Business Paper Series

Business Paper Series
(Note: This list includes papers presented at the Annual International Conferences on Education
and at other conferences organised by ATINER and relate to Education. This list started in 2012).
Paper Series Number
PAPER SERIES2015BLE2015-1457Social Justice in South Africa: Law and the Role of BusinessKarunanidhi Reddypdf
PAPER SERIES2014SME2014-1444Entrepreneurial Features of Turkish Born Global SMEs: A Sectoral ComparisonEce Piskinsut Senguler and Metin Satirpdf
PAPER SERIES2014SME2014-1442A Framework for Exploring the International Orientation of Entrepreneurial IntentionVitor Braga, Sónia Carneiro and Alexandra Bragapdf
PAPER SERIES2014CBC2014-1430Institution Building to Foster Development: Cambodia’s Trade Union Setting in DiscussionNathalie Homlong and Elisabeth Springlerpdf
PAPER SERIES2014CBC2014-1375Is there a World Market for Uighur Medical Tourism?Jens Graffpdf
PAPER SERIES2014CBC2014-1361The Economic Theory of European Competition Policy. Retrospectives and PerspectivesAndreas Stamate-?tefan and Mihai-Vladimir Topanpdf
PAPER SERIES2014CBC2014-1357The Economy of Football in the Global World: The Economic Evaluation of the 2014 FIFA World Cup in BrazilMihalis Kuyucupdf
PAPER SERIES2014CBC2014-1354Foreign Capital for Development: The Constraints of Foreign Borrowing with Particular Reference to Algeria's CaseAbdelhafid Aimarpdf
PAPER SERIES2014BLE2014-1347The Impact of Knowledge Sharing Systems on Strategic Integration between Business and Information TechnologyAdel  Al-Hashempdf
PAPER SERIES2014CBC2014-1344How Comfortable are Malaysian Users in Utilizing Webpages of Small Businesses?Moha Asri Abdullah, MD Fardous Alom, Nurita Juhdi, Noorihsan Mohammad, Muhammad-Bashir Owolabi Yusuf and S. M. Ferdous Azampdf
PAPER SERIES2014CBC2014-1332An Investigation into the Factors affecting Adoption of E-procurement in Saudi Arabian SMEs (An evaluation of Gunasekaran and Ngai 2009 Model)Ahmed Altayyarpdf
PAPER SERIES2014CBC2014-1324The Greek Sovereign Debt: Are there Really any Options?Gregory T. Papanikospdf
PAPER SERIES2014SME2014-1321Measuring Export Marketing Strategy of SMEs in Mauritius: An Export Preparedness PerspectiveOupendranath Amoroopdf
PAPER SERIES2014SMC2014-1319Female Micro-enterprises in Rural Central Chile. Construction and Reconstruction of the Role of Women in Agriculture. A Case StudyJulia Fawaz, Paula Soto and Rosana Vallejospdf
PAPER SERIES2014SMC2014-1312Local Rural Gastronomic Traditional Tourism. A Strategy for Local and Regional Development, at the South of the State of MéxicoJesus Gaston Gutierrez Cedillo, Jose Isabel Juan Perez and Elsa Mireya Rosales Estradapdf
PAPER SERIES2014SME2014-1299The Role of Science Parks in Sustaining Innovative Entrepreneurship: Evidences from ItalySimona Castellini, Francesco Lamperti and Roberto Maviliapdf
PAPER SERIES2014SME2014-1292Social Currency: The Raconteur’s Investment PortfolioDemos Vardiabasis, Natalie Moshiri, Yury Adamov and Samuel L. Seamanpdf
PAPER SERIES2014MGT2014-1207Teamwork: Crucible for Learning about Collaborative LeadershipLisa DeAngelis, Sherry H. Penney and Maureen A. Scullypdf
PAPER SERIES2014MGT2014-1112Responsible Global Humanism as a New Model for Business SchoolsCarlos Rabasso and Javier Rabassopdf
PAPER SERIES2014EDU2014-1080Curricula, Technologies and Innovations in the Contemporary WorldRoseane Albuquerque Ribeiropdf
PAPER SERIES2014BLE2014-1065Customer Relationship Bank’s Management in CroatiaAnita Pavkovi? and Ivana Gali?pdf
PAPER SERIES2014MKT2014-1254Exporting B2B Solutions: The Impact and Contribution of Using Social MediaZiad Abdelmoety and Spiros Gounarispdf
PAPER SERIES2014ACC2014-1043The Rate of Adoption of Strategic Marketing Planning (SMP) By The Libyan Commercial Banks (LCBs). An Exploratory StudyFthia Ramdan .M. Abusafritapdf
PAPER SERIES2014SME2014-1241Micro-Entrepreneurship: Tendency towards Precarisation on the Labour Market? Empirical Findings for AustriaDieter Bogenhold and Andrea Klinglmairpdf
PAPER SERIES2014SMC2014-1229Habits of Consumption in Low-Income Rural Communities in Brazil:
Challenges and Opportunities
Denise de Abreu Sofiatti Dalmarco, Julia Christina Cortes Araújo and Kavita Miadaira Hamzapdf
PAPER SERIES2014MGT2014-1205GlencoreXstrata… The Profitable and Untethered March to Global Resource Dominance!Nina Aversano and Titos Ritsatospdf
PAPER SERIES2014FIN2014-0953Relationship between R&D efforts and Firm Value in the Pharmaceutical IndustryJong Oh Kim, Joung Hwa Choi and Seng Ho Jeonpdf
PAPER SERIES2014BLE2014-0913Health Investments in the Social Supply Chain - The Case of Bayer CropScienceRegina Moczadlo, Harald Strotmann and Jürgen Volkertpdf
PAPER SERIES2014BLE2014-0904Facts on the Horizon: Future German Ink and Mineral Oil Ordinance. A National Approach and its European Spill Over: Risk Management, Compliance and Avoidance of LiabilityMatthias von Juterzenka and Thomas Heupelpdf
PAPER SERIES2013CBC2013-0894The Transformation of Traditional Newspaper to New Global Media with the QR CodeMihalis Kuyucupdf
PAPER SERIES2013CBC2013-0893A Recruitment-Based Explanation of Person-Job Fit for Employee SatisfactionAlev Özerpdf
PAPER SERIES2013CBC2013-0892Cambodia’s Textile and Garment Industry – A Showcase for Social Sustainability, or not Better than its Neighbors?Nathalie Homlong and Elisabeth Springlerpdf
PAPER SERIES2013CBC2013-0891Relationship between Corporate Image and Customer Loyalty in the Mobile Telecommunication Market in KenyaPaul Mensah Agyei and James M. Kilikapdf
PAPER SERIES2013CBC2013-0890National Impacts and Responses to Global Challenges: Matrices of Coloniality in GlobalityJohannes Tsheolapdf
PAPER SERIES2013CBC2013-0889Regionalism and Regionness Framing: Whither the BRICS Crossvergence?Johannes Tsheola, Cebelihle Mabila and Solomon Mtswenipdf
PAPER SERIES2013CBC2013-0888South Africa in the BRICS: Wither the Economic Freedom Policies and Inequality?Johannes Tsheola, Cebelihle Mabila and Solomon Mtswenipdf
PAPER SERIES2013CBC2013-0887Entrepreneurial Education and Entrepreneurial Culture among University of Cape Coast Students in GhanaNina Afriyie and Rosemond Boohenepdf
PAPER SERIES2013CBC2013-0886Empirical Valuation of Relationship between Freight Index and Economic PerformanceOlga V. Mezentseva and Ann V. Mezentsevapdf
PAPER SERIES2013CBC2013-0885Between Production Capitalism and Consumerism: The Culture of Prosumption and Discovering the Mechanisms of its FunctioningPiotr Siudapdf
PAPER SERIES2013CBC2013-0884Managing Service Innovation in Albania: Banking Sector and TelecommunicationDorjana Feimi and Vasilika Kumepdf
PAPER SERIES2013SME2013-0883External Brand Communication: A Literature Review of the Antecedents to Word-Of-MouthOleksandra Pasternak, Cleopatra Veloutsou and Anna Morgan-Thomaspdf
PAPER SERIES2013BUS2013-0869Level of Consumer Involvement and New Product Development:
A Conceptual Framework for the Moderating Role of Product Type
Nicholas Grigorioupdf
PAPER SERIES2013SME2013-0859The Moderating Impact of Brand Attitude on the Effectiveness of Product Recall MeasuresFrancesca Magnopdf
PAPER SERIES2013SME2013-0858What Capability-Building Programs Entrepreneurs Are TakingIan Jester de Verapdf
PAPER SERIES2013SME2013-0857The Relationship of City Branding and Tourist Promotion:
The Case of Plymouth (UK) and Malaga (Spain)
Daniel Barrera Fernández and Kevin Meethanpdf
PAPER SERIES2013SME2013-0856Establish the Constraints in Growing a Spaza Shop in the Soweto AreaLouise Van Scheers and Carly Prinsloopdf
PAPER SERIES2013SME2013-0855An Approach to the Design of a Scale for Measuring Happiness at Work of Iberian CompaniesJulio García Del Junco, Francisco Espasandin Bustelo, Georg Michael Jeremias Dutschke and Beatriz Palacios Florenciopdf
PAPER SERIES2013SME2013-0854Corporate Communication as a Key to Corporate Success – Key Findings to be Adapted by SMEsAnabel Ternès, Francesca Gursch and Giulia Gurschpdf
PAPER SERIES2013ECO2013-0796Claims of Business Ideology to University EducationPrzemys?aw Chmieleckipdf
PAPER SERIES2013ECO2013-0795Competitive Advantage of Nations and Multilateral Trade System:
How can Lebanon Benefit from Trade Liberalization without Enhancing its Strategic Industries?
Georges Nehme and Eliane Nehmepdf
PAPER SERIES2013BUS2013-0783Relationship Management Function of Corporate Communication: Long-Term Relationship or Short-Term ImpactSelcan Yesilyurt and Idil K. Suherpdf
PAPER SERIES2013BUS2013-0782Valuation Model of Project Portfolio under UncertaintyFenmay Liou and Borliang Chenpdf
PAPER SERIES2013BUS2013-0781Conceptualising the Corporate Cultural Fit – A Global Account Management PerspectiveHolger Wendt, Richard Anderson and Katja Kuhnpdf
PAPER SERIES2013BUS2013-0780Hospital Managers’ Sense of Corporate Reputation and the Interaction between Corporate Reputation Practices and Organizational Culture:  An Example from the Central Anatolian Region of TurkeyEmrah Aydemir and Mustafa ?ekerpdf
PAPER SERIES2013BUS2013-0779Marketing Concept Comprehension and Recall through Imagery – The Case of International StudentsJane Edwards and Ronald Donatopdf
PAPER SERIES2013BUS2013-0778The History of Corporate Social Responsibility in Turkey:
Analysis of Koç Holding and Turkcell' s Social Responsibility Practices
Elif Engin and Burcu Eker Akgözpdf
PAPER SERIES2013BUS2013-0742Competition Analysis of Mortgage Housing Credit Market in RussiaLiudmila Guzikovapdf
PAPER SERIES2013SME2013-0741Assessing Organizational Learning Culture in the Context of Business Excellence: A Case StudyPrabir Kumar Bandyopadhyaypdf
PAPER SERIES2013SME2013-0740Profit and its Impact on the Development of Foreign Trade on the Example of a Small BusinessMichal Pružinský and Richard Kerekešpdf
PAPER SERIES2013CBC2013-0629An Examination of Factors Affecting Liquidity Management in Indian Financial SystemShyam Bhati and Anura DeZoysapdf
PAPER SERIES2013BUS2013-0626Investigating the Relationship between Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System and Internal Control: A Exploratory StudyHani Shaiti, Yanqing Duan and Magdy Abdel-kaderpdf
PAPER SERIES2013BUS2013-0582Accounting "Gaps": Empirical Evidence from a Case StudyAlessandro Ghiopdf
PAPER SERIES2013SME2013-0547A Model for Proactively Insuring SMEs in the Supply Chain against Cyber RiskRichard Hensonpdf
PAPER SERIES2013SME2013-0529Financial Administration and Small and Medium Enterprises: A Study Conducted in South AfricaThea Visser, Gideon Nieman and Emsi van Heerdenpdf
PAPER SERIES2013BUS2013-0517Marketing of Radio Stations: A Research about how Radio Stations Market Themselves in TurkeyMihalis Kuyucupdf
PAPER SERIES2013BUS2013-0477On the Textual Economy of Brand Equity: Accounting Semiotically for the Difference between Axiology and Linguistic ValueGeorge Rossolatospdf
PAPER SERIES2013CBC2013-0469Global Financial Crisis and Women’s Labour in Turkey            Senem Çakmak ?ahinpdf
PAPER SERIES2013BUS2013-0460Marketing a City Library in the Face of Negative AttitudesSarah Keller, A.J.Otjen and Kim Youngpdf
PAPER SERIES2013BUS2013-0459Booms, Crashes and Early Investment Experiences in a Laboratory ExperimentDimitra Papadovasilaki, Federico Guerrero, Amanda Safford, James Sundali and Gregory R. Stonepdf
PAPER SERIES2013BUS2013-0458An Analysis of Accounting Academics’ Awareness of, and Ability to Deliver, Pervasive Qualities and SkillsMonique Keevypdf
PAPER SERIES2013CBC2013-0439Smallest Space Analysis (SSA) of Feelings of Majority and Minority Population Groups in IsraelYaacov B Yablon and Yaacov J Katzpdf
PAPER SERIES2012CBC2012-0394Composite Indicators – An Assessment of Development Really Multidimensional?Sandrina B. Moreira and Nuno Crespopdf
PAPER SERIES2012CBC2012-380Welfare States at Hard TimesAngela Besanapdf
PAPER SERIES2012CBC2012-379Investigation of Relations between Investment to Technologies and Economical Development of a CountryRuta Adlyte and Loreta Valancienepdf
PAPER SERIES2012SME2012-377A Sectoral Hierarchical Clustering Analysis of Smes in Turkey with Respect to General Support ProgramsAli Kemal Çelik, Emrah Tala? and Ahmet ?lker Akbabapdf
PAPER SERIES2012SME2012-0353Forecasting of Small Business Development in the Russian Regions on The Basis of Simulation ModelsEvgeny Vostokovpdf
PAPER SERIES2012SME2012-0352Access to Competitive Strategy, Medium-Sized Enterprise in the Dairy Sector in the Slovak RepublicMichal Pružinský and Richard Kerekešpdf
PAPER SERIES2012SME2012-0351Fostering Women Entrepreneurs in African Economies: The Case of NigeriaAdebimpe Lincolnpdf
PAPER SERIES2012BUS2012-0340The Effect of Market-Orientation Culture on Business Economic Performance in Insurance Industry (Public Sector)Hamidreza Alipour, Maryam Ordokhani and Sanaz Ghavidel                  pdf
PAPER SERIES2012BUS2012-0339An Analysis of the Effects of External Shocks on Macroeconomic Fluctuations in ChinaLei Lianghai, Wu Fengyu and Huang Shanpdf
PAPER SERIES2012BUS2012-0338Actors of Corporate E-Reputation: The Case of EmployeesCéline Fueyo, Jean-Marc Decaudin and Jacques Digout pdf
PAPER SERIES2012BUS2012-0337Brand Communities and Anti-Brand Communities:
Similarities, Differences and Implications for Practitioners
Laurence Dessart, Cleopatra Veloutsou  and
Anna Morgan-Thomas
PAPER SERIES2012BUS2012-0336The Foregrounding of Re-Branding in the Struggle for Survival: How One TSO has Responded to Austerity Measures in the UKBerrisford Lewis and Martin Haleypdf
PAPER SERIES2012BUS2012-0335A Strategic Thinking and Systems Analysis of Socially Responsible Business Models in the Telecommunications IndustryWen-Yun Li, Min-Ren Yan and Ya-Ying Liu pdf
PAPER SERIES2012BUS2012-0334Outward Foreign Direct Investment and Entrepreneurial Activity:
The Case of China
Li Shen and Peter Koveospdf
PAPER SERIES2012BUS2012-0333The Moderating Role of Self Efficacy on the Relationship between Organizational Culture and Entrepreneurial BehaviorsHakan Dilek, Ömer Turunç, ?rfan Akkoç and Abdullah Çal??kanpdf
PAPER SERIES2012ECO2012-0321Political Factor Influence on Regional Development in Latvia: Political Business Cycle AnalysisIeva Brauksapdf
PAPER SERIES2012SME2012-0266Brain Drain and the Implications for Greek SMEs: An Untapped Repository of Talent or a Bleak Picture?Vlasios Sarantinospdf
PAPER SERIES2012BUS2012-0265Effect of Some Impediments on Investment in Health Marketing in LibyaEl Sadig Abdelhakim Saadpdf
PAPER SERIES2012BUS2012-0264Market, Hierarchy, and Network: Three Coordination Mechanisms in China’s Rural FirmsXun (George) Wang and Shanhe Jiangpdf
PAPER SERIES2012ECO2012-0257Job Satisfaction Determinants of Tertiary-Educated Employees in European CountriesAlexander Tarvidpdf
PAPER SERIES2012ECO2012-0251Study on Workload of Public Health Nurses and Other Women Health Workers in IndiaSrinivasan Kannan and P.Sankara Sarmapdf
PAPER SERIES2012BUS2012-0241Developing Corporate Strategies to Successfully Conduct Business in an Uncertain EurozoneNorm Bedfordpdf
PAPER SERIES2012BUS2012-0231Self-Employment as a Form of BusinessAlona Irmejapdf
PAPER SERIES2012BUS2012-0224A Risk Management Decision Model for Energy Service Companies by Using Real OptionsAhmet Can Kutlupdf
PAPER SERIES2012BUS2012-0218An Evaluation of Critical Project Management Disciplines for Improving Healthcare & Medical Services—The Perspective from Hospital PersonnelYin-Hsia Lo, Min-Ren Yan and Pin-Ru Chenpdf
PAPER SERIES2012BUS2012-0215The Effect of Internal Marketing on the Performance of Employee and the Mediating Role of Organizational CommitmentNeşe Acar, Mustafa Şeker, Ali Bayram and Tuncay Acarpdf
PAPER SERIES2012BUS2012-0193Preparing Thai Private Universities for ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015Busaya Vongchavalitkulpdf
PAPER SERIES2012BUS2012-0183Towards a New Communication Framework for the Management of Email Selection and Usage – A Literature ReviewBenjamin Silverstonepdf
PAPER SERIES2012BUS2012-0171The Effects of the Haptic Perception of Packaging Texture in Product PerceptionsBruno Ferreira and Sonia Capellipdf
PAPER SERIES2012BUS2012-0170A Study of the Problems in the Operation of Bureaucratic Structure in Turkish Public Administration and how to Overcome theseEmre Akcagunduzpdf
PAPER SERIES2012BUS2012-0032Back to Square One: How Patient Satisfaction Survey Flaws Bias Assessments of Health Care QualityMoses Altsechpdf