2024 HUM PRO

11th Annual International Conference on Humanities & Arts in a Global World
Program (Athens Local Time)

3-6 January 2024
9 Chalkokondili Street, 10677 Athens, Greece

(Note 1: the program is organized along time slots and not according to common theme)
(Note 2: at the end of each session questions and discussions will follow)

Wednesday 3 January 2024


Opening and Welcoming Remarks:

  • David Wick, Director, Humanities, Arts & Education Division, ATINER.
09:30-11:00 Session 1
Moderator: Gregory T. Papanikos
, President, ATINER.
  1. Steven Oberhelman, Senior Associate Dean and Charles Sumey Professor of Liberal Arts, Texas A&M University, USA & George Sumey, Jr., Professor of Liberal Arts, Texas A&M University, USA.
    Title: To neró tou Kamateroú: A Tragic Episode of Miracle-Working, Medical Fraud, and Entrepreneurial Deception in Athens, Greece in 1976.
  2. David Wick, Retired Professor of History, Gordon College, USA.
    Title: What Winter Meant in Ancient Athens.
  3. Elena Ene Draghici-Vasilescu, Professor, University of Oxford, UK.
    Title: How Peace was Achieved in Byzantium and Medieval Europe.



11:00-12:00 Session 2
Moderator: David Wick
, Director, Humanities, Arts & Education Division, ATINER.
  1. Gregory T. Papanikos, President, ATINER.
    Title: The National Identity of Ancient and Modern Greeks.
  2. Jaewon Ahn, Professor, Seoul National Universities, South Korea.
    Title: A Brief Report on the Reception of Aristotle’s Philosophy in 16th Century Asia: Focusing on the Vorlage of Minlitam (Chinese Translation of Aristotle’s Categories and Porphyry’s Isagoge).



12:00-13:00 Session 3
Moderator: Steven Oberhelman
, Professor of Classics, Holder of the George Sumey Jr Endowed Professorship of Liberal Arts, and Interim Dean, Texas A&M University, USA, Vice President of International Programs, ATINER and Editor of the Athens Journal of History.
  1. David Ferguson, Assistant Dean, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA.
    Title: Birth of the Cool Musical Quotes in the Arrangements of Marty Paich.
  2. Calum Carswell, Composer, University of Aberdeen, UK.
    Title: To Sing Among the Heavens: A Theologically Informed Approach to Composing Choral Music for Charismatic Evangelical Liturgy.



13:00-14:30 Session 4 – A Round-Table Discussion (Symposium) on Teaching Arts and Humanities in a Global World
Moderator: David Wick
, Director, Humanities, Arts & Education Division, ATINER.
  1. Steven Oberhelman, Senior Associate Dean and Charles Sumey Professor of Liberal Arts, Texas A&M University, USA & George Sumey, Jr., Professor of Liberal Arts, Texas A&M University, USA. Present and Future Job Trends in the Arts and Humanities.
  2. David A. Ferguson, Assistant Dean, College of Arts and Humanities, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA. Nevertheless, We Persist.
  3. Ulrich Schmitt, Professor, Stellenbosch Business School, South Africa. A Spin-Off of a Currently Developed Digital Platform for Knowledge Co-Creation.
  4. Aleksandra Tryniecka, Adjunct Professor, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland. Teaching or Sharing Literature? Classroom as a Literary Club.
  5. Calum Carswell, Composer, University of Aberdeen, UK. Cultivating Internationalist Composers.


14:30-15:30 Discussion + Lunch

15:30-17:00 Session 5
Moderator: Aleksandra Tryniecka
,  Deputy Head, Literature Unit, ATINER.
  1. Ulrich Schmitt, Professor, Stellenbosch Business School, South Africa.
    Title: Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals: Validating a Novel Digital Platform for Knowledge Co-Creation based on the IEEE Standard for Digital Intelligence.
  2. Zoulal Mansouri, Associate Professor, Hassan II University of Casablanca, Morocco.
    Title: University Stakeholders’ Perception of Student Attrition in two Moroccan Universities: A Qualitative Study.
  3. Athena Clayton, Lecturer and Educational Psychologist, University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
    Title: Exploring the Ethical Dilemmas Inherent in South African Educators Administering Dyslexia Screening Tests.


Athenian Early Evening Symposium (includes in order of appearance: continuous academic discussions, dinner, wine/water, music)

Thursday 4 January 2024

09:00-10:30 Session 6
Moderator: Athena Clayton
, Lecturer and Educational Psychologist, University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
  1. Mehmet Cevat Yildirim, Associate Professor, Gaziantep University, Turkiye.
    Title: On Growth and Democracy.
  2. Radmila Janicic, Professor, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
    Title: The Experience Marketing in Promotion of Countries’ Cultures, Art and Literature.



10:30-12:00 Session 7
Moderator: Mehmet Cevat Yildirim
, Associate Professor, Gaziantep University, Turkiye.
  1. Krunoslav Bedi, Professor, Graditeljska Škola Čakovec, Croatia.
    Title: AI Art.
  2. Aathira Peedikaparambil Somasundaran, PhD Candidate, Cardiff University, UK.
    Title: Socio-political Factors that Triggered the Migration of Modernist Art into the Levant.



12:00-13:30 Session 8
Moderator: David Ferguson
, Assistant Dean, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA.
  1. Aleksandra Tryniecka, Adjunct Professor, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland.
    Title: Women and Society in the Selected Plays of Oscar Wilde.
  2. Hadeel Azhar, Associate Professor, Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia.
    Title: Challenging Social Boundaries in the Poetry of Thuraya Al Arrayed.
  3. Claudia Panisello, Professor, Artigas Institute, Uruguay.
    Title: Aesthetics of the Fantastic in Pan’s Labyrinth.



13:30-14:30 Session 9
Moderator: Olga Gkounta
, Researcher, ATINER
  1. Ali Abusalem, Director e-Learning: The Quest for Quality Education, Australia.
    Title: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Generative Technologies on Assessment and the Reputation of Higher Education Institutions.
  2. Xiaofan Wei, Master Student, Shanxi University, China.
    Title: Ecosemiotics in China (2014~2023): A Literature Review.


14:30-15:30 Discussion + Lunch

15:30-18:30 Session 10 – Old and New-An Educational Urban Walk

The urban walk ticket is not included as part of your registration fee. It includes transportation costs and the cost to enter the Parthenon and the other monuments on the Acropolis Hill. The program of the tour may be adjusted, if there is a need beyond our control. This is a private event organized by ATINER exclusively for the conference participants.


Friday 5 January 2024
Visiting the Oracle of Delphi

Saturday 6 January 2024
An Educational Visit to Selected Islands

Conference Venue: 9 Chalkokondili Street, 10677 Athens, Greece

+30 2103634210
+30 2103634209

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