Biology Section

Biology Section
part of the Natural Sciences Unit

Head: Dr. Christopher Janetopoulos, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences, University of the Sciences, USA.

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Academic Members of the Biology Section

Total 50 Members-Showing 100 per page
TitleFirst NameLast NamePositionAffiliationCountryCV
Dr. Oluyomi Stephen Adeyemi Senior Lecturer Landmark University Nigeria cv
Ms. Melouane Aicha PhD Student CHUQRC Canada cv
Dr. Eman Alam Lecturer Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University Egypt cv
Dr. Monif AlRashidi Dean of Scientific Research University of Ha’il Saudi Arabia cv
Mr. Rais Ansari Assistant Professor Nova Southeastern University USA cv
Professor Ioan Ardelean Professor and Senior Researcher Institute of Biology Bucharest, Romanian Academy Romania cv
Mr. Muluken Bantayehu Instructor Bahirdar University Ethiopia cv
Dr. Leila Bendifallah Associate Professor Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Boumerdes Algeria cv
Dr. Dhia Bouktila Associate Professor Higher Institute of Biotechnology of Beja, University of Jendouba Tunisia cv
Dr. Nihar Chattopadhyay Professor West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences India cv
Dr. Pratima Chaudhuri Professor Amity University India cv
Ms. Manuela Elena Concioiu PhD Fellow National University of Political Studies and Public Administration Romania cv
Dr. Francois Durand Senior Lecturer University of Johannesburg South Africa cv
Pr. Jean-Marie Exbrayat Emeritus Professor Lyon Catholic University and Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes France cv
Dr. Pankaj Gadhia Research Scientist and Advisor S.N. Gene Laboratory and Research Centre India cv
Dr. Mario Galigniana Professor University of Buenos Aires & IBYME-CONICET Argentina cv
Dr. Shishir Kumar Gangwar Associate Professor Wollega University Ethiopia cv
Dr. Shabeer Ahmad Ganie Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology SKUAST-K Srinagar India cv
Dr. Dilian Georgiev Associate Professor Faculty of Biology, University of Plovdiv Bulgaria cv
Dr. Anna Hornakova Senior Assistant Centre of Lifelong and Competence Learning, Institute of Language Competences, University of Presov Slovakia cv
Dr. Md. Belal Hossain Associate Professor Department of Plant Pathology, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University Bangladesh cv
Dr. Manal Ismail Associate Professor Plant Protection Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center Egypt cv
Dr. Maher Kamel Professor Medical Research Institute, Alexandria University Egypt cv
Dr. Petros Karakousis Associate Professor Johns Hopkins University USA cv
Dr. Mark Kindy Professor, Chair and Associate Dean for Research and Innovation University of South Florida USA cv
Dr. Mine Kocyigit Assistant Professor Department of Pharmaceutical Botany, Faculty of Pharmacy, Istanbul University Turkey cv
Dr. Milica Mandic Head Laboratory for Developmental Research and Mariculture, Institute of Marine Biology Montenegro cv
Dr. Valsa Remony Manoj Assistant Professor Department of Chemistry, Velammal Engineering College India cv
Dr. Angeles Manresa Professor University of Barcelona Spain cv
Dr. Valentina Mariscal-Aguayo Professor Chapingo Autonomous University Mexico cv
Mr. Haruka Miyazawa PhD Candidate Osaka University Japan
Dr. Kamel Msaada Assistant Professor Laboratory of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Biotechnology Center in Borj-Cedria Technopole Tunisia cv
Dr. Nivedita Nagachar Researcher Penn State University USA cv
Dr. Gayathri Narayan Assistant Professor Department of Zoology, The D. G. Ruparel College of Arts, Science and Commerce India cv
Dr. Naila Naz Post-Doctoral Research Associate University of Manchester UK cv
Dr. Cyrille Ndo Researcher/Lecturer Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Douala/Malaria Research Laboratory OCEAC-Yaounde Cameroon cv
Dr. Violeta Oro Head Nematology Laboratory, Institute of Plant Protection and Environment Serbia cv
Dr. Leonidas Passos Researcher International Liaison, Embrapa Dairy Cattle-The National Dairy Cattle Research Center, Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation Brazil cv
Dr. Kamran Rezaei Tavabe Academic Member Natural Resources Faculty, University of Tehran Iran cv
Dr. Jonathan Richir Assistant Professor University of Mons Belgium cv
Dr. Neila Saidi Assistant Professor Centre of Research and Water Technologies (CERTE) Tunisia cv
Dr. Colin Scanes Emeritus Professor University of Wisconsin Milwaukee USA cv
Ms. Heba Shawer Graduate Student American University in Cairo Egypt cv
Dr. Ajai Kumar Srivastav Professor Department of Zoology, DDU Gorakhpur University India cv
Dr. Jonny St Amand Professor University Laval Canada cv
Dr. Ksenija Taski-Ajdukovic Principal Research Fellow Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops Serbia cv
Dr. Catherine Wright Lecturer and Principal Investigator Glasgow Calcedonian University UK cv
Dr. Magdalena Wrobel-Kwiatkowska Assistant Professor Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences Poland cv
Dr. Shaymaa M.M. Yahya Assistant Professor National Research Centre Egypt cv
Dr. Mayumi Yoshioka Doctor CHUQRC Canada cv