13th Annual International Conference on Architecture, 3-6 July 2023, Athens, Greece | |||
1 | 3rd Hyálinos International Conference on Inter and Transdisciplinarity in Architecture Academics Responsible: Dr. Alberto Reaes Pinto, Coordinator / Professor, ULL – CITAD (Research Centre, ULL) / Lusíada University of Lisbon, Portugal. Dr. Clara Germana Gonçalves, Head, Architecture Unit, ATINER & Researcher, CITAD (Centro de Investigação em Território, Arquitectura e Design), Lusíada University and Invited Assistant Professor, Lisbon School of Architecture, University of Lisbon, Portugal. Dr. Maria João Dos Reis Moreira Soares, Academic Member, ATINER & Associate Professor, Lusiada University – Lisbon, and Research Fellow, CITAD – Research Centre on Territory, Architecture & Design, Portugal. The aim of the conference is to bring together academics and researchers from all areas of Inter and/or Transdisciplinary Relationships in Architecture. The presentations may reflect on, but are not limited to, Architecture and Music, Architecture and Dance, Architecture and Mathematics, Architecture and the Arts, Architecture and Cinema, Architecture and Cosmology, Architecture and Science, Architecture and Philosophy, Harmony in Architecture, Harmonic Proportion, and Architectural Concepts such us: Space, Time, Harmony, Proportion, Notation, Representation, Presentation, Perception, Rhythm, Design, and Composition, etc. | Abstract Submitting Form |
1 | Architectural Form in Relation to its Purposes Academic Responsible: Dr. Llazar Kumaraku, Academic Member, ATINER & Head of Scientific Research Department, Polis University of Tirana, Albania. In the discipline of architecture, as pointed out by many intellectuals, in the current global panorama there is clearly a disconnection between theoretical research and the practice of making architecture. Often the goals of architecture are confused with research in architecture. While we all agree that the goals of architecture are all positive, the problem is exposed at the methodological level as to how these goals are achieved from the formal point of view. This special session within the Architecture Conference in Athens aims to collect scientific articles related to methodological research and the composition of architectural form in the current global panorama, which can focus on different purposes. If nowadays the keywords that can be interpreted as the goals of architecture are for example sustainability or resilience, the research question on how the form of architecture could be sustainable, relational, or resilient, is almost never raised. This session is open to papers that focus their research on the composition of form at the urban and/or architectural level in order to achieve the above goals. | Abstract Submitting Form |