All Academic Members

The Academic Members of the Association
(in alphabetical order according to surname)
Currently ATINER has 2435 members from 118 countries.
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Total 2439 Members-Showing 50 per page
TitleFirst NameLast NamePositionAffiliationCountryCV
Ms. Anna Vassadis PhD Candidate Monash University Australia cv
Dr. Michael Vassalos Assistant Professor Agricultural Sciences Department, Clemson University USA cv
Dr. Bart Vassilev Associate Professor Nipissing University Canada
Bureau Vassilev
Ms. Roshanak Vatani Lecturer Islamic Azad University Iran cv
Dr. Sharon Vaughn Professor and Executive Director The University of Texas at Austin and The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk USA cv
Dr. Toni Vekov Professor Department of Public Health, Medical University of Pleven Bulgaria cv
Dr. Kathryn Velander Reader Edinburgh Napier University UK cv
Mr. Carlos Roberto Velandia-Coustol PhD Candidate Burgundy University -SPMS Laboratory France cv
Dr. Saratchandran Nair Velappan Project Director Central Institute of Indian Languages -National Translation Mission- Manasagangotri India cv
Dr. Sandra Velez Candelario CEO/Consultant Family Organiozational Psychology, Llc USA cv
Dr. Cleopatra Veloutsou Head, Marketing Unit, ATINER & Professor of Brand Management Department of Business and Management, University of Glasgow UK cv
Dr. Nethaji Mariappan Velu Ethirajan Scientist-F Sathyabama University India cv
Dr. Jagannatha Venkataramaiah PhD Student JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) India cv
Dr. Rama Venkatasawmy Lecturer University of Newcastle Singapore cv
Dr. Jose A. Ventura Professor The Pensylvania State University USA cv
prof. Adriano Venudo Professor University of Trieste Italy cv
Dr. Jose Luis Verdegay Professor University of Granada Spain cv
Ms. Reyna E Vergara PhD Candidate The State University of New York at Buffalo USA cv
Dr. Andrew Wirnkor Verla Senior Lecturer Group Research in Analytical Chemistry, Environment and Climate Change (Grace&Cc), Imo State University Nigeria cv
Dr. Kewal Verma President BCA International USA cv
Dr. Pratima Verma Professor and OB&HR Area Chair Alliance School of Business, Alliance University India cv
Dr. Peter Vermeir Head ATP/Researcher Ghent University Hospital/Ghent University Belgium cv
Dr. Sandra Via Director, Partner Success Acadeum USA cv
Ms. Ana Maria Vicuna Navarro Adjunct Associate Professor Pontifical Catholic University of Chile Chile
Dr. Stilianos Vidalis Senior Lecturer University of Wales- Newport UK cv
Dr. Daphne Vidanec Full Professor Baltazar University of Applied Sciences Croatia cv
Dr. Nada Vignjevic Djordjevic Professor State University of Novi Pazar Serbia cv
Dr. Mohit Vij Assistant Professor Skyline University College UAE
Dr. Mary Ann Vimont Associate Professor University of Kentucky USA
Dr. Felice Vinci Independent Researcher Writer Italy cv
Dr. Aleksey Vinnov Senior Researcher Southern Scientific Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography Russia cv
Dr. Talakokula Visalakshi Programme Chair Galgotia's University- School of Civil & Mechanical Engineering- B Tech Civil Engineering India cv
Dr. Thea Visser Lecturer University of South Africa South Africa
Dr. Claudio Vital de Lima Ferreira Professor Federal University of Uberlandia Brazil cv
Mr. Francesco Domenico Vitale PhD Student Pegaso University Italy
Dr. Manjula Vithanapathirana Associate Professor University of Colombo- Faculty of Education Sri Lanka cv
Dr. Peter Vlachos Principal Lecturer University of Greenwich UK cv
Dr. Maria Vlasiou Associate Professor Eindhoven University of Technology Netherlands cv
Dr. Evgeny Vostokov Professor St Petersburg State University of Telecommunication named after M A Bonch-Bruevich Russia
Dr. Peter Vranas Professor University of Wisconsin-Madison USA
Dr. Dijana Vuckovic Assistant Professor & Chair Teacher Training Department, University of Montenegro Montenegro cv
Mr. Vladimir Vujovic Teaching Assistant University of East Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina
Dr. Maja Vukadinovic Professor Novi Sad Business School - Higher Education Institution of Applied Studies- Novi Sad Center for Dance Research & Art of Flamenco-La Sed Gitana- Vladimira Perica Valtera- Dositejeva-President & Founder Serbia cv
Dr. Slobodan Vukosavic Professor University of Belgrade Serbia cv
Dr. Ana Vukovic Researcher Institute of Social Sciences- Belgrade Serbia cv
Dr. Patrick Vyncke Professor Ghent University Belgium cv
Ms. Suchitra Wagle PhD Scholar Indian Institute of Technology- Centre for Enquiry for Health & Allied Themes CEHAT & Research Officer India cv
Mr. Rayendra Wahyu Lecturer Jember University Indonesia cv
Dr. Lee Waller Associate Provost American University of Ras Al Khaimah UAE cv