2023 LNG PRO

16th Annual International Conference on Languages & Linguistics
Program (Athens Local Time)

3-6 July 2023
9 Chalkokondili Street, 10677 Athens, Greece

(Note 1: the program is organized along time slots and not according to common theme)
(Note 2: at the end of each session questions and discussions will follow)
(Note 3: 
Please note that many attendees including those who present a paper may choose the online option. However, ATINER will provide full-fledged services (lunches, dinners, excursions, etc.) for all those who present onsite.) 

Monday 3 July 2023


Opening and Welcoming Remarks:

  • Gregory T. Papanikos, President, ATINER.
10:00-11:30 Session 1
Moderator: Valia Spiliotopoulos
, Head, Languages & Linguistics Unit, ATINER & Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa, Canada.
  1. Adil Ishag, Assistant Professor, International University of Africa, Sudan.
    Title: Translation of Grammatical Gender by Arabic – German Bilinguals.
  2. Judith Yoel, Lecturer, Gordon Academic College, Israel.
    Title: Roles on Inclusion and Materiality in the Intergeneral Transmission of ASL and Deaf Culture in Newfoundland and Labrador.



11:30-13:00 Session 2
Moderator: Judith Yoel
, Lecturer, Gordon Academic College, Israel.
  1. Hsiao-Yung Wang, Distinguished Professor, Providence University, Taiwan.
    Title: Struggling for the Authentic Being: A Critical Rhetoric of Transsexual Narratives of “The Chen Story” and the Embodied Sexual/Gender Consciousness.
  2. Ayşe Nur Kocak, Lecturer, Atlas University, Turkey.
    Handan Çetinkaya, Speech and Language Therapy Bachelor Student, İstinye University, Turkey.
    Ruveyda Nur Beniz, Speech and Language Therapy Bachelor Student, İstinye University, Turkey.
    Ayşe Nur Karatekin, Speech and Language Therapy Bachelor Student, İstinye University, Turkey.
    Title: Analysis of Turkish Speech and Language Therapists’ Knowledge and Thoughts of Alternative and Augmentative Communication Systems.
  3. Hongmei Xi, Professor, Harbin Engineering University, China.
    Yidan Chen, PhD Student, Harbin Engineering University, China.
    Title: A Study on Cultural Pragmatics Strategies of Chinese Spokesperson of Foreign Ministry in Diplomatic Discourse.



13:00-14:30 Session 3
Moderator: Ayşe Nur Kocak
, Lecturer, Atlas University, Turkey.
  1. Claudine Benoit, Professor, Catholic University of the Most Holy Conception, Chile.
    Mabel Ortiz, Professor, Catholic University of the Most Holy Conception, Chile.
    Title: How can Problems be Solved from a Collaborative Approach?
  2. Omar Davison, Professor, San Sebastián University, Chile.
    María Constanza Errázuriz Cruz, Associate Professor, San Sebastián University, Chile.
    Andrea Cocio Seguel, Researcher, San Sebastián University, Chile.
    Title: Discursive Interactions of Reading Mediation of Primary Education Teachers of Excellence in Different Disciplines.
  3. Lucía Ubilla, Assistant Professor, Catholic University of Temuco, Chile.
    Title: Improving Argumentative Writing Skills by Using a Collaborative Setting.
  4. Andrea Cocio Seguel, Researcher, San Sebastián University, Chile.
    Title: First-Year English Pedagogy Students and their Interest in Teaching: How do Funds of Knowledge and Identity Contribute to Initial Teacher Training?


14:30-15:30 Discussion + Lunch

15:30-17:30 Session 4
Moderator: Mr Konstantinos Manolidis
 (ATINER Administration).
  1. Paola Clara Leotta, Associate Professor, University of Catania, Italy.
    Title: The Role of English in Valuing Interculture and Plurilingualism in Higher Education.
  2. Emine Oztas, Lecturer, Samsun University, Turkiye.
    Title: Turkish Students’ Perception of Blended Learning in EFL and Higher Education Context.
  3. Megi Plaku, Lecturer, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania.
    Title: Vocabulary Notebooks as a Noteworthy Powerful Instrument in Learning Technical Vocabulary.



17:30-19:00 Session 5
Moderator: Mr Konstantinos Manolidis
 (ATINER Administration).
  1. Lisa Reed, Professor, The Pennsylvania State University, USA.
    Title: Simplifying the Theoretical Treatment of “Wager” Verbs.
  2. Sara Quintero-Ramírez, Professor, University of Guadalajara, Mexico.
    Title: Characterization of Structures and Terms of Tennis Broadcasts in Spanish.
  3. Armita Ghobadi, PhD Candidate, Georgia State University, USA.
    Title: Do Bilinguals Follow First or Second Language in Moving Across Spaces in Speech and Co-Speech Gesture?

Athenian Early Evening Symposium (includes in order of appearance: continuous academic discussions, dinner, wine/water, music and dance)

Tuesday 4 July  2023


08:30-10:00 Session 6
Moderator: Mr. Kostas Spyropoulos 
(ATINER Administration)
Old and New-An Educational Urban Walk
  1. Yujie Chen, Master Student, Harbin Engineering University, China.
    Dan Cui, Professor, Harbin Engineering University, China.
    Title: A Study on Translation of China-specific Words from the Perspective of Chinese Culture Communication.
  2. Shuqi Li, Master Student, Harbin Engineering University, China.
    Dan Cui, Professor, Harbin Engineering University, China.
    Title: The Translation of Idioms and Chinese Culture in the English Version of Journey to the West.
  3. Wang Kai, Master Student, Harbin Engineering University, China.
    Dan Cui, Professor, Harbin Engineering University, China.
    Title: A Study on English Translation of Imagery in Tang Poetry from the Perspective of Cultural Linguistics.

The urban walk ticket is not included as part of your registration fee. It includes transportation costs and the cost to enter the Parthenon and the other monuments on the Acropolis Hill. The urban walk tour includes the broader area of Athens. Among other sites, it includes: Zappion, Syntagma Square, Temple of Olympian Zeus, Ancient Roman Agora and on Acropolis Hill: the Propylaea, the Temple of Athena Nike, the Erechtheion, and the Parthenon. The program of the tour may be adjusted, if there is a need beyond our control. This is a private event organized by ATINER exclusively for the conference participants.

10:00-11:30 Session 7:
Special Session on “Stepping Up the Role of Learning Management Systems in a Higher Education Landscape with Ready Access to Artificial Intelligence Generative Technologies”
Moderator: Mr. Kostas Spyropoulos 
(ATINER Administration)
  1. Ali Abusalem, Director, Center for Higher Education Futures (CHEF), ATINER & Course Coordinator, Kent Institute Australia & External Member of Academic Board, Elite Education Institute, Australia.
    Title: Stepping Up the Role of Learning Management Systems in a Higher Education Landscape with Ready Access to Artificial Intelligence Generative Technologies.
  2. Lorraine Bennett, Deputy Director, Center for Higher Education Futures (CHEF), ATINER &Managing Director, Lorraine Bennett Learning and Teaching Consultancy, Australia.
    Title: Stepping Up the Role of Learning Management Systems in a Higher Education Landscape with Ready Access to Artificial Intelligence Generative Technologies.
  3. Chaoyang Lin, Alumni, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan.
    Title: Analyzing AIGPT’s Influence on Higher Education from a Philosophical Perspective.


11:30-13:00 Session 8
Moderator: Ayşe Nur Kocak
, Lecturer, Atlas University, Turkey.
  1. Krasimir Kabakciev, Independent Researcher, Bulgaria.
    Title: After Verkuyl’s Discovery Aspect is No Longer a Mystery, but Aspectology Needs a Reform.
  2. Dan Cui, Professor, Harbin Engineering University, China.
    Yaxuan Zhao, Master Student, Harbin Engineering University, China.
    Title: A Study on the Functions of Chinese-English Codswitching in Chinese Popular Songs.
  3. Daniela Mena, Researcher, University of Concepcion, Chile.
    Title: High-Vowel Lowering in Aymara-Spanish Bilinguals from Chile: An Acoustic Study.



13:00-14:00 Session 9
Moderator: Krasimir Kabakciev
, Independent Researcher, Bulgaria.
  1. Nicole Ann Vadino, Associate Professor, Community College of Philadelphia, USA.
    Nicholas Rux, High School Junior and Dual Admission Student at CCP-Graduating May 2023 with A.A.. in Liberal Arts, Garnet Valley High School and Community College of Philadelphia, USA.
    Title: The Impact of Community College Education on High School Dual Admission Students.


14:30-15:30 Discussion + Lunch

15:30-17:00 Session 10
Moderator: Mr Konstantinos Manolidis
 (ATINER Administration).
  1. Hsiao-ping Chen, Associate Professor, Grand Valley State University, USA.
    Title: Curriculum Integration: Themes, Inquiry, and Artmaking Strategies.
  2. Stefano Carlucci, Assistant Professor, Polytechnic University of Milan & University of Bari, Italy.
    Title: Augmented Writing.
  3. Tharaya Al Shabibi, Assistant Professor, A’Sharqiyah University, Oman.
    Title: The Obstacles to the Use of Qualitative Research and the Proposals to Overcome the “A Bibliometric Study”.



17:00-18:00 Session 11
Moderator: Mr Konstantinos Manolidis
(ATINER Administration).
  1. Carlos Nuñez, PhD Student, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico.
    Title: The Concept of ἴστορ (Hístor) in Homer’s Iliad.
  2. Maria Rosaria D’Acierno Canonici, Associate Professor, Parthenope University of Naples, Italy.
    Title: Comics and Cartoons: Destino (Dalí and Disney) in a Middle School Curriculum.


Ancient Athenian Dinner (includes in order of appearance: continuous academic discussions, dinner with recipes from ancient Athens, wine/water)

Wednesday 5 July 2023
An Educational Visit to Selected Islands
Mycenae Visit

Thursday 6 July 2023
Visiting the Oracle of Delphi

Friday 7 July 2023
Visiting the Ancient Corinth and Cape Sounio

Conference Venue: 9 Chalkokondili Street, 10677 Athens, Greece

+30 2103634210
+30 2103634209

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