2024 STA PRO

18th Annual International Conference on Statistics: Teaching, Theory & Applications
Tentative Program (Athens Local Time)

1-4 July 2024
9 Chalkokondili Street, 10677 Athens, Greece

(Note 1: the program is organized along time slots and not according to common theme)
(Note 2: at the end of each session questions and discussions will follow)

Monday 1 July 2024


Opening and Welcoming Remarks:

  • Gregory T. Papanikos, President, The Athens Institute.
10:00-11:30 Session 1
Timothy M. Young, Director, Center for Data Science (CDS), Emeritus Professor, The University of Tennessee, USA & CEO and President, T.M. Young Institute, LLC, USA.
  1. Shunpu Zhang, Chair, Department of Statistics and Data Science and Professor, University of Central Florida, USA.
    Title: Ranking by Pairwise Comparison with Preference of Orders.
  2. Liang-Ching Lin, Professor, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan.
    Title: LIMOS – LightGBM Interval Merton’s One-period-portfolio Selection.
  3. Philippe Thomas, Associate Professor, University of Lorraine / CRAN, France.
    Title: Adjusting the Balance between Alpha and Beta Risks in NN Classifiers.
  4. Mihail Mateev, Chief Assistant Professor, UACEG – Sofia, Bulgaria.
    Title: Implementing Image Analysis with Azure AI Vision and Open AI for Predictive Analysis.


11:30-13:00 Session 2
Moderator: Shunpu Zhang
, Chair, Department of Statistics and Data Science and Professor, University of Central Florida, USA.
  1. Codruta Stoica, Professor, Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania.
    Title: On Evolution Cocycles Associated to Control Systems.
  2. Dimitris Christodoulou, Teaching Professor (Retired), University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA.
    Title: Euclid Absent from the Standard Model of Particle Physics.
  3. Nadya Morozova, Researcher, CNRS, Institute Gustave-Roussy, France.
    Title: Developmental Graphs Comparison Strategy for Analysis of Pattern Formation and Phylogeny.


13:00-14:30 Session 3
Moderator: Codruta Simona Stoica, Head, Mathematics & Statistics Unit, The Athens Institute & Professor and Vice-Rector, Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania.
  1. Gordon Brooks, Professor, Ohio University, USA.
    Nina Adjanin, Assistant Professor, Northwest Missouri State University, USA.
    Title: Using Human-Friendly Scheffé Comparisons to Explore Group Differences in One-way ANOVA.
  2. Jian Song, Professor, OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Germany.
    Title: Application of Statistics in Evaluation of State of Health and Lifetime of Electrical and Electronic Components.
  3. Kelvin Tsoi, Associate Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
    Title: Long-term Benefits of Blood Pressure Management on Memory Complaint Reduction: A Time Series Analysis in a 4-year Prospective Cohort in Hong Kong.

14:30-15:30 Lunch

15:30-17:00 Session 4
Moderator: Gordon Brooks, Professor, Ohio University, USA.
  1. Viktoria Taroudaki, Associate Professor, Eastern Washington University, USA.
    Michael Winer, Associate Professor, Eastern Washington University, USA.
    Michael Battista, EHE Distinguished Professor of Mathematics Education, Ohio State University, USA.
    Title: Using an Online Dynamic Geometry Curriculum to Gain Insights into Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Learning of the Properties of Quadrilaterals.
  2. Mahsa Allahbakhshi, Assistant Professor, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile.
    Title: Pedagogical Innovation to Enhance Mathematical Learning and Cross-Disciplinary Skills in Incoming Mathematics Faculty Students.
  3. Carlos Rojas, Assistant Professor, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile.
    Title: The Academic Portfolio as an Assessment Purpose-Driven Tool in the Training of Primary School Teachers in Mathematics.
  4. Ivonne Pallares-Vega, Professor, Autonomous University of the State of Morelos, Mexico.
    Title: Some Thoughts on Teaching Set Theory.

Athenian Early Evening Symposium (includes in order of appearance: continuous academic discussions, dinner, wine/water, music)

Tuesday 2 July 2024

08:45-10:30 Session 5
Moderator: Mahsa Allahbakhshi, Assistant Professor, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile.
  1. Fawzi Benmessaoud, AI Program Director, Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis, USA.
    Mohamed Habib Agrebi, Researcher, Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis, USA.
    Title: FazBoard: An AI-Educational Hybrid Intelligent Teaching & Learning System.
  2. Evangelos Xevelonakis, Head of Center for Data Science & Technology, HWZ University of Applied Science, Switzerland.
    Title: Identifying Sustainability Efforts in Company’s Reports Using Text Mining and Machine Learning.
  3. Yun Zhou, Associate Professor, National University of Defense Technology, China.
    CycleTTA: Continuous Cyclical Test Time Domain Adaptation.
  4. Craig Teerlink, Assistant Professor, VA Informatics and Computing Infrastructure, USA.
    Title: Development of a Machine Learning Approach to Identify Veterans Carrying the V142I Variant in the US Veterans Administration Healthcare Network.
  5. Thomas Fehlmann, Senior Researcher, Euro Project Office AG, Switzerland.
    Eberhard Kranich, Senior Researcher, Euro Project Office AG, Switzerland.
    Title: How to Teach Literacy to Artificial Neural Networks.


10:30-12:00 Session 6
Moderator: Viktoria Taroudaki, Associate Professor, Eastern Washington University, USA.
  1. Aleksandra Kostic, Full Professor, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
    Valentina Timotic, Assistant Professor, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
    Izet Horman, Full Professor, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
    Title: Improving Variational Characterization Interval Bounds to Gyroscopic Problems.
  2. Carmelo Raffaele Cartiere, Head of Research and Development, Division of Quantitative Physics and Systems Engineering, Kellogg College, University of Oxford, UK.
    Title: An Analytical Study of Diophantine Equations of Pythagorean Form.
  3. Michael Hecht, Visiting Professor / Research Group Leader, CASUS / HZDR, Germany.
    Title: Fast Multivariate Newton Interpolation for Downward Closed Polynomial Spaces.
  4. Karl Javorszky, Retired, Austria.
    Title: Update on a+b=c.


12:00-13:30 Session 7
Moderator: Karl Javorszky, Retired, Austria.
  1. Philip Slobodsky, Director, Halomda Educational Software, Israel.
    Mariana Durcheva, Lecturer, Sami Shamoon College of Engineering, Israel.
    Leonid Kugel, Lecturer, Kaye College of Education, Israel.
    Title: If you Can’t Beat It, Join It! Teaching and Learning Mathematics with ChatGPT and Key Prompts to Stimulate Self-Learning.
  2. Yenting Lai, PhD Student, Chung Hua University, Taiwan.
    Erh-Tsung Chin, Professor, Chung Hua University, Taiwan.
    Title: A Case Study of Rural Teachers Developing Bilingual Mathematics Teaching through a Teacher Professional Learning Community.
  3. Weng Sung-Huan, PhD Candidate, Chung Hua University, Taiwan.
    Erh-Tsung Chin, Professor, Chung Hua University, Taiwan.
    Title: The Development of Ethno-mathematics Teaching Activity Design Based on Bunun (a Taiwan Indigenous Tribe) Traditional Weaving.
  4. Chia-Hao Tsai, PhD Candidate, Chung Hua University, Taiwan.
    Erh-Tsung Chin, Professor, Chung Hua University, Taiwan.
    Title: A Study on the Feasibility of Establishing a Teacher Professional Learning Network through the Implementation of On-line Public Lesson Mode.

13:30-14:30 Lunch

14:30-16:30 Session 8
Moderator: Seren Yashar, AI Governance Lead, Independent, Greece.
  1. Catalin Silviu Nutu, Associate Professor, Constanta Maritime University, Romania.
    Title: Decrypting Evolutionary Fractals using Intelligence Models based on the CSN Matrix.
  2. Sahika Gokmen, Associate Professor, Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University, Türkiye.
    Title: An Early-Warning System Against Violence for Woman: Türkiye Example.
  3. Mariana Durcheva, Lecturer, Sami Shamoon College of Engineering, Israel.
    Title: Tropical Cryptography – The State of The Art and Future Prospects.
  4. Nemanja Milenkovic, Assistant Professor, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
    Title: A Novel Approach in Multivariate Outlier Detection.
  5. Babhrubahan Bose, Research Assistant, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India.
    Title: Pointwise Symmetry of Birkhoff-James Orthogonality and Geometry of 


17:00-20:00 Session 9
Old and New-An Educational Urban Walk
The urban walk ticket is not included as part of your registration fee. It includes transportation costs and the cost to enter the Parthenon and the other monuments on the Acropolis Hill. The urban walk tour includes the broader area of Athens. Among other sites, it includes: Zappion, Syntagma Square, Temple of Olympian Zeus, Ancient Roman Agora and on Acropolis Hill: the Propylaea, the Temple of Athena Nike, the Erechtheion, and the Parthenon. The program of the tour may be adjusted, if there is a need beyond our control. This is a private event organized by ATINER exclusively for the conference participants.


Wednesday 3 July 2024
An Educational Visit to Selected Islands
or Mycenae Visit

Thursday 4 July 2024
Visiting the Oracle of Delphi

Friday 5 July 2024
Visiting the Ancient Corinth and Cape Sounion


Conference Venue: 9 Chalkokondili Street, 10677 Athens, Greece


+30 2103634210
+30 2103634209




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