Scientific & Organizing Committee

Scientific and Organizing Committee

  1. Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, President, Athens Institute.
  2. Dr. Sharon Claire Bolton, Vice President of Research, Athens Institute & Emeritus Professor, The Management School, University of Stirling, Scotland.
  3. Peter Koveos, Head, Finance Unit, Athens Institute & Professor of Finance, Syracuse University, USA.
  4. Dr. Henry Thompson, Head, Economics Unit, Athens Institute & Emeritus Professor, Auburn University, USA.
  5. Dr. John Pavlik, Head, Mass Media and Communication Unit, Athens Institute & Professor, Rutgers University, USA.
  6. Theodore Trafalis, Head, Industrial Unit, Athens Institute, Professor of Industrial & Systems Engineering and Director, Optimization & Intelligent Systems Laboratory, The University of Oklahoma, USA.
  7. Cleopatra Veloutsou, Head, Marketing Unit, Athens Institute & Professor in Marketing, University of Glasgow, UK.
  8. Dr. David Philip Wick, Director, Arts, Humanities and Education Division, Athens Institute & Retired Professor of History, Gordon College, USA.
  9. Paul Contoyannis, Head, Health Economics & Management Unit, Athens Institute & Associate Professor, McMaster University, Canada.
  10. Dr. Christos Sakellariou, Vice President of Finance, Athens Institute & Associate Professor of Economics, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
  11. Dr. Evangelia Kasimati, Head, Tourism, Leisure & Recreation Unit, Athens Institute & Researcher, Department of Economic Analysis & Research, Central Bank of Greece, Greece.
  12. Dr. Kenneth Christie, Head, Politics & International Affairs Unit, Athens Institute & Professor, Royal Roads University, Canada.