Athens Institute for Education and Research Canada (ATINER-CANADA)
Promoting Canadian Scholarship Outside Canada

The aims of ATINER-CANADA group will be:

  • Promote and develop education and research in Greece and Canada in collaboration with researchers and institutions from all over the World under the auspices of the ATINER GREECE.
  • Promote and develop an exchange of academics in Greece, Canada and the rest of the World.
  • Develop a global network of communication and knowledge exchange among academics,
    researchers and teachers of educational institutions.
  • Organize academic meetings such as conferences, symposiums, workshops, lectures, talks etc in Greece and Canada
  • Publish academic books, monographs and journals.
  • Undertake common research projects; especially with the aim of developing interdisciplinarity.
  • Develop and implement vocational training programs.Provide bursaries, scholarships and other awards to students studying at Canadian Universities.