JUNE 23-26, 2008, ATHENS, GREECE


Organized by


Conference Venue: Athens Cultural Centre of the Municipality of Athens, 50 Akadimias Street

Organized by: ATINEP A.E. (atinerae@atiner.gr)

Administration: Fani Balaska, Eirini Lentzou, Thomas Papanikos, Sylia Sakka


Organizing and Scientific Committee

1.      Dr. Ioannis Stivachtis Head, Politics & International Affairs Research Unit, ATINER & Director, International Studies Program Virginia Tech - Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, USA.

2.      Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, President and Director, ATINER.

3.      Dr. Nicholas Pappas, Vice-President, ATINER & Professor, Sam Houston University, USA.

4.      Dr. Marina Stefania Giannakaki, Deputy Head, Research Unit of Education, ATINER.

5.      Dr. Theofilos Theophanides, Academic Member, ATINER & Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece.

6.      Dr. Constantine P. Danopoulos, Professor, San Hose University, USA.

7.      Dr. Akis Kalaitzidis, Assistant Professor, Central Missouri State University, USA.

8.      George Kaloudis, Chair, Department of History, Law and Government, Rivier College, USA.

9.      Dr. Michael P. Malloy, Distinguished Professor & Scholar, University of the Pacific, USA.

10.  Dr. Scott Nelson, Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech, USA.

11.  Dr. Andrew Papadimos, Lecturer in International Business and Economics, Australian Catholic University, Australia.

12.  Dr. Ioannis D. Salavrakos, Visiting Lecturer, London Metropolitan University, U.K.

13.  Dr. Christopher Simon, Associate Professor, University of Nevada, USA.

14.  Dr. Viviane de Beaufort, Professor, ESSEC Business School, France.

15.  Dr. Rosita Dellios, Associate Professor, Bond University, Australia.

16.  Dr. Annabel Droussiotis, Assistant Professor, Intercollege, Cyprus.

17.  Dr. Andrew Liaropoulos, Research Analyst, Callaghan Center for the Study of Conflict, Swansea, U.K.

18.  Dr. Nancy Anastasia Vamvakas, Assistant Professor, University of Western Ontario, Canada.

19.  John Yfantopoulos, Professor, University of Athens, Greece.

20.  Dr. Margarita Kefalaki, Researcher, ATINER.




 (The time for each session includes a 10 minutes coffee break)

 Monday, June 23rd, 2008

08:00-08:20 Registration

08:20-08:30 Welcome and Opening Remarks

Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, President and Director, ATINER, Greece

Dr. Ioannis Stivachtis, Head, Politics & International Affairs Research Unit, ATINER & Director, International Studies Program Virginia Tech - Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, USA.


08:30-10:00 Monday, June 23rd 2008

Session I: European Union

Chair: Papanikos, G.T., President and Director, ATINER, Greece

1.      Leen, A., Associate Professor, the Netherlands Leiden University, the Netherlands. EU Budget Review.

2.      Zahariadis, N., Professor and Director of International Studies, Department of Government, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA. Does the Commission Matter? Procedural Discretion and State Aids Policy.

3.      Sitz, A., Associate Professor, University of Economics and B.A, Austria. Entering European Monetary Union: How would it change the Absorption Efficiency of Economics Shocks for New Member States.

4.      Wordliczek, R., Associate Professor, Jagiellonian University, Poland. European Union’s Policy Toward Mediterranean.

5.      Volkens, A., Researcher, Social Science Research Center Berlin, Germany. Globalization and Programmatic Changes of Political Parties.

6.      Evaghorou, L. E., Visiting Lecturer, University of Cyprus, Cyprus. Turkey as a Regional Power: A Theoretical Approach in Offensive


10:00-11:30 Monday, June 23rd 2008

Session II: Democracy & Democratization

Chair: Stivachtis, I., Head, Politics & International Affairs Research Unit, ATINER & Director, International Studies Program Virginia Tech - Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, USA.

  1. Erler, E., Professor, California State University, USA & Wooda, G., Professor, Andrews University, USA.  Is Democracy Exportable?  The Case of the U.S. in Iraq.
  2. Mouw, C., Professor, University of Illinois at Springfield, USA. The Psychological Bases of Democratic Commitment.
  3. Hanish, S., Assistant Professor, National University, USA. The Current Status of Religious Minorities in New Iraq.
  4. Salgado, S., Professor & Researcher, New University of Lisbon and FCT, Portugal. Politics, Citizenship and the New Media. (Monday, June 23rd 2008)
  5. Olbromski, C.J., Chair in Department of Political Sociology, Marie Curie-Sklodowska University, Poland. Democracy: Intentional Legitimisation of the De-political Power.
  6. *Kaiser-Drobney, A., Assistant Professor, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania, USA. The I CARE House:  A Case Study of University-Community Partnerships for Effective Civic Engagement and Community Development.


11:30-13:00 Monday, June 23rd 2008

Session III: Greece & Turkey

Chair: Pappas, N., Vice-President, ATINER & Professor, Sam Houston University, USA.

  1. Adamou, N., Associate Professor, Borough of Manhattan Community College, USA & Tina Mavrikos-Adamou, T., Visiting Assistant Professor, Colgate University, USA. How Greece’s Dual Character as Balkan Neighbour and EU Member May Enlighten EU Conditionality Policy-Making in the Western Balkans.
  2. Baslevent, C., Associate Professor, Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey & Kirmanoglu, H., Professor, Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey. The Role of Basic Personal Values in the Voting Behavior of Turkish People. (Monday, June 23rd, 2008)
  3. Tonus, O., Associate Professor, Anadolu University, Turkey. Turkey's Future Role as a Transit Country for Central Asia and Caspian Natural Gas to the EU.
  4. Kalaitzidis, A., Assistant Professor, University of Central Missouri, USA. The Greek Paradox Revisited.
  5. Kaloudis, G., Professor, Rivier College, USA. Greek-Americans on the Eve of the Twenty-first Century. (Monday, June 23rd 2008, afternoon)


13:00-14:00 Monday, June 23rd 2008

Session IV: International Political Theory after Hobbes I

Chair: Prokhovnik, R., Reader, Open University, UK.

1. Sokolowski, A., University of Edinburgh, U.K. The Misappropriation of Hobbes by the Realist School.

2. Slomp, G., Lecturer, University of St. Andrews, U.K. The Rise and Fall of Hobbes the Realist.

3. Long, K., Ph.D. Student, University of Bruxelles, Belgium. Montesquieu.



14:00-15:30 Monday, June 23rd 2008

Session V: International Political Theory after Hobbes II

Chair: Slomp, G., Lecturer, University of St. Andrews, U.K.

1. Prokhovnik, R., Reader, Open University, UK. Hobbes, Sovereignty and International Theory.

2. Prozorov, S., Researcher, University of Helsinki, Finland. Giorgio Agamben and the Post-Hobbesian State of Nature Abandonment, Community and Peace.

3. Herrero, M., Professor, University of Navarra, Spain. Schmitt's "Grossraumordnung" in the Shadow of the Hobbesian Law of Nations.




15:30-16:30 LUNCH



Tuesday, June 24th, 2008

08:00-09:30 Tuesday, June 24th 2008

Session V: USA - Domestic & International Issues

Chair: Hanish, S., Assistant Professor, National University, USA.

  1. Dobratz, B., Professor, Iowa State University, USA. White Separatism in the United States: Framing of Love and Hate.

2.    McKinney, J., Professor, Baylor University, USA. Interaction of Domestic and International Policies Concerning United States Agricultural Trade.

  1. Savage, J., Professor, University of Virginia, USA. Reconstructing Iraq:  The Seventeenth Benchmark and Reconstitution of Iraq's Ministry of Finance, Budgetary, and Fiscal Process. (Tuesday, June 24th 2008)
  2. Adams, K., Assistant Professor, East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania, USA. Gender, Race and Immigration in the United States:  Identities and Attitudes.

5.    Khan, M.Z., Researcher, International Islamic University, Pakistan. Public Opposition to US Hegemony.


09:30-11:00 Tuesday, June 24th 2008

Session VI: Middle East & Asia

Chair:  Howard M. Hensel, Professor of Politico-Military Affairs, Director of Strategy, Air War College, USA.

  1. El-Eid, G., Associate Professor, Central CT State University, USA. Lebanon: A Precarious State in a Turbulent Region.
  2. Sudjatmiko, I., Lecturer, University of Indonesia, Indonesia. Indonesia’s Political Transformation (Democracy in the Post-Suharto Indonesia).
  3. Thananithichot, S., Researcher, King Prajadhipok’s Institute, USA. Imagined Thai: Politics of Constructed National Identity in Thailand.
  4. Fox, S.J., Ph.D. Student, University of Saint Andrews, U.K. Uncertain Waters: The Causes and Implications of the East China Sea Disputes on Sino-Japanese Relations.
  5. Pulcar Betancourt, R.A., Researcher, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Chile. An Economical Model of Islamic Terrorism.



11:00-13:00 Tuesday, June 24th 2008

Session VII: Theoretical Considerations II

Chair:  Olbromski, C.J., Chair in Department of Political Sociology, Marie Curie-Sklodowska University, Poland.

  1. Lazaro, R., Professor, University of Navarre, Spain. Conflict and Social Peace: The Role of the Economy. 
  2. Yohannes, O., Professor, University of Louisville, USA. Markets and the Political Ecology of Water: Theory Evidence.

3.    Urabayen, J., Professor, University of Navarra, Spain. The Role of Politics in the Work of Bergson.

  1. Smith, G., Professor, University of South Carolina, USA. Diffusion, Democratization and Rule of Law: The Impact of European Law on Legal Reform in Russia.
  2. Zyblikiewicz, L., Professor, Jagiellonian University, Poland. The Contemporary Globalization: The Present Condition and the Perspectives.


13:00-14:30 Tuesday, June 24th 2008

Session VIII: Politics & Security

Chair:  Kaiser-Drobney, A., Assistant Professor, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania, USA.

  1. Kasfir, N., Professor, Dartmouth College, USA. The Rise and Ebb of Uganda’s Parliament: Stiving for Autonomy in a No-Party State. 
  2. Zeng, K., Associate Professor, University of Arkansas, USA. Bilateral or Multilateral Trade Dispute Resolution? Evidence from the European Union’s Use of the Trade Barriers Regulation (TBR) and the WTO Dispute Settlement Procedure.
  3. Bednarczyk, B., Professor, Jagiellonian University & Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow, Poland. Rethinking Human Rights Promotion and Protection in the XXI Century.


14:30-15:30 LUNCH


20:00 - 21:30 DINNER


Wednesday, June 25th, 2008

Tour: Departure at 08:30, Return at 15:30


Thursday, June 26th, 2008

Cruise: Departure at 07:00, Return at 20:30