May 12-15, 2008, Athens, Greece


Organized by






Conference Venue: President Hotel, 43 Kifissias Avenue, Athens, Greece.

Organized by: ATINEP A.E. (atinerae@atiner.gr)

Administration: Fani Balaska, Eirini Lentzou, Thomas Papanikos, Sylia Sakka


Organizing AND SCIENTIFIC Committee


1.      Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, Director, ATINER.

2.      Dr. Gregory A. Katsas, Head, Sociology Research Unit, ATINER & Associate Professor, The American College of Greece-Deree College, Greece.

3.      Dr. John Yfantopoulos, Head, Health Research Unit, ATINER, President, National Center for Social Research &, Professor of Health Economics and Social Policy, University of Athens, Greece. 

4.      Dr. Nicholas Pappas, Professor, Sam Houston University, USA and Vice-President of ATINER

5.      Dr. Ioannis Stivachtis, Head, Politics & International Affairs Research Unit, ATINER & Director, International Studies Program Virginia Tech - Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, USA.

6.      Dr. Vasileios Filios, Head of the Accounting & Finance Research Unit of ATINER & Associate Professor, University of Ioannina, Greece.

7.      Dr. Marina Stefania Giannakaki, Deputy Head, Research Unit of Education, ATINER.

8.      Dr. Margarita Kefalaki, Researcher, ATINER.

9.      Dr. Mike-Frank G. Epitropoulos, Academic Member, Sociology Research Unit & Head, Tourism Research Unit, ATINER.

10.  Dr. Theofilos Theophanides, Academic Member, ATINER & Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece.

11.  Dr. Sharon Bolton, Professor, University of Strathclyde, U.K.

12.  Dr. Elvira Martini, Researcher, University of Sannio, Italy.

13.  Dr. Andrew Yiannakis, Professor, University of Connecticut, USA.




Conference Program


Monday, May 12th, 2008

(The time for each session includes a 10 minutes coffee break)


07:30-08:20 Registration

08:20-08:30 Welcome and Opening Remarks

1.      Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, Director, ATINER.

2.      Dr. Gregory A. Katsas, Head, Sociology Research Unit, ATINER & Associate Professor, The American College of Greece-Deree College, Greece.


08:30-10:00 SESSION I: Aging & Society (ROOM A)

Chair: Dr. Gregory A. Katsas, Head, Sociology Research Unit, ATINER & Professor, The American College of Greece-Deree College, Greece.

  1. Brooks, J., Associate Professor, Fayetteville State University, USA. Perceptions of Aging in Women:  A Qualitative Study.
  2. Davis, N., Visiting Professor, Western Washington University, USA. The Big Boom: The Upcoming Crisis in Elder Caregiving in America. 
  3. Buffel. T., Researcher, Free University of Brussels, Belgium, De Donder, L., Researcher, Free University of Brussels, Belgium, Verte, D., Researcher, Free University of Brussels, Belgium & Witte, N., Researcher, Free University of Brussels, Belgium. Beyond Unidimensional Determinants of Local Social Networks among the Elderly: A Theoretical Perspective of the Relationship between Neighbourhood and Community. 


10:00-12:00 SESSION II: Definitions of Reality  (ROOM A)

Chair: Dr. Margarita Kefalaki, Researcher, ATINER.

1.      Baring, R., Professor, Theology & Religious Education Department, De La Salle UniversityManila, Philippines. Exploring Theological Constructs of Suffering in the Notions of College Students: An Empirical Inquiry.2.     

  1. Ozmete, E., Associate Professor, Ankara University, Turkey. Family Life Skills Approach to Young for Socially Human Development.

3.      Hablemitoglu, S., Professor, Ankara University, Turkey. Hearth and Home: The Hestian Paradigm as a Critique of Human Actions.

4.      Leung, H.H., Associate Professor, State University of New York College at Oneonta, USA. Convolution of Hong Kong Identity and Architecture through Times.

  1. Pajon, C., Researcher, Research Center of the French Air Force, France & Martin, C., Researcher, Research Center of the French Air Force, France. Bents for Risk? The Cadets of the French Air Force Academy.


12:00-13:30: LUNCH



13:30-14:45 SESSION III: Definitions of Reality & Deviance (ROOM A)

Chair: Hablemitoglu, S., Professor, Ankara University, Turkey.

1.   Hornosty, J., Professor, University of New Brunswick, Canada & Doherty, D., Executive Director, Public Legal Education, Canada &. Understanding the Links between Firearms, Family Violence and Animal Abuse in Rural Communities.

2.   Ryan, B., Professor, Widener University, USA. The Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program.

3.   Smith, M.W., Associate Professor, Saint Anselm College, USA. The Corruption of Plea Bargaining in the United States of America.

4.   Rajiva, M., Assistant Professor, Saint Mairy’s University, Canda & Petrella, S., Ph.D. Student, Carleton University, Canada. Adolescence for Dummies: A Foucauldian Reading of Contemporary Self-Help Books for Teens.


13:30 – 14:45 SESSION IV: Education (ROOM B)

Chair: Davis, N., Visiting Professor, Western Washington University, USA

1.      Levin, A., Assistant Professor, California State University, Northridge, USA. At-Risk Youth Positively Affected by Music Intervention Program: In-Depth Interviews show Improvements in Self Esteem, Motivation to Learn and Attitude toward School.

2.      Azizi, A., Lecturer and Ph.D. Student, University of Rouen, France. A Contribution to the Study of Intergenerational Social Mobility in France:  A Case Study of French University Professors.

3.      Matos, F., Research Associate, University of Cambridge, PhD Student, University College London (UCL), U.K. A New Face for Academia? How Changing Policies Impact on Practices in Doctoral Programmes in the UK. A Case Study.

4.      Vieira, N., Researcher, ISCSP/UTL, Portugal. Illiteracy and the Consumption of Internet among Portuguese Adults.




14:45 – 16:15 SESSION V: Migration (ROOM A)

Chair: Iganski, P., Lecturer, Lancaster University, U.K.

1.   Thakur, M.K., Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, India. Ethnic Associations and Everyday State: A Case Study from India.

2.   Ngeh, J., Ph.D. Student, University of Umea, Sweden. Looking Forward: Aspirations of Young Somali Immigrants and Challenges in Sweden.

3.   Senay, B., Ph.D. Student, Macquarie University, Australia. What Makes any Place Home? Narratives of Turkish Migrants in Australia.

4.   Gakavian, A., Manager, Centre for Research on Social Inclusion, Australia. Symbolic Homeland: The (Re) Imagination of Armenian Diasporan Identity in a “Post-Territorial” World. (Monday, 12th May, 2008 afternoon)

5.   Young, C., Reader in Human Geography, Manchester Metropolitan University, U.K. & Light, D., Associate Professor, Liverpool Hope University, U.K. EU Expansion, Accession Migration and Geographies of the ‘New Europe’: Media Representations of Accession Migrants in the United Kingdom and Romania.


 14:45 – 16:15 SESSION VI: Social Structure and Changes (ROOM B)

Chair: Ryan, B., Professor, Widener University, USA.

1.      Evans, M., Chair, The Integrated Program in Human Studies, Kenyon College, USA. Thucydides, Logos… and Sociology.

2.      Dudau, A., Researcher, University of Liverpool, U.K. Beyond Organisational Culture.

3.      Harden, G., PhD Student, Texas A&M University, USA. Reifying 'the' Cultural Hegemon:  A Theoretical Approach.

4.      Coleman, A., Ph.D. Student, Temple University, USA. Deindustrialization and Revitalization: Girard Avenue Case Study.

5.      Dewan, A.K., Professor, Concordia University, Canada. Social Change in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh



16:15-17:45 SESSION VII: Social Structure and Changes (ROOM A)

Chair: Evans, M., Chair, The Integrated Program in Human Studies, Kenyon College, USA

1.   Adams, A., Chair & Professor, Arkansas State University, USA & Carroll, E.R., Graduate Assistant, Arkansas State University, USA.  Quality of Life: A Geospatial Examination of Accessibility to Affordably-Priced and Nutritious Foods.

2.   Sand, H.P., Assistant Professor, Agder University, Norway. A Veblen Biography and Debate over Conspicuous Consumption.

3.   Litz, S., Lecturer, Hamburg University, Germany. Risk and Responsibility.

4.   Sanchez Tovar, L., Professor, University of Carabobo, Venezuela, Ortiz J., Professor, University of Carabobo, Venezuela & Del Pino, M., Professor, Pablo de Olavide University, Spain. Community Participation and Social Change.


16:15 – 17:45 SESSION VIII: Deviance (ROOM B)

Chair: Young, C., Reader in Human Geography, Manchester Metropolitan University, U.K.

1.      Mutter, R., Lecturer, University of East London, U.K. & Shemmings, D., Professor, University of Kent, U.K. Restorative Justice as a Conversion Ritual. (Monday, May 12)

2.      Artus, H., Professor, GESIS-IZ, Germany. Terrorism as Problem Solving? The Case of the ‘Suicide Bombers’.

3.      Strompl, J., Associate Professor, University of Tartu, Estonia & Ilves, K., Researcher, University of Tartu, Estonia. Narratives on Young Violence.

4.      Thompson, S., Associate Professor, University of Texas, USA & Bender, K., PhD Student, University of Texas, USA. Predictors of Alcohol Use among Detained Adolescents: Peer or Family Influences?

5.      Iganski, P., Lecturer, Lancaster University, U.K. Structure, Action, Agency and Everyday 'Hate Crime.


17:45-19:15 SESSION IX: Education (ROOM A)

Chair: Artus, H., Professor, GESIS-IZ, Germany.

1.   McCarthy, G., Professor, Kenyon College, USA. Critique of Preachers and Prophets in the Classroom: Ethics and Objectivity in Max Weber’s Theory of Science.

2.   Tuma, N., Professor, Stanford University, USA & Pals, H., Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Texas A & M University, USA. Adolescent Noncompliance in School and Adult Work Careers: Evidence >From Five Post-Soviet Societies. (Monday, May 12th , 2008)

3.   Unal, H., Assistant Professor, Mugla University, Turkey & CU.K.UR, C.S., Assistant Professor, Mugla University, Turkey. What do Youth Learn at School? School Context and Youth Violence.

4.   Karupiah, P., Lecturer, University Sains Malaysia, Malaysia. Attitudes towards Statistics and Performance in a Statistics Course: A Case Study among Undergraduate Social Sciences Students at Universiti Sains Malaysia.



17:45-19:15 SESSION X: Health and Medicine (ROOM B)

Chair: Tzanelli, R., Lecturer, University of Leeds, U.K.

1.      Ahmadi, F., Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Uppsala University, University of Gavle, Sweden. Spirituality in Coping: The Case of Cancer Patients in Sweden.

2.      Wang, S.-C., Assistant Professor, Chung-Shan Medical University, Taiwan. Health Lifestyles of Indigenous People-Comparison between Taiwan Aborigines and American Indians using National Representative Data.

3.      Droppe, A., PhD Student, Umeå University, Sweden. The Formation of Medical Knowledge: The Example of the Male Menopause Diagnosis.

4.      Iovu, M-B., Teaching Assistant, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The Social Space of Adolescence in the Context of Physical Disability.

5.      Lester, M., Graduate Student, University of Detroit Mercy, USA. Non-Emergent Care Creating Emergent Problems.



19:15 – 20:30 SESSION XI: Political Sociology (ROOM A)

Chair: Tuma, N., Professor, Stanford University, USA

1.      Woodrick, A., Professor, University of Northern Iowa, USA. Hispanic Ministry and the Construction of Political Capital within a Recent Immigrant Community.

2.      Harrison, T., Professor, University of Lethbridge, Canada. Government and the Making of Political Culture: The Case of Canada. (Monday, 12th May, 2008)

3.      Wong, L., Associate Professor, University of Calgary, Canada. Transnational Practices and Canadian Identity, Civic Participation and Citizenship

4.      Cunha, A., Researcher, CIES-ISCTE, Portugal & Calca, P., Researcher, CIES-ISCTE, Portugal. A Question of Perspective: How Portuguese Voters See and Act in European Elections.



19:15-20:30 SESSION XII: Political Sociology (ROOM B)

Chair: Dr. Mike-Frank G. Epitropoulos, Academic Member, Sociology Research Unit & Head, Tourism Research Unit, ATINER.

1.      Markoff, J., Professor, University of Pittsburgh, USA. The Past and Future of Democracy.

2.      Wilson J., Professor, DU.K.E University, USA. Are Homeowners and Long-term Residents More Civically Engaged?

3.      Tzanelli, R., Lecturer, University of Leeds, U.K.. Resentful Nationalism and Self-Recognition: Towards a Theory of “Non-Communicative Action”?

4.      Suvakovic, U., Docent, Faculty of Philosophy, Serbia. Party State: Possibilities of Appearance and Development on Example of Contemporary Serbia.

5.      Gu, C., Professor, Tsinghua University, China & Ma, R., Associate Professor, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. Urban Sprawl Patterns of the Southern Jiangsu Province, the Yangtze Delta in China.






Tuesday, May 13th, 2008


 08:30-9:45 SESSION XIII: Globalization and Its Dimensions

Chair: Mandal, K.S., Professor, Indian Institute of Management Calcuta, India.

1.      Duhaime, G., Professor, Laval University, Canada. Globalizing Inequities: The Development of the Arctic World.

2.      Brunelle, D., Professor, University of Quebec, Canada. Recent Civil Society Mobilisations Against Free Trade Agreements in the Americas : Theoretical and Practical Issues.

3.      Park, M., Assistant Professor, Dalhousie University, Canada. Framing Free Trade Agreements: The Politics of Nationalism in the Anti-Neoliberal Globalization Movement in South Korea.

4.      Campion, P., Assistant Professor, Tennessee Technological University, USA. Toward the Globalization of Religious Capital? Toward a new governmental expertise.


 09:45-11:30 SESSION XIV: Work, Inequality and Exclusions

Chair: Duhaime, G., Professor, Laval University, Canada.

  1. Al-Atom, B., Professor of Sociology at Jordan University, Department Chairman, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan. The Phenomenon of Child Labor in Jarash/Jordan.

2.      Mandal, K.S., Professor, Indian Institute of Management Calcuta, India. Privatizing Poverty Alleviation: Towards Business Solutions for Poverty.

3.      Bolton, S., Professor, Strathclyde University Business School, U.K. Dimensions of Dignity at Work: A new framework for Europe?

4.      Luobikiene, I., Associate Professor, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania. Beggars in Lithuania: Integrated or Outcasts?

5.      Anderson, L., PhD Student, Texas A & M University, USA. Conspicuous Charity.



11:30-13:15 SESSION XV: Deviance

Chair: Bolton, S., Professor, Strathclyde University Business School, U.K.

1.      Cradock, G., Professor, University of Windsor, Canada & De Medjian, J. E, Assistant Professor, University of Windsor, Canada. Public Safety Governance in Canada and Europe.

2.      Huang, L.Y., Assistant Professor, National Taipei University, Taiwan, Repeat Household Victimization in Taiwan.

3.      De Donder, L., Researcher, Free University of Brussels, Belgium, Buffel, T., Researcher, Free University of Brussels, Belgium, Verte, D., Researcher, Free University of Brussels, Belgium & Witte, N., Researcher, Free University of Brussels, Belgium. Fear of Crime among the Elderly: A Social Capital Perspective.

4.      Marques, O., Ph.D. Student, University of Ottawa, Canada. Canadian Prostitution Legislation: Making (In) Visible the Male Prostitute. (Tuesday, May 13th 2008)

5.      Demirdijan, A., Professor, California State University, USA. Dysfunctions of Distant Learning: A Sociological Perspective. (Tuesday, May 13th 2008)



 13:15-14:45 LUNCH



 14:45-16:00 SESSION XVI: Dimensions of Ethnicity and Race

 Chair: Demirdijan, A., Professor, California State University, USA.

1.      De Roche C., Professor of Anthropology, Cape Breton University, Canada & De Roche J. E., Associate Professor, Cape Breton University, Canada. “Oh, How they worked”: Reflections on Italian-Canadian Economic Strategies and Collective Identity.

2.      De Roche J. E., Associate Professor, Cape Breton University, Canada & De Roche C., Professor of Anthropology, Cape Breton University, Canada. Networks and the Social Making of Well-Being in a Community of Italian Canadians.

3.      Loyal, S., Lecturer, University College Dublin, Ireland. ‘A Land of a Hundred Thousand Welcomes?’ Explaining Integration in Ireland

4.      Vojnovic, I., Associate Professor, Michigan State University, USA. Public Health and the American City: Physical Activity, Obesity and Socio-economic and Racial Inequities.


16:00-17:15 SESSION XVII: Gender Studies

Chair: De Roche C., Professor of Anthropology, Cape Breton University, Canada.

1.      del Pino Espejo, M.J., Professor, University Pablo of Olavide, Spain, Sanchez Tovar, L., Professor, University of Carabobo, Venezuela & Montes Tubio, F., Professor, University of Cordoba, Spain. Women’s Networks and Gender-related Development Index. Case Study: Andalusia (Spain).

2.      Rojas, O., Professor, El Colegio de Mexico, Mexico, Cordoba, D., Professor, UNAM, Mexico & Nehring, D., Professor, University of Essex, U.K.. Gentlemen do not have Memory. Some Considerations Regarding Male Infidelity in Mexico.

3.      Christy, R., Associate Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada. Social Theory and Gender: Beyond Feminism and Masculinity?

4.      MacNevin, A., Assistant Professor, Saint Mary’s University, Canada. Modernizing the Madonna: Peruvian Women Speak on their Sexual and Reproductive Rights.

5.      Clarke, J., Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada. The Portrayal of Depression in Magazines Designed for Different.  (Tuesday, May 13th)

6.      Slevin, K., Professor, College of William and Mary, USA. Old Bodies and Aging: An Exploration of the Influence of Gender.



20:00-21:30 DINNER    


Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

Socio-Archaeological tour and lunch in a Greek Tavern


Thursday, May 15th, 2008

One Day Cruise to the Aegean Islands (includes Lunch)