
II: Issues in Social and Academic Achievement |
5. |
Motivation and Academic Achievement in Venezuelan College Students Alicia
Cardozo H |
65 |
6. |
Boredom and Boredom Proneness in Children:
Implications for Academic and Social Adjustment Evangeline Lehr & McWelling Todman |
75 |
7. |
The Effect of Client Attachment Style and Counselor Functioning on Career Exploration Hadassah
Littman-Ovadia |
91 |
8. |
Attachment Representations and perceived Social
Support in High-risk Children Renata Benavente, Joao Justo, and Joao Moreira |
103 |
PART III: Issues in the Work-Family Nexus |
9. |
The Positive Side of the Work-family Interface:
Development and Initial Validation of a Work-family Enriching Relations Scale Marisa Matias & Anne Marie
Fontaine |
119 |
10. |
Analysis of Family to Work Negative Spillover in Portugal and Brazil: The Role of Resources
and Strains Anne Marie Fontaine, Cláudia Andrade, Marisa Matias, Jorge Gato, Marina Mendonça, Egídio
Oliveira & Cláudia Simão |
133 |
11. |
Everyday Life Change: Contribution to the
Understanding of Daily Human Change Liliana Meira,
Miguel M. Gonçalves, João
Salgado & Carla Cunha |
145 |
12. |
Teaching Problem-Solving Skills to Improve Family
Functioning and Decrease Suicidality: A Pilot Study Erin Shae Johns, Jessica Mackelprang, Jessica Karle
& Ralph E. (Gene)
Cash |
155 |