International Conference on PSYCHOLOGY

9-12 July 2007

Athens, Greece


Organized by


Conference Venue: Athens Cultural Centre of the Municipality of Athens, 50 Akademias Avenue (Metro Station Panepistimiou).

  Organizing and Scientific Committee

  1. Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, President and Director, ATINER.
  2. Dr. Nicholas Pappas, Vice-President, ATINER & Professor, Sam Houston University, USA.
  3. Dr. Gregory A. Katsas, Head, Sociology Research Unit, ATINER & Professor, The American College of Greece-Deree College, Greece.
  4. Dr. Theofilos Theophanides, Academic Member, ATINER & Emeritus Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece.
  5. Dr. Jorja Manos Leap, Professor, UCLA School of Public Policy, USA
  6. Dr. Bryan D. Fantie, Associate Professor, American University, USA.
  7. Dr. Marina Stefania Giannakaki, Deputy Head, Research Unit of Education, ATINER.
  8. Dr. Daphne Halkias, Research Associate, Long Island University, USA.



Fani Balaska, Natasa Filiou, Eirini Lentzou, Thomas Papanikos, Sylia Sakka.


 (The time for each session includes a 10 minutes coffee break)

Monday, July 9th, 2007


07:30-08:15 Registration

08:15-08:30 Welcome and Opening Remarks

Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, President and Director, ATINER.

08:30-10:00 Monday, July 9th, 2007

Session I:  Employment Issues & Training

Chair: Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, President and Director, ATINER.

  1. Becker, D., Assistant Professor, Dartmouth Medical School, USA. Long-term Follow-up of Supported Employment Programs.
  2. McDonald, B.L., Lecturer, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. In From the Cold: Developing Training to Impact.
  3. Dehghani, M., Ph.D., & Paknejad, M., Researcher, Jahad Daneshgahi, Tehran University, Iran. Does Money Work for All? A Study on Predictor Factors of Job Satisfaction in a Large Governmental Railway Transport Company in Iran.
  4. Oosthuizen, R.M., Industrial Psychologist, University of South Africa, South Africa. An Empirical Investigation of Job and Family Stressors amongst Firefighters in the South African Context. (Monday, 9th July 2007, morning)
  5. Owen, C., Assistant Professor, Marymount Manhattan College, USA, Solomon, L., Associate Professor, Marymount Manhattan College, USA, Kline, L., Student, Marymount Manhattan College, USA, Mallozzi, L., Student, Marymount Manhattan College, USA & Wareham, C., Student, Marymount Manhattan College, USA. Mentoring: A Potential Solution to Professional Burnout. (Monday, 9th July 2007, morning)


10:00-11:30 Monday, July 9th, 2007

Session II: Cultural Issues

Chair: Dr. Gregory A. Katsas, Head, Sociology Research Unit, ATINER & Professor, The American College of Greece-Deree College, Greece. 

  1. Heath, L., Professor, Loyola University Chicago, USA. Effects of Mass Media on Fear of Crime: Trinidad Compared with the United States.
  2. Corbett, C., Associate Professor, Gallaudet University, USA & Miller, M., Associate Professor, Gallaudet University, USA. Perspectives on Psychology & the Deaf Community: Assessment, Education, Intervention, & Cultural Considerations.
  3. Varnum, M., Ph.D. Student, University of Michigan, USA. The Transition From Communism and Shifts Toward Independent Values and Theory of Agency in Post-Communist Central European Societies.
  4. Esbati, Z., Researcher, Tehran University, Iran, Ruscito, F., Student, Carleton University, Canada & Thorngate, W., Associate Professor, Carleton University, Canada. Cultural Differences in Daily Tasks.


11:30-13:00 Monday, July 9th, 2007

Session III:  Gender-Related Differences & Issues

Chair: Owen, C., Assistant Professor, Marymount Manhattan College, USA.

  1. Lambidoni, E., EdD doctoral student, Department of Developmental Studies and Counseling, School of Education, Boston University, USA & Brody, L., Full Professor, Department of Psychology, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Boston University, USA. Gender Differences in Themes and Coping Styles in the Narrative Disclosure Task.
  2. Maree, DJF., Professor, University of Pretoria, South Africa & Maree, M., Project Manager, University of Pretoria, South Africa. Gender differences in hope, goals and academic performance in South Africa.
  3. D’Amico, R., Researcher, National Research Councils, Italy, Canetto, S., Researcher, National Research Councils, Italy & Vermigli, P., Researcher, National Research Councils, Italy. Women as Psychology Academies: The Case of Italy. (Monday, 9th July 2007)
  4. Heidari, M., Academic Member, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran & Dehghani, M., Assistant Professor, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran. The Effect of Shift Work on Marital Satisfaction of Female Nurses.
  5. Boyle, E., Lecturer, University of Paisley, UK, Connolly, T., Lecturer, University of Paisley, UK & Hainey, T., Lecturer, University of Paisley, UK. Gender differences in Students’ Reasons for Playing Computer Games.


13:00-14:30 LUNCH


14:30-16:00 Monday, July 9th 2007

Session IV: Parenting

Chair: Fanti, K., Visiting Lecturer, University of Cyprus.

  1. Polychronopoulos, E., Ph.D. Student, Old Dominion University, USA & Polychronopoulou, A., MPH, Greek Department of Health, Greece. A Process Context Model of Determinants in Maternal Use of Corporal Punishment.
  2. Patrikakou, E., Associate Professor, DePaul University, USA. Parent Involvement: Myths and Facts.
  3. Zadeh Mohammadi, A., Assistant Professor, Shahid Beheshti University, Iran & Gei Tehrani, N., Senior expert, Ministry of Cultural & Guidance, Iran. The Study of the Relationship Between Skilled and Non-Skilled Workers on Family Function & Parenting Style.
  4. Kownacki R., Ph.D., Dallas, Texas, USA. Do not Go Gentle: Successful Aging.



16:00-17:30 Monday, July 9th 2007

Session V: Methodology

Chair: Polychronopoulos, E., Ph.D. Student, Old Dominion University, USA

  1. Pickering, G., Associate Professor, Brock University, Canada. Astringency: Perception and Mechanisms.
  2. Coogan, J., Lecturer, University of East London, UK. A Study into Teachers Views on Mathematics in the UK using a Q Methodological Approach.
  3. Fanti, K., Visiting Lecturer, University of Cyprus. Applying Latent Class Growth Analysis to the Investigation of Co-occurrence.
  4. Wolfram, M., Lecturer, York University, Canada. Too much of a Good Thing-Quasi-Experiments Using Huge N and their Implication for Hypothesis Testing.
  5. Sandick, P., Professor, Florida Gulf Coast University, USA. Re-cognizing Developmental Psychology: Using Cross-cultural and Lifespan Perspectives to Facilitate Global Integration in Academics, Business, and Politics.



17:30-19:00 Monday, July 9th 2007

Session VI: Violence & Trauma

Chair: Patrikakou, E., Associate Professor, DePaul University, USA. 

  1. Boyle, J., Reader, University of Strathclyde, UK & Beck, E., Researcher, West Lothian Psychological Service, UK. Who Defends the Victims of Bullying in Primary Schools? Gender and Empathy as Predictors of Being a “Defender”
  2. Malecki, C., Associate Professor, Northern Illinois University, USA. The Measurement of Bullying Behavior.
  3. Berman, P., Professor, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA & Diorio, M., Ph.D. Student, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA. Can the many roles of Psychologists be harnessed to decrease violence?
  4. Dinkha, J., Assistant Professor, American University of Kuwait, Kuwait. Memory and Subjectivity among Kuwaiti Youths:  Child Witnesses of the 1990 Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait.
  5. Killian, K., Associate Professor, York University, Canada. The Psychology of Terror: Relationships Among Trauma, Xenophobia, Critical Thinking, and (In)Security in the Post 9/11 Era.
  6. Agathangelou, A.M., Associate Professor, York University, Canada. Of Monsters and Slaugtherhouses: Sacrifice Economies, Virilities, and the “War” on Terror.



Tuesday, July 10th, 2007


08:00-09:30 Tuesday, July 10th 2007

Session VII: Technology

Chair: Sanders David, Associate Dean, University of Sunderland, UK. 

  1. Seckin, G., Assistant Professor, University of Maryland, USA. Psychological Support Using Internet: Who Joins Online Cancer Support Groups and Patterns of Participation. (Tuesday, 10th July 2007)
  2. Sammar, Y., Assistant Professor, Qatar University, Qatar. E-Learning Practices in Higher Education.
  3. Sabelus, S., Ph.D. Student, University of London, UK, Smith, P., Associate Professor, University of London, UK & Jessel, J., Reader, University of London, UK. Older People’s Use of New Communication Technologies, and the Role of Social Support in Learning How to Use Them.
  4. Martinez, M.A., Professor, National University of Mexico, Mexico & Tirado, F., Professor, National University of Mexico, Mexico. An Electronic Textbook for Educational Psychology in a Collaborative e-Work.


09:30-11:00 Tuesday, July 10th 2007

Session VIII: Language & Cognitive Processes

Chair: Seckin, G., Assistant Professor, University of Maryland, USA. 

  1. Francuz, P., Associate Professor, The John Paul II Catholic University of  Lublin, Poland, Oles, M., Student, The John Paul II Catholic University of  Lublin, Poland & Chumak, M., Student, The John Paul II Catholic University of  Lublin, Poland. The Influence of the Semantic Context on the Speed and Correctness of Mental Rotation.
  2. Shafiullah, M., Senior Lecturer, De Montfort University, UK & Allbutt, J., Lecturer, Salford University, UK. Task Switching in Adult with Dyslexia. (Tuesday, 10th July 2007)
  3. Perry, A., Professor, Northcentral University, USA. Adult Age Differences in the Perception of Subjective Contours Due to Deficits in Resource Allocation.
  4. Oswald, K., Associate Professor, California State University, Fresno, USA. Identification of Participant-Created Facial Composites in Simultaneous and Sequential Lineup Formats.
  5. Cooper, S., Ph.D. Student, University of Wales, UK & Mari-Beffa, P., Lecturer, University of Wales, UK. The Role of Response Repetition in Task Switching.
  6. Zhang, M., Ph.D. Student, University of Bristol, UK & Noyes, J., Professor, University of Bristol, UK. Wholist-Analytic Style and Context as Variables in Metalinguistic Performance: An Investigation on Second Language Speakers.
  7. Sai-Defairi, F.Z., Associate Professor, UAE University, Abu Dhabi UAE. Fingers Counting in 5-6 Month Old Infants.



11:00-12:30 Tuesday, July 10th 2007

Session IX: Personality & Intelligence

Chair: Perry, A., Professor, Northcentral University, USA. 

  1. Vigliecca, N.S., Researcher, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de la Argentina, Argentina. Execution, Intelligence and Academic Achievement in High School Students from Private and Public Institutions
  2. Pinterne Gazdag, A., Ph.D. Student, Semmelweis University Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Hungary. Comparative Analysis of Personality in Aikido and Judo Athletes. (Tuesday, 10th July 2007)
  3. Dosedlova, J., Scientific Assistant, Masaryk University, Czech Republic & Slovackova, Z., Scientific Assistant, Masaryk University, Czech Republic. Health –Supportive Behavior and Personality of University Students.
  4. Reed, J., Director, University of San Francisco, USA, Moley, B., Researcher, Tulane University, USA, Furco, A., Director, University of California, USA & Ilustre, V., Director, Tulane University, USA. Formulating a Model of Effects of College Students’ Service-Learning Experiences.
  5. Ghobari, B., Assistant Professor, College of Psychology & Education, University of Tehran, Iran. Assertiveness, Self-Esteem and Academic Achievement in Gifted and Normal Students. 



12:30-14:00 Tuesday, July 10th 2007

Session X: Psychopathology & Substance Abuse

Chair: Oswald, K., Associate Professor, California State University, Fresno, USA. 

  1. Parrott, A., Professor, Swansea University, UK. Dancing and Ecstasy: How Physical Exertion and Stimulant Drug Interact in Recreational Mdma Users.
  2. Moore, P., Associate Professor, George Washington University, USA & Peterson, R., Associate Professor, George Washington University, USA. How Do Personality and Perception Determine Anxiety. (Tuesday, 10th July 2007)
  3. Todman, M., Associate Professor, New School for Social Research, USA. Psychopathology and Boredom: A Neglected Association.
  4. Barahmand, U., Assistant Professor, Mohaghegh Ardebili University, Iran. Patterns of Co-Morbidities in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
  5. Amin Yazdi, S.A., Assistant Professor, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran. Determinants of Motivation to Use Unprescribed Substances.
  6. Drake, R., Professor, Dartmouth Medical School, USA. A Systematic Review of Psychosocial Interventions for Patients with Co-occurring Severe Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorder.



14:00-15:00 Lunch


15:00-16:30 Tuesday, July 10th 2007

Session XI: Therapy, Wellness, & Clinical Issues

Chair: Moore, P., Associate Professor, George Washington University, USA

  1. Rokach, B., Medical Student, McMaster University, Canada & Rokach, A., Lecturer, York University, Canada. A Theatre for Hospitalized Children. (Tuesday, 10th July 2007)
  2. Kernis, M., Professor, University of Georgia, USA, Middleton Goldman, B., Assistant Professor, Clayton State University, USA & Roberts, V.J., Neuropsychologist, Atlanta Center for Psychology and Neuropsychology, USA. A Multi-component Perspective on Authentic Functioning.
  3. Peterson, R., Professor, George Washington University, USA. Belief in the Unstructured Interview: The Persistence of an Illusion.
  4. Vyas, A., Psychologist, Psychological Passages, Inc. USA. The Effects of Meditation in Daily Living.



16:30-18:00 Tuesday, July 10th 2007

Session XII: Emotion

Chair: Agathangelou, A.M., Associate Professor, York University, Canada

  1. Cecen, A.R., Assistant Professor, Cukurova University, Turkey. The Turkish Version of the Social and Emotional Loneliness Scale for Adults (SELSA-S):  Initial Development and Validation. (Tuesday, 10th July 2007, afternoon)
  2. Karavella, M., Ph.D. Student, City University, UK & Rafalin, D., Researcher & Supervisor, City University, UK. “When I Look at the Photograph I wish he was Here with me": The Experience of Bereavement for Adults with Learning Disabilities: A Qualitative Study.
  3. Papalekas, C., Master Student, University of London, UK. Peoples' Emotional Disturbances.


18:00-19:30 Tuesday, July 10th 2007

Session XIII: Social Issues

Chair: Todman, M., Associate Professor, New School for Social Research, USA.

  1. Fryer, D., Reader, University of Stirling, U.K. International Community Psychology: Critical Issues of Social Justice. (Tuesday, 10th July 2007)
  2. Korostelina, K., Researcher, George Mason University, USA. The Impact of History Education on Salience of Social Identities.
  3. Spirrison, C., Professor, Mississippi State University, USA & McAlpin, A.R., Graduate Student, Mississippi State University, USA. Popularity and 14 Thematic Apperception Test Cards in a College Student Sample.
  4. Furco, A., Director, University of California-Berkeley, USA & Moley, B., Professor, Tulane University, USA. Formulating a Model of Effects of College Students’ Service-Learning Experience.



20:00 - 21:30 DINNER

Wednesday, July 11th, 2007

CRUISE: Departure at 7:00 a.m. Return at 8:30 p.m.


Thursday, July 12th, 2007

Tour: Departure at 8:00 a.m. Return at 3:30 p.m.