Anthropology Unit

Anthropology & Demography Unit

Head: Dr. Barbara Zagaglia, Associate Professor, Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy.
Deputy Head: Dr. Radebe Nompumelelo, Senior Lecturer and Chair Department of Anthropology and Archaeology, University of South Africa, South Africa.

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Academic Members of the Anthropology & Demography Unit

Total 39 Members-Showing 100 per page
TitleFirst NameLast NamePositionAffiliationCountryCV
Dr. Mohamed Abdelrady Mahmoud Lecturer Cairo University Egypt cv
Ms. Armindokht Ahmadi PhD Student Legal Medicine Research Center Iran cv
Dr. Basel Mohammad Al-Eideh Associate Professor Kuwait University Kuwait cv
Dr. Noura Anwar Assistant Professor Cairo University South Africa cv
Dr. Barbara Baert Professor Catholic University of Leuven Belgium cv
Dr. Bassam Banat Associate Professor Department of Applied Sociology, Al-Quds University Palestine cv
Dr. Jane Bristol-Rhys Associate Professor Zayed University UAE cv
Dr. Dunja Brozovic Roncevic Head of the Adriatic Onomastic Research Center University of Zadar Croatia
Dr. Audrey Marie Callum Programme Manager,Postgraduate Nursing University of Sunderland, London Campus UK cv
Dr. Amelie Constant Visiting Research Scholar Princeton University USA cv
Dr. Obrillant Damus Professor/Visiting Professor University of Haiti and Quisqueya University Haiti cv
Dr. Philipp Deschermeier Economist Cologne Institute for Economic Research Germany cv
Dr. Demetrea Nicole Farris Assistant Professor Texas A&M University USA cv
Dr. Liu Fengshu Professor University of Oslo Norway cv
Dr. Gamal Hendawy Assistant Professor Damitta University Egypt cv
Dr. Rafiqul Islam Professor Department of Population Science and Human Resource Development, University of Rajshahi Bangladesh cv
Dr. Molefe Coper Joseph Lecturer University of Swaziland Swaziland cv
Dr. Arnel Joven Assistant Professor University of Asia and the Pacific Philippines cv
Dr. Jaspreet Kaur Assistant Professor Government College for Girls Ludhiana India cv
Dr. Elisabeth Kirtsoglou Senior Lecturer Department of Anthropology, Durham University UK cv
Dr. Sandra C. S. Marques Research Fellow CRIA-IUL (Centre for Research in Anthropology – Lisbon University Institute) Portugal cv
Dr. Jouili Mustapha Associate Professor University of Carthage Tunisia cv
Dr. Paul Mutica Associate Professor Technical University of Cluj-Napoca Romania cv
Dr. Radebe Nompumelelo Deputy Head, Anthropology & Demography Unit, The Athens Institute & Senior Lecturer and Chair, Department of Anthropology and Archaeology University of South Africa South Africa cv
Dr. Maja Novakovic Research Assistant Mathematical Institute SANU Serbia
Dr. Goran Rajovic Leading researcher, Professor International Network Center for Fundamental and Applied Research and Volgograd State University USA cv
Dr. Ilay Romain Ors Associate Professor Istanbul Bilgi University Turkey cv
Dr. Vineeth Sahadevan Assistant Professor, Dept. of Humanities St. Claret College, Bengaluru India cv
Dr. Johannes Schroeder Professor Heidelberg University Hospital Germany cv
Dr Bilyana Shuman Lecturer Division of Linguistics and Multilingual Studies, Nanyang Technological University Singapore
Dr. Ian Skoggard Research Anthropologist Human Relations Area Files at Yale University USA cv
Dr. Yannis Stivachtis Director, Center for European & Mediterranean Affairs, ATINER and Professor, Jean Monnet Chair & Director of International Studies Program Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University USA cv
Mr. Christopher Stubbert Stubbert Independent Researcher Florida International University USA cv
Ms. Roselyn E Subair Librarian Afe Babalola University- Ado-Ekiti Nigeria cv
Dr. Ilkay Sudas Assistant Professor Department of Geography, Ege University Turkey cv
Dr. Giuseppe Tagarelli Researcher Institute of Neurological Sciences, National Council of Research Italy cv
Ms. Alessandra Terenzi Adjunct Professor Polytechnic of Milan Italy cv
Mr. Tony Whiffen Higher Statistical Officer Welsh Government UK
Dr. Christoph Wulf Professor Free University of Berlin Germany cv