10th International Conference on EDUCATION


26-29 May 2008

Athens, Greece



Organized by the Education Research Unit of the





Conference Venue: Metropolitan Hotel, 385 Syngrou Ave., 175 64, Athens, Greece


Organized by: ATINEP A.E. (atinerae@atiner.gr)

Administration: Fani Balaska, Eirini Lentzou, Thomas Papanikos, Sylia Sakka


  Organizing and Scientific Committee

1.      Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, President and Director, ATINER.

2.      Dr. Marina Stefania Giannakaki, Deputy Head, Research Unit of Education, ATINER.

3.      Dr. Nicholas Pappas, Vice-President, ATINER & Associate Professor, Sam Houston University, USA.

4.      Dr. Chris Sakellariou, Secretary, ATINER & Associate Professor, Nanyang University, Singapore.

5.      Dr. Annabel Droussiotis, Academic Member, ATINER & Assistant Professor, Intercollege, Cyprus.

6.      Dr. Stephen James Hole, Academic Member, ATINER & Senior Lecturer, Swansea Institute of Higher Education, U.K.

7.      Dr. Margarita Kefalaki, Researcher, ATINER.

8.      Dr. Stefanos Nastis, Academic Member, ATINER & University of Wyoming, USA.

9.      Dr. Donald V. Poochigian, Academic Member, ATINER & Professor, University of North Dakota, USA.

10.  Dr. John Kelvyn Richards, Academic Member, ATINER, Greece.

11.  Dr. John Roufagalas, Academic Member, ATINER & Professor, Truy University, USA.

12.  Dr. Leslie Stuart Woodcock, Academic Member, ATINER & Professor, University of Leeds, U.K.

13.  Dr. Phoebe Constantinou, Assistant Professor, Ithaca College, USA.

14.  Dr. Gregory A. Katsas, Associate Professor, The American College of Greece-Deree College, Greece.

15.  Dr. Gilda Socarras, Assistant Professor, Auburn University, USA.

Monday, May 26th, 2008

07:30-08:00 Registration 08:00-08:05 Welcome and Opening Remarks, Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, President and Director, ATINER, Greece


08:05-10:00 Monday, May 26th, 2008 (sessions include 10 minutes break)

08:05-10:00 Monday, May 26th, 2008
SESSION I (ROOM A) - Teacher Education I

Chair: Dr. Marina-Stefania Giannakaki, Director of Research, ATINER 


1      Burgess, L., Lecturer, University of London, U.K. Mediations between artistic and educational practice: Questioning the role of reflection in initial teacher education.

2      Sanders, J., Professor, Middle Tennessee State University, USA & *Hausler, J., Professor, Middle Tennessee State University, USA. Are pre-service teachers’ learning styles becoming more visual?

3      Ford, M., Associate Professor, Duquesne University, USA; Evans, B., Associate Professor, Duquesne University, USA; Lockett, L., Instructor, Duquesne University, USA. Field experience in teacher education: An analysis of teacher candidates’ learning.

4      Johnson, C., Lecturer, St. Mary’s University, U.K. Drama and dialogic talk in primary teacher education.

5      Smith, D., Lecturer, Liverpool Hope University, U.K. How are the assessments at intermediate level of an initial teacher training degree pathway ‘fit for purpose?’

6      Karababa, Z.C., Assistant Professor, Ankara University, Turkey. Prospective teachers’ attıtudes towards cooperatıve learnıng.


08:05-10:00 Monday, May 26th, 2008
SESSION II (ROOM B) - Special Needs Education I

Chair: Dr. Margarita Kefalaki, Researcher, ATINER


1   Tissot, C., Senior Lecturer, University of Reading, UK. Securing provision for children with autistic spectrum disorders:  A parents’ view.

2   Colley, D., Special Needs Adviser in the Isle of Man, Leicester University, U.K. Reproducing the Boxall Profile for secondary schools.

3   Forbes, F., Vice President, Australian Special Education Principals’ Association, Western Australia. School leadership and special education: An Australian perspective.

4   Beyers, C., Lecturer, University of the Free State, South Africa & Hay, J.F., Senior Lecturer and Associate Professor, University of the Free State, South Africa. HIV positive learners: Are teachers equipped to successfully include them in Southern African classrooms?

5   Amr, M., Ph.D. Student, Cambridge University, U.K. The effect of the graphical features of the Arabic text on the reading accuracy of the Jordanian dyslexics as compared to the non-dyslexics.

6   Ross-Watt, F., Lecturer, University of Strathclyde, UK. Meeting the challenge of inclusion?

08:05-10:00 Monday, May 26th, 2008
SESSION III (ROOM C) - Educational Policy and Management

Chair: Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, President and Director, ATINER.


1   Thomas, D., Professor, University of Central Missouri, USA & Machell, J., Dean, University of Central Oklahoma, USA. University-sponsored charter schools:  A unique component of the school choice movement.

2   Hornby, G., Professor, University of Canterbury, New Zealand. A survey of parental involvement in middle schools in New Zealand.

3   Wallis, J., Associate Professor, University of Nottingham, U.K. Lifelong Education, Human Capital and the Search for Utopia: A Northern Case Study

4   Tschannen-Moran, B., President, LifeTrek Coaching International, USA & Tschannaen-Moran, M., Associate Professor, The College of William & Mary, USA. Strengths-based focus improves school climate.

5   Devjak, S., Dean, Faculty of Administration, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia & Bernica, J., Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Administration, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Transparency of Economic Accessibility of Users in Kindergartens in Slovenia.

6   Colceag, F., Researcher, Academy of Economic Studies of Bucharest, Romania. Gaia theory and learning by doing strategy: A modern approach to decision-making.


10:00-12:00 Monday, May 26th, 2008
10:00-12:00 Monday, May 26th, 2008
SESSION IV (ROOM A)-Values and Citizenship Education

Chair: Karababa, Z.C., Assistant Professor, Ankara University, Turkey


1   Bouvier, F., Professor, University of Quebec, Canada. Applied research on the articulation of concepts in history and citizenship education in junior high school.

2   James, L., Visiting Fellow, University of Reading, U.K. & Davies, J., Lecturer, University of Reading, U.K. The value and contribution of the (re)-introduction of the whole curriculum approach to primary education in England and Wales with particular reference to citizenship education and training. Evolution or expediency?

3   Talshir, G., Senior Lecturer, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Educational welfare reform – Civic education and the theory/ideology/policy nexus: The case of new labour.

4   Moisan, S., Ph.D. Student, University of Montreal, Canada. Educating to values and citizenship in history classrooms - High school history teachers’ social representations.

5   Thomas, J., Ph.D. Student, Missouri State University, USA & Thomas, D., Professor, University of Central Missouri, USA. Frequency of academic dishonesty from elementary to post-graduate students.

6   Demirhan Iscan, C., Researcher, Ankara University, Turkey & Senemoglu, N., Professor, Hacettepe University. Turkey. Values educatıon program and its outcomes.

10:00-12:00 Monday, May 26th, 2008
SESSION V (ROOM B) - Teacher Education II

Chair: Hausler, J., Professor, Middle Tennessee State University, USA 


1   Sobelman, M., Associate Professor, New York University, USA; Krasnow, M., Associate Professor, New York University, USA; Lewis, E., Adjunct Assistant Professor, New York University, USA. Prospective teachers becoming researchers.

2   Varga-Atkins, T., Researcher, University of Liverpool, U.K.; Qualter, A., Head of Educational Development, University of Liverpool, U.K.; O’ Brien, M., Researcher, University of Liverpool, U.K. From 'believers' to 'sceptics': School professionals' attitudes to professional development in learning networks.

3   Baumanis, A., Vice-Chairman of the Board, School of Business Administration Turiba, Latvia. Factors influencing the number of teachers and the possibilities of forecasting them.

4   Can, V., Lecturer, Anadolu University, Turkey. A microteaching application on a teaching experience course.

5   Sahin, S., M.Sc. Cyprus International University, Cyprus. The concerns of preservice teachers.

6   Denny, M., Lecturer, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland. Exploring how teaching or multiple intelligence using a multiple intelligence teaching approach affected student achievement in an undergraduate nursing education programme in Ireland

7   Chesser-Smyth, P., Nurse Lecturer, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland. The effect of theoretical preparation and clinical practice on the development of self-confidence in Irish first year undergraduate nursing students.


10:00-12:00 Monday, May 26th, 2008

SESSION VI (ROOM C) - School Pedagogy

Chair: Dedze, I., Project Manager, University of Latvia, Latvia


1      Lanaris, C., Professor, University of Quebec in Outaouais, Canada. School-team collaboration and project-oriented pedagogy: Obstacles and facilitating conditions.

2      Lim, M., Assistant Professor, Georgia State University, USA & Howes, E., Assistant Professor, University of South Florida, USA. Making sense of inquiry teaching and learning from its authenticity to student learning context.

3      Chedzoy, S., Lecturer, University of Exeter, U.K. & Burden, R., Professor, University of Exeter, U.K. She can run fast, but he's too fat!" Primary School Children's Attributions for Success and Failure in Physical Education in UK school.

4      Monnard, I., Scientific Worker, University of Teacher Education, Switzerland & Rey Pellissier, J., Scientific Worker, University of Teacher Education, Switzerland. Influence of educational devices on students’ motivation.

5      Aydogan, Y., Assistant Professor, Abant Izzet Baysal University, Turkey. The relationship between problem solving skills and in-class activities.

6      Jones, D., Reader, Brunel University, U.K., Ludhra, G., Lecturer in Education, Brunel University, U.K. British South-Asian adolescent girls within secondary school contexts - The rich tapestry of two cultures.

7      Caraiani, C., Student, University of Bucharest, Romania. Relations between behavioral levels at gifted children.


12:00-13:30 Monday, May 26th, 2008
12:00-13:30 Monday, May 26th, 2008
SESSION VII (ROOM A) - Nurse and Patient Education

Chair: Nicola Andrew, Senior Lecturer, Glasgow Caledonian University, U.K


1   Hall-Lord, M.L., Professor, Gjovik University College, Norway & Karlsson, I., Lecturer, Gjovik University College, Norway. Nursing students’ perceptions’ of the education in a Swedish university.

2   Honey, M., Lecturer, University of Auckland, New Zealand; Lim, G., University of Auckland, New Zealand; Mathew, T., University of Auckland, New Zealand. Undergraduate nurses’ perception of applying their pharmacology knowledge to practice.

3   Hourican, S., Lecturer, Dublin City University, Ireland & McGrath, M., Lecturer, Dublin City University, Ireland. The development, implementation and evaluation of a management simulation exercise to prepare 4th year nursing students for the role of staff nurse.

4   Suliman/Thaher, W., Dean, King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia; Welmann, E., Head, Nursing Dept, King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Saudi Arabia; Omer, T., Associate Dean, King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Saudi Arabia; Thomas, L., Lecturer of Nursing, King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Saudi Arabia. Evaluation of patients’ perception of being cared for, based on the nursing theory of Jean Watson.

5   Wu, L., Ph.D. Student, Kings College London, U.K. A nurse-led telephone follow-up education for diabetic patients - A randomised controlled trial.

12:00-13:30 Monday, May 26th, 2008
SESSION VIII (ROOM B)– Cognitive Development and Learning

Chair: *Jones, D., Reader, Brunel University, U.K.


1      Geake, J., Professor, Oxford Brookes University, U.K. Neuroimaging fluid analogical thinking: An educational neuroscience study.

2      Wang, Z., Assistant Professor, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, China. School readiness: What does ToM (Theory of Mind) have to do with it?

3      Janse van Rensburg, O., Lecturer, North-West University, South Africa. The influence of a conceptual stimulation programme for Grade 1 learners.

4      Dafiotis, P., Ph.D. Student, University of London, U.K. A meta-representation of thinking on thinking.

5      Dikici Sigirtmac, A., Assistant Professor, Cukurova University, Turkey. 36-84 months-old children’s understanding of facial expressions.

6      Canadas Osinski, I., Professor, University of Miguel Hernandez, Spain, Trado Gonzalez, S., Professor, University of Miguel Hernandez, Spain & Bautista Ortuno, R., Professor, University of Miguel Hernandez, Spain. A New Instrument for the Valuation of Aptitudes or Knowledge.



12:00-13:30 Monday, May 26th, 2008

SESSION IX (ROOM C) - Language Teaching & Learning I

Chair: Leslie S. Woodcock, School of Education, University of Leeds, UK


1   Ariogul, S., Lecturer, Hacettepe University, Turkey. Examining English language teachers’ reasoning and interactive decision-making.

2   Zhao, W., Ph.D. Student, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China & Coniam, D., Chair, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China. Vocational English curriculum in mainland China: A critical view.

3   Liu, S.H.J., Ph.D. Student, Newcastle University, U.K. Listening comprehension strategies and learning style in foreign language learning.

4   Yang, M., Ph.D. Student, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China. English curriculum innovation from the activity theory perspective.

5   Aylar, E., Researcher, Ankara University, Turkey; Haysirse, F., Researcher, Ankara University, Turkey; Yildiz, A., Researcher, Ankara University, Turkey. Educational needs of the adult literacy program: Instructors and their thoughts on adult literacy programs in Turkey.

6   Davis, J., Associate Professor, California State University, USA. An exploration of the efficacy of advance organizers in reading comprehension and recall in high school and middle school students.



13:30 – 15:00 LUNCH
15:00-16:45 Monday, May 26th, 2008
15:00-16:45 Monday, May 26th, 2008
SESSION X (ROOM A) - Higher Education I

Chair: Hall-Lord, M.L., Professor, Gjovik University College, Norway


1   Magnusson, C., Researcher, University of Surrey, U.K. & Horton, K., Lecturer, University of Surrey, U.K. Student retention in higher education: Role and process of student exit interviews.

2   Jereb, E., Associate Professor, University of Maribor, Slovenia & Ferjan, M., Associate Professor, University of Maribor, Slovenia. Study progress in higher education.

3   Seyhan Yucel, M., Assistant Professor, Trakya University, Turkey. A study on the motivational factors of students in Trakya University, German Language Teaching Department.

4   Canca Zeki Perkan, Senior Instructor, Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyprus. The determination of the relationship between the university students’ areas of interest and their academic achievements from different perspectives.

5   Dincyürek, S., Senior Instructor, Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyprus, Kiralp, Y., Instructor, Near East University, Cyprus, & Sahin S., Instructor, International Cyprus University, Cyprus. Self-respect and assertiveness level of the psychological counseling and guidance students


15:00-16:45 Monday, May 26th, 2008
SESSION XI (ROOM B) - ICT in Teaching and Learning I 

Chair: Geake, J., Professor, Oxford Brookes University, U.K.


1   Robles, M., Professor, Eastern Kentucky University, USA. A study of student use of laptop computers in the high school classroom.

2   Lockart, G., Professor, Eastern Illinois University, USA. Implementation of computer technology in reading programs using accelerated reader: Perceived and real effects on middle school students.

3   Rumpite, D., Associate Professor, Riga Technical University, Latvia. Online course design for integrating creative learning methodology with the study of English for engineering students.

4   Goulao, M.F., Assistant Professor, University of Alberta, Portugal. Distance learning – A strategy for lifelong learning.

5   Kilimci, S., Researcher and Lecturer, Uppsala University, Turkey & Asci, M., Researcher, Uppsala University, Turkey. Using internet communication to support students’ speaking and listening development.

6   Suleiman, I., Researcher, Aljamiado Learning Technologies, Nazareth, Salman, T., Researcher, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa & Arslan-Suleiman, M., Lecturer, Sakhnin Education College, Nazareth. Integrating a Modified Genetic Algorithm into Computerized Assessment Tool for School Readiness.





15:00-16:45 Monday, May 26th, 2008
SESSION XII (ROOM C) - Teachers’ Professional Identities

Chair: Davis, J., Associate Professor, California State University, USA


1   Hodson, P., Lecturer, Kingston University, U.K. & Jones, D., Reader, Brunel University, U.K. The role of higher education in redefining the concept of teacher professionalism.

2   Andrew, N., Senior Lecturer, Glasgow Caledonian University, U.K & *Ferguson, D., Head of Division of Community Health, Glasgow Caledonian University, U.K. Turning nurses into teachers: A work-based learning approach to the development of professional identity in teaching.

3   Triantafyllaki, A., Ph.D. Student, University of Cambridge, U.K. Workplaces as ‘landscapes’ for musical performance teachers’ professional identity formation.

4   Gurbo, M., Director, InVITe Consulting, Ltd. Latvia; *Dedze, I., Project Manager, University of Latvia, Latvia; Jemeljanova, I., Senior expert, InVITe Consulting, Ltd, Latvia. The status of teaching profession and ways to improve it as perceived by various target groups.

5   Alzaidi, A., Ph.D. Student, Newcastle University, U.K. Secondary school head teachers job satisfaction in Saudi Arabia: The results of a mixed methods approach.










16:45-18:30 Monday, May 26th, 2008

16:45-18:30 Monday, May 26th, 2008

SESSION XIII I (ROOM A) - Sciences Education

Chair: Gurbo, M., Director, InVITe Consulting, Ltd. Latvia


1   Allen, M., Lecturer, Brunel University, U.K. Promoting learner error provides affectual stimulation, triggering engagement and conceptual change.

2   Phang binti Abdullah, F.A., Ph.D. Student, University of Cambridge, U.K. Patterns of physics problem-solving among secondary school students from the perspective of metacognition.

3   Lopes, J.B., Associate Professor, Departamento de Física, UTAD, Vila Real. Portugal. Poster - Main orientations of science education research and research types: A critical analysis of the most influential papers (1993-2002).

4   Jakubowski, M., Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Warsaw University; CASE - Center for Economic and Social Research. Using PIRLS, TIMSS and PISA individual data to estimate achievement growth.

5   Durmaz, H., Assistant Professor, Trakya University, Turkey & Ozyildirim, H, Assistant Professor, Trakya University, Turkey. Using extraction experiment as a tool for teaching scientific process skills.

6   Delibas, H., Teacher, Ankara University, Turkey & Babadoğan, C., Lecturer, Ankara University, Turkey. A comparison of biology teacher education programmes in Germany, England and Turkey.

7   Guneyli, A., Professor, Near East University, Turkey & Ozdemir, S., Ph.D. Student, Middle East Technical University, Turkey. Problems that novice teachers experience and challenges in teacher education (Turkish sample).

16:45-18:30 Monday, May 26th, 2008
SESSION XIV (ROOM B) - Higher Education II

Chair: Leslie S. Woodcock, School of Education, University of Leeds, UK


1         Lambert, M., Lecturer, University of Wolverhampton, U.K. & Rozsahegyi, T., Lecturer, University of Wolverhampton, U.K. ‘Resits’: Undergraduate students’ retrieval of failed assessments.

2         Larsgaard, J., Instructor, Eastern Kentucky University, USA. Gleaning salient information from a mountain of reading: The graduate student’s dilemma. One part of the solution through voice recognition technology.

3         Rodriguez Luengo, Y., Professor and Director of GEA’s Research Team, University Francisco of Vitoria, Spainç Del Arco, E.A., Professor, University Francisco of Vitoria, Spain; Cerezo Lopez, Y., Professor, University Francisco of Vitoria, Spain; De Dios Alija, T., Professor, University Francisco of Vitoria, Spain; Valbuena Martinez, M.C., Professor, University Francisco of Vitoria, Spain. A tool proposal to assess competences in Business and Administration Degree.

4         Cabral dos Santos Reis, M.J., Professor, University of Tras-os-Montes & Alto Douro, Portugal & Alves Domingos Reis, M.G., Professor, Agrupamento Vertical de Escolas do Peso da Regua, Portugal. Helping Portuguese informatics and ICT curricula students at the UTAD university: Making the transition to the Bologna Paradigm.

5         Yu, X., Ph.D. Student, University of Newcastle, U.K. Job satisfaction of university academics: A perspective from China.

6         Ganesh, K., Ph.D. Student, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. What makes a good educator? An exploration of personality traits of educators based on current interventions and approaches.


16:45-18:30 Monday, May 26th, 2008
SESSION XV (ROOM C0 - Arts Education

Chair: Ferguson, D., Head of Community Health, Glasgow Caledonian University, U.K.


1         Robins, C., Lecturer, University of London, U.K. Practice-based research in art and design education: Embodying knowledge and eschewing established methodology.

2         Addison, N., Lecturer, University of London, U.K. Image and text: Questioning and reconfiguring false dichotomies in educational research.

3         Lau, W.C.M., Assistant Professor, Hong Kong Institute of Education, China. Understanding the ways of promoting children’s musical creativity: A study of preschool teachers’ views.

4         Meecham, P., Lecturer, University of London, U.K. In defence of uselessness: Interpreting the museum object.

5         Stylianou, E., Postdoctoral Fellow, University of London, U.K. 'Ugly' artifact: Narratives of de-formation and the abject.

6         Mannis, A., Project Manager and Subject Adviser, University of Liverpool, U.K. & Taylor, I., Educational Adviser, University of Liverpool, U.K. Beyond the Tick-Box Approach: Building Partnerships with Students to Improve Learning Quality.




08:00-09:30 Tuesday, May 27th, 2008
8:00-09:30 Tuesday, May 27th, 2008
SESSION XVI (ROOM A) - Gifted and Talented Education
Chair: Stivachtis, I., Director, Virginia Tech, USA.


1         Coates, D., Lecturer, University of Hull, U.K.; Thompson, W., Lecturer, University of Hull, U.K.; Shimmin, A., Headteacher and Head of Centre, McMillan Nursery School and Children’s Centre, U.K. Using learning journeys to develop a challenging curriculum for gifted children in a nursery (kindergarten) setting.

2         Metin, N., Professor, Hacettepe University, Turkey. Program enrichment for gifted children in regular classes.

3         Daglioglu, H.A., Assistant Professor, Gazi University, Turkey. Teachers’ biases in gifted children identification process.

4         VanBlarcom, M., Faculty, Nova Scotia Community College, Canada. Portfolio learning.



8:00-09:30 Tuesday, May 27th, 2008

SESSION XVII (ROOM B) - Sciences Education II

Chair: Hall-Lord, M.L., Professor, Gjovik University College, Norway.


1         Puvirajah, A., Assistant Professor, Georgia State University, USA. A teacher's role in facilitating her students' environmental research projects: A nature of scientific inquiry perspective.

2         Ngan, S.F., Senior Teaching Fellow, Hong Kong Institute of Education, China & Kwok, W., Senior Teaching Fellow, Hong Kong Institute of Education, China. Learning about nature in a commercial city: Hong Kong.

3         Rodríguez-González, E., Person in Charge of Communications, Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal (CReSA), UAB-IRTA, Spain. A successful activity for motivating our students in science and research.






8:00-09:30 Tuesday, May 27th, 2008
SESSION XVIII (ROOM C) - Managing Challenging Behaviour

Chair: Abraham, G.Y., Ph.D. Student, Goteborg University, Sweden.


1         Kesner, J., Associate Professor, Georgia State University, USA & Binghom, G., Assistant Professor, Georgia State University, USA. Mandated reporting of child maltreatment in the US: An analysis of the reporting practices of school personnel.

2         Hollenshead, J.H., Associate Professor, Louisiana State University, USA; White, B.A., System School Psychologist, Caddo Parish School Board, USA; Jones, G.E., Professor and Department Chair, Louisiana State University, USA. A comparison of exemplary and non-exemplary PBIS schools as measured by suspension rates.

3         Deniz, M., Researcher, Ankara University, Turkey & Ayas, T., Researcher, Ankara University, Turkey. The prevalence and nature of bullyıng in prımary schools (Turkısh sample).

4         Sen, M., Researcher, Ankara University, Turkey. Aggression in preschoolers: A retrospective perspective.

5         Alexander, G., Lecturer, University of the Free State, South Africa, November, I., Lecturer, University of the Free State, South Africa & van Wyk, M., Lecturer, University of the Free State, South Africa. Do Principal-Educators in RSA Necessarily have the Capacity to Engender Democratic Practices for Democratic Citizenship to Transform Schools?


09.30-11:30 Tuesday, May 27th, 2008

09.30-11:30 Tuesday, May 27th, 2008
SESSION XIX (ROOM A) - ICT in Teaching and Learning II

Chair: Diana Rumpite, Associate Professor, Riga Technical University, Latvia.


1         Rey Pellissier, J., Scientific Worker, University of Teacher Education, Switzerland; Monnard, I., Scientific Worker, University of Teacher Education, Switzerland; Coen, P.F., Professor, University of Teacher Education, Switzerland; Jauquier, L., Scientific Worker, University of Teacher Education, Switzerland. Educational issues related to ICT integration practices.

2         Wang, L.C.C., Associate Professor, Cleveland State University, USA & Huang, C.H., Ph.D. Student, National Chengchi University, Taiwan. Technology use in Taiwanese elementary schools.

3         Berkant, H.G., Professor, Cukurova University, Turkey & Efendioglu, A., Lecturer, Cukurova University, Turkey. The effects of computer based genetics lessons on the academic achievements of eight grade students.

4         Alper, A., Instructor, Ankara University, Turkey. Perceptions of web-based course scale: Adaptation study.

5         Ayas, T., Lecturer, Ankara University, Turkey  & Cakir Balta, O., Lecturer, Ankara University, Turkey, & Horzum, M.B., Lecturer, Ankara University, Turkey. Adolescence computer addiction scale.

6         Morley, G., Lecturer, University of Huddersfield, U.K. Are Key Stage 2 teachers keeping pace with ICT: if not why not and how can they be helped?



09.30-11:30 Tuesday, May 27th, 2008

SESSION XX (ROOM B) – Curricular Issues

Chair: Diener, D. Ph.D. Student, Indiana University, USA.


1         Sheley, N.S., Associate Professor, California State University Long Beach, USA. Curricular commonalities in conflicted countries: Rwanda, Cyprus, and the U.S.

2         Diener, D., Ph.D. Student, Indiana University, USA. Philosophy, education and Dewey: A neglected union.

3         Ershadi Manesh, S., Ph.D. Student, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. Can we think how important creativity is? Goals for incorporating a creativity programme into today’s school effectiveness programme in mainstream schools.

4         Abraham, G.Y., Ph.D. Student, Goteborg University, Sweden. Curriculum reform and life orientation education in post-apartheid South Africa.

5         Mikutaviciene, In., Ph.D. Student, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania & Pukelis, K., Professor and Head of Department of Social Sciences, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania. The role of education in the transmission of intergenerational inequalities: “Reducer” or “producer”.

6         Van Studen, A., Badinherd, M.B. and Alexander, G. Prerequisites for reading success among Sotho-speaking learners in South Africa: The importance of mother tongue instruction and phonological awareness skills.




09.30-11:30 Tuesday, May 27th, 2008

SESSION XXI (ROOM C)- Language Teaching and Learning II

Chair: Ariogul, S., Lecturer, Hacettepe University, Turkey.


1         Stivachtis, I., Director, Virginia Tech, USA. The European Union's language policy: Implications for education

2         Ng, M.L., Lecturer, Hong Kong Institute of Education, China & Chan, W.L., Lecturer, Hong Kong Institute of Education, China. English immersion experience for Hong Kong preschoolers: What can we hear from children’s voices?

3         Bidlake, E., Ph.D. Student, Newcastle University, U.K. Investigation into lone language learning.

4         Saricoban, A., Assistant Professor, Hacettepe University, Turkey. Is L1 permissible in learning L2? Why, when and how much? A case study.

5         Wang, Y.Y., Ph.D. Student, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China. Literature review of second language teaching and learning. 

6         Pehlivan, A., Dean, Cyprus International University, Cyprus & Adalier, A., Faculty Member, Cyprus International University, Cyprus. Beyond the prescriptive approach: Towards the language of education regarding the writings of Turkish Cypriot children.




11:30-13:00 Tuesday, May 27th, 2008

11:30-13:00 Tuesday, May 27th, 2008
SESSION XXII (ROOM A) - Teachers and ICT

Chair: Puvirajah, A., Assistant Professor, Georgia State University, USA.


1         Akkoyunlu, B., Professor, Hacettepe University, Turkey & Kurbanoglu, S., Professor, Hacettepe University, Turkey. Teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs about information literacy.

2         Manuel Salvador, A.L., Assistant Professor, University of Acores, Portugal; Lima, P.F.G., Assistant Professor, University of Acores, Portugal; Cascalho, J.M., Assistant Professor, University of Acores, Portugal. Hot Potatoes in collaborative teacher training.

3         Lam, W. M. S., Lecturer, Hong Kong Institute of Education, China. Innovate Online Learning for the early childhood educator in music.

4         Soylu, F., Ph.D. Student, Indiana University, USA. Academics’ views on and uses of wikipedia.

5         Orhan, F., Lecturer, University of Yildiz Technic, Turkey & Sensoy, O., Curriculum Designer, Sisli Terakki High School, Turkey. The relatıonshıp between  teachers’ views about the advantages of computer assısted teachıng and computer self-effıcacy belıefs.


11:30-13:00 Tuesday, May 27th, 2008
SESSION XXIII (ROOM B) - Higher Education III

Chair: Sheley, N.S., Associate Professor, California State University Long Beach, USA.


1         Shaw, A., Programme Director, Hull University, U.K. & Palaiologou, I., Lecturer, Nottingham Trent University, U.K. Do they all wear black caps and gowns and use long words? A case study to examine whether English higher education students have stereotypical views of their lecturers and how far the university experience, in different institutions, modifies these views.

2         Dircksen, M., Associate Professor, North-West University, U.K. Teaching Latin at a South African university in 2007: Some survival strategies.

3         Mrayyan, M., Dean, Hashemite University, Jordan. Readiness of organizations for change, motivation and conflict-handling intentions: Senior nursing students’ perceptions.

4         Cuffy, V.V., PhD Researcher, University of Surrey, U.K. Tourism education and training: A strategic and holistic approach.


11:30-13:00 Tuesday, May 27th, 2008
SESSION XXIV (ROOM C) - Intercultural Education I

Chair: Devjak, T., Professor, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia


1         Leitschum, G. A., Professor, Eastern Illinois University, USA. Racism and discrimination:  How students learn from one another.

2         Maharaja, G., Academic Advisor, Duquesne University, USA. The impact of study abroad on college students' intercultural competence.

3         Keane, M., Boarders, Academic Advisor, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. Boundaries and frontiers: First year experience in a culturally diverse university.

4         Anspoka, Z., Professor, Riga Teacher Training and Education Management Academy, Latvia & Silina-Jasjukevica, G., Lecturer, Riga Teacher Training and Education Management Academy, Latvia. Traditional culture in the content of current education: Reality and opportunities.

5         Siwarom, S., Associate Professor, Chiang Mai University, Thailand. Encoding of indigenous content: Mental space of Karen people.


13:00-14:30 Tuesday, May 27th, 2008

13:00-14:30 Tuesday, May 27th, 2008

SESSION XXV (ROOM A) - Early Childhood Education

Chair: Lim, S. E. A., Head, Dept of Early Childhood Education, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, China


1         Cheung, H.P.R., Assistant Professor, Hong Kong Institute of Education, China. Designing movement activities to promote children's creativity in early childhood education.

2         Devjak, T., Assistant Professor, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia & Bercnik, S., Assistant Professor, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Parents’ views on preschool care and education in the local community.

3         Chan, W.L., Lecturer, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, China. Identifying the teaching and learning approaches in kindergartens of varying quality in Hong Kong.

4         Lau, S.C.H., Teaching Fellow, Hong Kong Institute of Education, China. A survey of current assessment practices in the day nurseries (HK) – Some challenges and opportunities for portfolio assessment.

5         "Üstün, E., Professor, Hacettepe University, Turkey & Boz, M., Research Assistant, Hacettepe University, Turkey & Metin O. Research Assistant Hacettepe University, Turkey. Views of the Preschool Teachers regarding the Content and Implementation of the Movement Education in Preschool. "



13:00-14:30 Tuesday, May 27th, 2008
SESSION XXVI (ROOM B)-Mathematics education

Chair: Siwarom, S., Associate Professor, Chiang Mai University, Thailand.


1         Williams, D., Assistant Professor, Kennesaw State University, USA; Gardner, K., Assistant Professor, Clayton State University, USA; Thomas, C., Associate Professor, Georgia State University, USA. Secondary mathematics teachers’ understanding and design of performance-based tasks within an urban context.

2         Hodnik Cadez, T., Assistant Professor, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia & Manfred a Kolar, V., Assistant Professor, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. An analysis of the role of didactic material for the teaching and learning of mathematical concepts.

3         Gonzalez, P. F., Assistant Professor, University of Acores, Portugal; Cascalho, J.M., Assistant Professor, University of Acores, Portugal; Lima, M.S., Assistant Professor, University of Acores, Portugal. Pythagoras at school: Improving mathematics learning using virtual and concrete materials and alternative practices.

4         Kyriakides, A., Ph.D. Student, The Open University, U.K. The natural relationship between fraction multiplication and area: A myth or a reality?

13:00-14:30 Tuesday, May 27th, 2008
SESSION XXVII (ROOM C)-Teacher Competence and Performance 

Chair: Orhan, F., Lecturer, University of Yildiz Technic, Turkey.


1         Connell, A., PGCE ICT Course Leader, Keele University, U.K. & Mattinson, K., Director ITE, Keele University, U.K. A reflection on the development and use of exemplification materials and descriptors to embed the 2007 revised standards for Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) for England and to challenge trainee teachers to go beyond ‘satisfactory’.

2         Nordanger, U.K., Assistant Professor, University of Kalmar, Sweden & Lindqvist, P., Assistant Professor, University of Kalmar, Sweden. Experiences and expressions: The core of teachers’ competence – and how they talk about it.

3         Diagne, D., Lecturer, University of Geneva, Switzerland. Does performance related pay for teachers work in education? A review of some empirical evidence.

4         Neophytou, L., Special Educational Personnel, University of Cyprus, Cyprus & Koutselini, M., Associate Professor, University of Cyprus, Cyprus. Self-reported emotional intelligence and university students´ performance and personal beliefs and theories of teaching and learning.

5         Ergul, A., Researcher, Ankara University, Turkey. Sense of humour in preschool teachers.


14:30 – 16:00 LUNCH

16:00-18:00 Tuesday, May 27th, 2008

16:00-18:00 Tuesday, May 27th, 2008
SESSION XXVIII (ROOM A) - Teacher Education III

Chair: Chan, W.L., Lecturer, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, China.


1         Hamilton, L., Head of Education and Society, University of Edinburgh, U.K. Searching for connection and relevance in initial teacher education.

2         Verma, G., Assistant Professor, Georgia State University, USA & Martin-Hansen, L., Assistant Professor, Georgia State University, USA. Engaging teachers in reflective inquiry practices for diverse learners: Preservice teachers’ experience with reflective lesson study focusing on inquiry teaching.

3         Chedzoy, S., Lecturer, University of Exeter, U.K., & Burden, R., Professor, University of Exeter, U.K. The Contribution of Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) to Understanding pre-service Teachers' Attitudes towards Teaching Dance as a Curriculum Subject.

4         Junor Clarke, P.A., Assistant Professor, Georgia State University, USA. Attitudes and developing practices of preservice secondary school mathematics teachers for the urban context.

5         Dinc, B., Lecturer, Anadolu University, Turkey & Ersoy, A.F. Assistant Professor, Anadolu University, Turkey. The perceptions of preschool pre-service teachers related to the ‘children’s rights’ education course.

6         Kruger, C. G., Lecturer, North West University, South Africa. In service training of ECD teachers in a developing country: The challenges and possible solutions.


16:00-18:00 Tuesday, May 27th, 2008

SESSION XXIX (ROOM B) - Intercultural Education II

Chair: Morley, G., Lecturer, University of Huddersfield, U.K.


1         Chang, M., Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech. USA; Singh, K., Professor, Virginia Tech. USA; Kim, S., Ph.D. Student, Virginia Tech. USA. A longitudinal study of the effects of all-day programs for schools with high population of minority students.

2         Wong, Y.F. L., Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong & Leung, C.S. S., Associate Professor, Departure of Early Childhood Education, Institute of Education of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Bilingual education of ethnic minority primary school children in Hong Kong.

3         Boz, A., Lecturer, Siirt University, Turkey. Levels of perception and capability of problem solving of administrators to educational problems originating from migration.

4         Hsin, M.C., Ph.D. Student, Newcastle University, U.K. Peer influences on adolescents’ romantic relationships.

5         Lim, S. E. A., Head, Dept of Early Childhood Education, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, China & Li Y.L, Associate Professor, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, China. Views on the Hong Kong Language Policy.

6         Leung C. S., Associate Professor, Department of Early Childhood Education, Institute of Education of Hong Kong & Lim S.E.A., Head, Dept of Early Childhood Education, The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Undergraduate students’ experiences in language proficiency attainment and their views.


16:00-18:00 Tuesday, May 27th, 2008
SESSION XXX (ROOM C) - Special Needs Education II

Chair: Connell, A., PGCE ICT Course Leader, Keele University, U.K


1         Bayliss, P., Senior Lecturer, School of Education and Lifelong Learning, University of Exeter, U.K. & Avramidis, E., Senior Lecturer, School of Education and Lifelong Learning, University of Exeter, U.K. Common practice for inclusion: Educational borrowing in Greece?

2         Fazlioglu, Y., Assistant Professor, Trakya University, Turkey & Unal, A., Art Teacher, Trakya University, Turkey. Examining the effect of art education on the sensory problems of children with autism.

3         Gerosimou, E., Ph.D. Student, University of Hull, U.K. What are the significant pedagogical (learning and teaching) issues for the inclusion of all children, with a focus on knowledge, for primary school teachers in Cyprus?

4         Piscalkiene, V., PhD, Lecturer, Kaunas College, Lithuania. Experimental training of children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

5         Can, G., Faculty, Anadolu University, Turkey. The current status of guidance and counseling in the Turkish educational system.

6         Alexander, G., Lecturer, University of the Free State, Qwaqwa Campus & Hlalele, D., Senior Lecturer, University of the Free State, Qwaqwa Campus. Are our schools getting ready for inclusion? : A reality check.



20:00-21:00 DINNER



Wednesday, May 28th, 2008

Archaeological Tour: Departure at 8:30 a.m. Return at 4:30 p.m.


Thursday, May 29th, 2008

CRUISE: Departure at 7:00 a.m. Return at 8:30 p.m.