July 10-13, 2008, Athens, Greece



Organized by the





Conference Venue: Athens Chamber of Small and Medium Sized Industries, 18 Akadimias Avenue (1st Floor)


Organizing AND SCIENTIFIC Committee


1.        Dr. John Yfantopoulos, Head, Health Research Unit, ATINER & Professor, University of Athens, Greece

2.        Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, President and Director, ATINER

3.        Dr. Nicholas Pappas, Vice-President of ATINER  & Professor, Sam Houston State University, USA.

4.        Dr. Chris Sakellariou, Secretary, ATINER & Associate Professor, Nanyang University, Singapore.

5.        Dr. Marina Stefania Giannakaki, Deputy Head, Research Unit of Education, ATINER.

6.        Dr. John Roufagalas, Professor, Troy University, USA.

7.        Dr. Stefanos Nastis, University of Wyoming, USA

8.        Dr. Andy Stergachis, Professor, University of Washington, USA

9.        Dr. Maria Tsouroufli, Research Fellow, University of Cardiff, U.K.

10.    Dr. Daphne Halkias, Research Associate, Long Island University, USA.

11.    Dr. Dipane Hlalele, Senior Lecturer, University of the Free State, South Africa.

12.    Dr. Panagiota (Nota) Klentrou, Associate Professor, Brock University, Canada.

13.    Ms. Persefoni Kritikou, Researcher, ATINER, Greece.

14.    Dr. Nilgun Sarp, Professor, Ankara University, Turkey.

15.    Dr. Margarita Kefalaki, Researcher, ATINER, Greece.

16.    Zoe Boutsioli, Ph.D. Student, University of Kent, U.K.



Fani Balaska, Eirini Lentzou, Thomas Papanikos, Sylia Sakka

 (The time for each session includes a 10 minutes coffee break)


Thursday, July 10th, 2008


07:30 - 08:00 Registration

08:00 - 08:30 Welcome and Opening Remarks

  • Dr. Nicholas Pappas, Vice-President of ATINER  & Professor, Sam Houston State University, USA.
  • Dr. John Yfantopoulos, Head, Health Research Unit, ATINER & Professor, University of Athens, Greece.


08:30 – 10:00

Session I: Health Care Reforms / Health Policy

Chair: Pappas, N., Vice-President of ATINER & Professor, Sam Houston State University, USA.

1.      Forchuk, C., Professor, The University of Western Ontario, Canada. Mental Health and Homelessness: Creating a Climate of Interprofessional Collaboration in a University Setting.

2.      Rubino, L., Associate Professor, California State University, USA & Wei, D., Professor of Guangzhou Medical College. China's Health Care System Reform Efforts.

3.      Yildirim, H.H., Assistant Professor, Hacettepe University, Turkey. Revisiting the European Union Health Policy in the light of Europeanization and Europeanization of Turkish Health Policy.

4.      Erntoft, S., Project Manager, Swedish Institute for Health Economics, Sweden. Opening the Black Box of Swedish Formulary Priority Setting – Accountability, Transparency and the Role of Health Economics.



Session II: Hospital Issues

Chair: Forchuk, C., Professor, The University of Western Ontario, Canada.

1.      Onder, O.R., Assistant Professor, Ankara University, Turkey & Demirbas, A., Officer, Ministry of Health, Turkey & Sarp, N., Professor, Ankara University, Turkey. Situations of Burnout among Managers and Health Employees who Work in Clinics a Three Hospitals in Ankara.

2.      *Ajami, S., Assistant Professor, Isfahan University, Iran. Costs of Nosocomial Infections in Surgery Wards in Shariati Hospital in 2004 in Iran.

3.      Couralet M., Statistician, France & Gardel, C., France. The Partnership with Health Professionals is an Essential but not the only Condition for the Implementation between Hospitals: the example of the French Project Compaqh.

4.      Civet, J., Ph.D. Student, University of France-Comte, France. Comparison of Ambulatory Health Care Systems.




Session III: Health Care Utilization

Chair: Rubino, L., Associate Professor, California State University, USA

1.      Dao, H., Director, Center for Community Health Strategy (CHS), Vietnam. User Fees and Health Service Utilization in Viet Nam: How to Protect the Poor.

2.      Souares, A., Heidelberg University, Germany & Saverborn, R., Professor, Heidelberg University, Germany. Targeting the Poor: Utilization of Community Wealth Ranking to Subsidize Health Insurance Enrolment.

3.      Loh, S.F., Ph.D. Student, National University of Singapore, Singapore. Trends in Health Service Utilization in Nine Provinces in China, 1991-2006.




Session IV: Health Economics I

Chair: Reischl, U., Professor, Boise State University, USA

1.      Basar, D., Researcher, Hacettepe University, Turkey & Caliskan, AZ., Assistant Professor, Hacettepe University, Turkey. The Socio-economic Determinants of Health Outcomes: Evidence from 23 OECD Countries.

2.      Kojo, T., Ph.D. Student, Keio University, Japan, Kuroshima, T., Ms Student, Keio University, Japan & Innami, I., Professor, Keio University, Japan. A Method of Finding Target Groups for Controlling the Cost of Lifestyle-related Diseases.

3.      Le Chaffotec, A., Ph.D. Student, University of Paris 1, France, Staropoli, C., Associate Professor, University of Paris 1, France & Hirtzlin, I., Associate Professor, University of Paris 1, France & Zhou, L., Associate Professor, University of Paris 1, France. Designing Efficient Organizational Structure for Rare Diseases: The Case of Centre of Reference for Rare Diseases in France. (Thursday, July 10th, 2008)

4.      Sanchez, Y., Ph.D. Student, University of Chicago, USA. The Longevity Gains from Education.


 14:30 – 15:30 Lunch



Session V: Pharmaceutical Economics

Chair: Erntoft, S., Project Manager, Swedish Institute for Health Economics, Sweden.

1.      Lu, H., Economist, Applied Research and Analysis Directorate, Health Canada. Advertising, Physician Prescribing and Drug Pricing with Varying Patient Compliance.

2.      Birg, L., Phd Student, University of Kiel, Germany. Pharmaceutical Regulation and Switching Cost.

3.      Boring, A., Ph.D. Student, University Paris Dauphine, France. Protectionism or Precautionsim: The Controversy on U.S. Drug Imports.





Session VI: Social Health Care I

Chair: Lu, H., Economist, Applied Research and Analysis Directorate, Health Canada.

1.      Ali, M., Assistant Professor, University of Toledo, USA & Dwyer, D., Associate Professor, Stony Brook University, USA. A Model of Addiction, Resilience, and Adaptability among Adolescents.

2.      Finnvold, J.E., Researcher, Statistics, Norway. Equity and Child Health Care: The Case of Children with Asthma in Norway.

3.      Puspa, J., Researcher, Justus-Liebig University of Giessen, Germany. Healthy Eating Awareness and Prevention: Is there a Difference between Developed and Developing Countries?


20:30 – 22:30 Greek Night

Friday, July 11th, 2008



Session VII: Health Care Insurance

Chair: Papanikos, G.T., President and Director, ATINER

1.      Chunthai, K., Director of Bureau of Nursing, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand, Haruthai, C., Director of Bureau of Nursing, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand & Turner, K., Director of Bureau of Nursing, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand. Development of Lists and Referred Prices on Assistive Devices for Persons with Disability: A Supplementary System of the National Health Security System in Thailand.

2.      Reischl, U., Professor, Boise State University, USA. Public Utility Corporation Model for Comprehensive Health Insurance in the State of Idaho, USA.

3.      Trawick, M., Associate Professor, Western Kentucky University, USA, Kincaid, J., Associate Professor, Winston Salem State University, USA & Cain, M., Assistant Professor, Winston Salem State University, USA. Do More Generous State Benefits Improve Health Status?: A Study of Enhanced Medicaid Coverage and Prenatal Care in North Carolina.

4.      Yenimahalleri-Yasar, G., Lecturer, University of Ankara, Turkey. Funding Health Care in Turkey: Will the General Health Insurance Act Be Able to Solve the Efficiency and Sustainability Problems?

5.      Prangenberg, A., Scientific Assistant, University of Muenster, Germany & von Eliff, W., Professor, University of Muenster, Germany. Risk Management in the Medication Process.




Session VIII: Social Health Care II

Chair: *Ajami, S., Assistant Professor, Isfahan University, Iran.

1.      Lin, W.S., Associated Professor, Chia-Nan University of Pharmacy and Science, Taiwan & Hsieh C., Lecturer, Tainan University of Technology, Taiwan. A Study on Participating Behaviors of Patients in the Family Doctor Integrated Project. (Friday, July 11th, 2008,)

2.      Prieto, E., Director, Northern Illinois University, USA. Situational Sexuality Paradigm: An Examination of Male Heterosexual Sexual Preferred Acts and Attitudes and the Impact on Sexual Negotiations with Female Sex Workers in Tijuana, Mexico.

3.      Roberts, A., Head, North Glamorgan NHS Trust, U.K. & Smith, M., Lecturer, University of Glamorgan U.K. Getting the Best Start in Life.

4.      Ruser, J., Assistant Commissioner for Safety, US Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA & Nestoriak, N., Economist, US Bureau of Labor Statistics, USA. What Accounts for the Decline in Workplace Injuries and Illnesses?



Session IX: Health Economics II

Chair: Roufagalas, J., Professor, Troy University, USA.

1.      Jirojanakul, P., Director, Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Thailand, Chunthai, K., Director of Bureau of Nursing, Ministry of Health, Thailand & Haruthai, C., Director of Bureau of Nursing, Ministry of Health, Thailand. Introducing the Fixed Standard Price System and Co-Payment System into the Provision of Assistive Devices for Persons with Disability in Thailand.

2.      Robson, A., KTP Associate, Newcastle University, U.K., Bate, A., Lecturer, Newcastle University, U.K. & Donaldson, C., Health Foundation Chair in Health Economics, Newcastle University, U.K. Integrating Programme Budgeting and Marginal Analysis (PBMA) Into Health Service Commissioning: An Example from the English NHS. (Friday, July 11th, 2008)

3.      Honekamp, I., Researcher, University of Bamberg, Germany. The Impacts of Public Health Care Financing on Income Redistribution.

4.      Felso, F., Ph.D. Student, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Procurement of Intermediary Services: Interpreters in the Dutch Health Care.

5.      Eika, K., Ph.D. Student, University of Oslo, Norway. Powerless or just poorly informed? How does it matter for monitoring.



Session X: Equity Issues

Chair:  Honekamp, I., Researcher, University of Bamberg, Germany.

1.      Lee, M.C., Assistant Professor, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan. The Evolution of Income-Related Health Inequalities between 1992 and 2001 in Taiwan.

2.      Yung, C., Economist, Applied Research Analysis Directorate, Health, Canada. Are Differences in Access And Utilization of Health Care by Rural and Remote Communities in Canada, Explained By Socio-Economic Differences?

3.      Gnawali, D.P., Ph.D. Student, Department of Tropical Hygiene and Public Health, Heidelberg University, Germany. The Impact of Community-Based Health Insurance on Equity in Utilization of Modern Health Care in Rural Burkina Faso.

4.      Von Eliff, W., Professor, CKM, Germany & Henke, V., Scientific Assistant, CKM, Germany. Reuse of Single Patient Use Medical Devices.



13:30 – 14:30 Lunch


Session XI: Economic Evaluation

Chair: Prangenberg, A., Scientific Assistant, University of Muenster, Germany.

1.    Mak, C., Researcher, Victoria University, Australia & Islam, S.M.N., Professor, Victoria University, Australia. Equity and Health Economics: A New Cost Benefit Analysis.

2.    Pizzo, E., Ph.D. Student, UniversitaDegli Studi di Padova, Italy. An Estimate of the Difference in Costs and Benefits Alternative Methods of Delivery.

3.    Kritikou, P., Graduate Student, University of York, U.K. Cost Effectiveness of Biological Targeted Therapy for Breast Cancer.

4.    Gueant, S., Resident in Public health, MeaH, France. Quality and Productivity: The Data Envelopment analysisnApplied to Accident and Emergency Services.




Session XII: General Health Issues

Chair: Reischl, U., Professor, Boise State University, USA.

1.      Azadi, M., Ph.D in Health Care Management, Assistant Professor of Shahid Beheshti University, Iran. On tasks and Geographical Distribution of Health care system (Refferal) and Proposal of a new model in Iran.

2.      Bryla, M., Assistant Professor, Medical University of Lodz, Poland, Stelmach, W., Associate Professor, Medical University of Lodz, Poland & Maniecka-Bryla, I., Associate Professor, Medical University of Lodz, Poland. New Challenges Emerging From Polish Health Economics Studies Performed in Accordance with the Requirements of One of the American Schools of Public Health.

3.      Nola, I.A., Ph.D., Assistant at Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, Andrija Stampas School of Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia, Kulis, T., MD, Resident at Department of Urology, Clinical Hospital Zagreb, Croatia & Antonini, S., MD, PhD, Chief of Radiology Department, Health Care Center, Croatia. Making New Leaders in Managing Health Services- a Health Care Oriented Approach at Croatian Postgraduate Program.

4.      Laffan, C., Lecturer, University of Limerick, Ireland. Estimates of the Mobility of Mental Health: Results Based on a Binary Health Measure and Irish Micro-Data.

5.      Honekamp, W., Ph.D. Student, University for Health Sciences, Austria. Tailored Internet Information Supply for Patients.

6.      Van Scheers, L., Senior Lecturer, University of South Africa, South Africa & Cant, M., Professor, University of South Africa, South Africa. The Correlation between Job Satisfaction and Customer Service Levels at a Small Retailer in South Africa.

7.      Zare, H., Ph.D in Health Care Management, Manager of Health Economic Research Group of SSRI, Iran. A Comparative Study of Reforming Research Group in Health Care Package in Selected Countries & Designing a Suitable Model for Iran.




18:30 – 20:30 Dinner



Saturday, July 12th, 2008

Archaeological Tour: Departure at 08:00, Lunch 13:00, Return at 14:30


Sunday, June 13th, 2008

CRUISE: Departure at 07:00, Return at 20:30