7th Annual International Conference on History: From Ancient to Modern

28-31 December 2009, Athens, Greeece


Sponsored by the History Research Unit of the





Conference Venue: St George Lycabettus, 2 Kleomenous Street, 106 75 Athens, Greece.

Organizing and Scientific Committee

Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, President and Director, ATINER.

Dr. Nicholas Pappas, Vice-President of ATINER  & Professor, Sam Houston State University, USA.

Dr. Gregory A. Katsas, Head, Sociology Research Unit, ATINER & Associate Professor, The American College of Greece-Deree College, Greece.

Dr. Cleopatra Veloutsou, Head, Marketing Research Unit, ATINER & Senior Lecturer in Marketing, Department of Business and Management, University of Glasgow, Scotland. 

Dr. Michael Eisman, Associate Professor, Temple University, USA.

Dr. Evangelia Aleksandru-Sarlak, Associate Professor, Isik University, Turkey.

Dr. Edward Anson, Professor, University of Arkansas, AK, USA.

Dr. John Evans, Professor, University of Minnesota, MI, USA.

Mr. Leslie Stuart Woodcock, Academic Member, ATINER and University of Leeds, U.K.

Dr. Stephen Andrew Arbury, Professor of Art History, Radford University, USA.

Dr. Ioanna Papadopoulou, Academic Member, ATINER & Lecturer, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece.

Dr. Jayoung Che, Research Professor, Institute for the Mediterranean Studies, Pusan University of Foreign Studies, Pusan, Republic of Korea (S. Korea)

Ms. Andrea Eis, Doris and Paul Travis Endowed Professor in Art and Chair, Oakland University, USA.

Dr. Ebru Gokdag, Assistant Professor, Anadolu University, Turkey.

Dr. Kenneth E. Hendrickson, Professor, Sam Houston State University, USA.

Dr. Sabrina Joseph, Associate Professor, Zayed University, UAE.

Dr. George Kaloudis, Professor, Rivier College, USA.

Dr. Scott Kaufmann, Professor, Francis Marion University, USA.

Dr. Shoucri Rachad Mounir, Professor, Royal Military College of Canada, Canada.

Dr. Steven Oberhelman, Professor, University of Texas A&M, USA.

Dr. Michael Aradas, Assistant Professor, Johnson S. Smith University, USA.

Dr. Nikos Nikoloudis, Editor of the Journal Istorika Themata, Greece

Dr. Frederico Velez, Assistant Professor, Zayed University, UAE.

Dr. Vasilis Vourkoutiotis, Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa, Canada.

Dr. Margarita Kefalaki, Instructor, TEI Athens and Researcher, ATINER.

Mr. Christos Fratzeskakis, Researcher, ATINER.


Organized by: ATINEP A.E. (

Administration: Fani Balaska, Eirini Lentzou, Katerina Maraki, Sylia Sakka



Monday, 28 December 2009

8:30-9:10 Registration

9:10 – 9:30 Opening Remarks

Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, President and Director, ATINER.

Dr. Nicholas Pappas, Vice-President, ATINER & Professor, Sam Houston State University, USA.


9:30-11:00 Session I

Chair:  Pappas, N., Vice-President, ATINER & Professor, Sam Houston State University, USA.

1.      Landes, R., Professor, Boston University, USA. Democracy and Religion in the Thrash of Globalizing Cultures: Lessons from the Demotic Cultures of the Ancient World for the 21st Century.

2.      *Anson, E., Professor, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA. Did Alexander the Great Voluntarily Curtail his Conquest of the East?

  1. *Wick, D., Professor, Gordon University, USA. Shackled the World Stage: Athens and Definitive Hostage Crisis of Ancient History.
  2. Pawley, D., Professor, Azusa Pacific University, USA. Did they Do what we Do: Questioning a Comparison of Factors Motivating Contemporary Sports Fans with those of Ancient Spectators.






Session II

Chair:  *Wick, D., Professor, Gordon University, USA.

Session III

Chair:  *Anson, E., Professor, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA.

1.       Al-Haideri, S.H., Professor, Salahaddin University, Iraq. The Religious Tolerance’ Polisy of the Abbasid Caliphs Towards Non-Muslims.

  1. Gelovani, N., Associate Professor, Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia; Chief Research Fellow, G.Tsereteli Institute of Oriental Studies, Georgia. Evidence of Khalifa Ibn Khayyat about the Political Relationship Between the Umayyad Caliphate and Byzantium.
  2. Ashtari Tafreshi, A., PhD Student, T.M.U. University, Iran & Ahmadvand, F., PhD Student, Tehran University, Iran. Daily Life, Districts and Strongholds of Jews in Hidjaz Near the Advent of Islam.
  1. Karras, G., Professor, University of Illinois-Chicago, USA. Will this be Century of Inflation?  Lessons from the 20th Century.
  2. Leonard, G., Assistant Professor, University of New Brunswick, Canada. The Effects of Organization Memory: British Diplomacy in Bulgaria, 1935-1938.


12:30-13:30 LUNCH


13:30 – 15:00


Session IV

Chair:  Papadopoulou, I., Academic Member, ATINER & Lecturer, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece.


Session V

Chair:  Woodcock, L.S., Academic Member, ATINER and University of Leeds, U.K.

1.      Oberhelman, S., Professor, Texas A & M University, USA. Medical Therapeutic Texts during the Ottoman Rule of Greece.

  1. Chan M.S., Associate Professor, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Translating Western Medicine in Late Qing China: The Case of Benjamin Hobson (1816-1873).
  2. Chakraborty, R., Reader, University of Calcutta, India. A Study of the Education of Muslim Women in Colonial Bengal in the 19th and early 20th Centuries.
  1. Knee, P., Professor, University of Laval, Canada. Democracy and the Legacy of the French Enlightenment.
  2. Forth, C., Professor, University of Kansas, USA. Classical Fantasies and Modern Realities: Race, Desire and Disgust in Nineteenth Century European Views of Obesity. 
  3. Van Keuren, F., Professor, University of Georgia Athens, USA. Thomas Hope’s Use of Engravings from Books in his Library.
  4. Carpenter, D., Ph.D. Student, University of Portsmouth, U.K. 1845-1914 A Fine Time to Have Been Mad and Poor in England.


15:00 – 16:30


Session VI

Chair: Chakraborty, R., Reader, University of Calcutta, India.

Session VII

Chair:  Knee, P., Professor, University of Laval, Canada.

1.      Yang, S., Associate Professor, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China. On the position of Cliff Inscriptions of Sutra of Northern Dynasties in Chinese Calligraphy History.

  1. Wang, X., Lecturer, Renmin University of China, China. Contributions of Four Divisions of Labor to Ancient Economy in China.
  2. Koort, J., Lecturer, Tallinn University, Estonia. The Rhythm of Chinese History seen in the Landscape Painting of the Song Dynasty (960-1279).
  1. Holjevac, Z., Assistant Professor, University of Zagreb, Croatia. A Fair Union Between Croatia and Hungary. A Critical Overview of a Croatian Policy in the 19th Century.
  2. Sikiric Assouline, Z., Assistant Professor, University of Zagreb, Croatia. Live Latin Phenomenon in the Early 19th Century Croatian Society.
  3. *Topic, M., Lecturer, University of Zagreb, Croatia. Nation and National Identity Formation / Construction: The Case of Croatia.





16:30-18:00 Session VIII

Chair:  *Topic, M., Lecturer, University of Zagreb, Croatia.

1.      *Cobb, W., Professor, Utah Valley University, USA. Wars of Containment and Terror: How the Pedagogy of the American War in Vietnam is Enriched by Comparisons with the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  1. Claxton, B., Reader, Institute of Historical Research, England. Between War and Society: The Impact of Technology on Perceptions of Conflict in the Modern Age, 1439-2003.
  2. Crombie, L., Student, University of Glasgow, U.K. From Military Skills to Honourable Games; Crossbow Competitions in Audenarde (Flanders) in the Later middle Ages.





Tuesday, 29 December 2009


08:30 – 10:00 Section IX

Chair:  Horowitz, J., Professor, University of Haifa, Israel.

  1. Tas, I., Assistant Professor, Hitit University, Turkey. A Phenomenon in the Hittite Religion: Reaching to the God by Burning Light in the Hearth. (Tuesday, December 29th, 2009)
  2. Kendall, S., Assistant Professor, Georgia Gwinnett College, USA. Roman Investigation into Allied Dissension before the Bellum Sociale, 91 BCE. (Tuesday, December 29th, 2009)
  3. Petroff, P., Ph.D. Student, University of Humanitarian Studies, Russia. The Teaching on the Soul in Cassiodorus, Augustine and Macrobius in the aspect of Intellectual History.
  4. Andreeva, P., Ph.D. Student, Sofia Univeristy St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria. The Imperial Cult in the Roman Province of Thrace.


  10:00 – 11:30

Session X

Chair:  *Cobb, W., Professor, Utah Valley University, USA.

Session XI

Chair: *May, R., Teacher, Flint Community Schools, USA.

1.      Gugliuzzo, C., Professor, University of Messina, Italy. The Maritime Vocation of a Mediterranean City: Messinese Dockyards in the Early Modern Age.

  1. Rothstein, M., Professor, Carthage College, USA. Reviving the Past in Renaissance France.
  2. Raley, J.M., Assistant Professor, Wake Forest University, USA. The Devotio moderna and the Origins of Northern Humanism: A Reappraisal of Paul Mestwerdt’s Thesis and the Ensuing Debate between Albert Hyma and R. R. Post.
  3. Pires Marques, M., Ph.D. Student, New University of Lisbon, Portugal. The Consolidation of the Portuguese Power in Brazil in the Second Half of the XVI Century.
  1. Horowitz, J., Professor, University of Haifa, Israel. Between Historical Accuracy and Emotional Turmoil: the Chronicle of Nicetas Chroniates.
  2. Menache, S., Professor, University of Haifa, Israel. Love of God or Hatred of your Enemy? Emotions from the Holy Land in the Crusader Period.
  3. Parhizkar, Z., Faculty Member, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran. Beyond a Historiographer:A Glance at the Impact of Abolfazl Bayhaghi's worldview on His Historical Book History of Bayhaghi.
  4. Jalali Azizian, H., Professor, Historical Research Center of Masada, USA & Beygi Borujeni, Shahnaz, M.A. in History, Historical Research Center of Masada, USA. The Prison of Oblivion, the First Political Prison in the History of Iran.



11:30– 13:00

Session XII

Chair: *Lindenlauf, A., Assistant Professor, Bryn Mawr College, USA.

Session XIII

Chair: Aleksandru-Sarlak, E., Associate Professor, Isik University, Turkey.

1.      Lerner, J., Associate Professor, Wake Forest University, USA. Ai Khanoum Under Nomadic Hegemony.

  1. *Miller, M., Assistant Professor, Concordia University, USA. Ahura Mazda and Three Coins of Hermaios. 
  2. Law, Y.M.V., Lecturer, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. A Princess and a Highway Man- Uyghurs in Han-Chinese Imagination.
  1. Versteeg, R., Professor, New England Law Boston, USA. Jurors and Juries — Aristophanes’ the Wasps.
  2. Thornton, S., Associate Professor, Arizona State University, USA. Meitokuki: Pacification, Patronage and Politics in Japanese Epic of the Muromachi Period.



13:00-14:00 Lunch


14:00-15:30 Session XIV

Chair: *Miller, M., Assistant Professor, Concordia University, USA.

  1. von Bowey, P., Professor, The American University of Paris, France. Berlin Wall Culture: Twenty Years after the Fall.
  2. Aleksandru-Sarlak, E., Associate Professor, Isik University, Turkey. The Dramatic and Anxious Anticipation of a Unique Building in Istanbul: The Greek Orphanage in Prinkipo.
  3. Batson, W., Associate Professor, Prairie View A & M University, USA. The Anatomy of a 2nd Century Bath Reconstructing the 2nd Century Greco-Roman Bath at Isthmia, Greece.
  4. *Lindenlauf, A., Assistant Professor, Bryn Mawr College, USA. (W)all Together Now: The Construction of the Themistoklean City–Wall in Athens.
  5. Marques da Silva Pedreirinho, H.C., Ph.D. Student, Ester Pinto Marques da Silva, Portugal. The Safeguard of the Architectural Heritage in Portugal During the Dictatorial “Estado Novo” Regime (1932-1974).


15:30-17:00 Session XV

Chair: Pappas, N., Vice-President, ATINER & Professor, Sam Houston State University, USA.

1.      Cashion, T., Professor, Sam Houston State University, USA. Whither Texas? Looking for a Usable Past in the Shadow of the Acropolis.

  1. Braun, P., Ph.D. Student, University of Florida, USA. We are not the People of Destitute Vagrants or Immoral Pigmies: The United States’ Effeminizing Portraval of Cuban Men at the Run-up to the Cuban Revolution of 1895.
  2. *May, R., Teacher, Flint Community Schools, USA. A Second Dred Scott Decision.
  3. Albano, D., Ph.D. Student, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. Fighting over a Grave. Funeral fights in Nineteenth Century Ireland.
  4. Pelzer, J., Professor, Occidental College, USA.  1989/2009: Twenty Years After. Re-assessing the role of the East German civil rights movement and the intelligentsia at large.


 19:00 - 20:00 DINNER 



Wednesday, 30 December 2009

CRUISE: Departure at 7:15 a.m. Return at 8:30 p.m.

(Details during registration)


Thursday, 31 December 2009

Archaeological Tour: Departure at 7:50 a.m. Return at 12:30 p.m.

(Details during registration)


Thursday, 31 December 2009

Gala Dinner-NEW YEAR’S EVE

Start at 10:00 p.m. – End at 00:30

(Details during registration)