Athens Institute for Education and Research
A World Association of Academics and Researchers
List of Papers to be Presented
This list includes only those who have registered for the conference (i.e. those who have paid the registration fee). It does not include those who have received an acceptance letter but who have not yet sent in their registration form. The list will be updated weekly. This current version was produced on 2 June 2023.
- Svetlana Buzhenitsa, MD, Resident of Specialization School in Health Statistics, University of Pavia, Italy.
Ioana Popa, Researcher, University of Pavia, Italy.
Pietro Perotti, MD, Director of Unit of Epidemiology, Public Health Agency of Pavia, Italy.
Lorenza Boschetti, MD, Responsible of Death Registry, Public Health Agency of Pavia, Italy.
Stefano Marguati, NM, Nursery, Public Health Agency of Pavia, Italy.
Simona Villani, Professor, University of Pavia, Italy.
Simona Dalle Carbonare, Eng PhD, Public Health Agency of Pavia, Italy.
Title: Trends of Potential Years of Life Lost in Pavia Province (Italy) in the period 2015 2021. The Impact of COVID-19. - Deboshree Das, PhD Student, International Institute for Population Sciences, India.
Title: Trajectories in Subjective Well Being among Youth in India. - Mohamed Elkhouli, Associate Professor, Sadat Academy for Management Science, Egypt.
Title: Examining the Most Important Factors Affecting the Egyptian Family’s Choice of the Ideal Number of Children in the Light of the 2015 Demographic and Health Survey. - Babul Hossain, PhD Student, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS), India.
Title: Why are Widows Dying more than Married Women in India? A Constructed Social & Economic Disadvantage among Women in Post-Widowhood. - Volker Ludwig, Assistant Professor, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany.
Title: What you Need to Know when Estimating Impact Functions for Demographic Research. - Estelle McLean, Researcher/Data Scientist, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK and Malawi Epidemiology and Intervention Research Unit, Republic of Malawi.
Albert Dube, Researcher, Malawi Epidemiology and Intervention Research Unit, UK.
Maria Sironi, Associate Professor, University College London, UK.
Amelia Crampin, Professor/Director, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK and Malawi Epidemiology and Intervention Research Unit, Republic of Malawi.
Rebecca Sear, Professor, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK.
Title: Disrupted Transition to Adulthood: Causes and Effects of Divorce at a Young Age in Rural Malawi. - Karabo Mhele, Senior Lecturer, North-West University, South Africa.
Title: Assessment of Age and Date Reporting Among Black Population in South Africa. - Denise Musni, PhD Student, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium.
Title: Mind the Gap: Analyzing the Discontinuity between Antenatal Care and Facility-Based Delivery among Filipino Mothers. - Julie Papastamatelou, Professor, University of Applied Management Studies, Germany.
Volker Ludwig, Assistant Professor, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany.
Title: Physical and Verbal Partnership Violence: A Longitudinal Analysis of Interactional Driving Factors among German Couples. - Soumendu Sen, Researcher, International Institute for Population Sciences, India.
Tabassum Wadasadawala, Professor & Consultant Radiation Oncologist, Tata Memorial Center, India.
Sanjay K. Mohanty, Professor & Head, Department of Population and Development, International Institute for Population Sciences, India.
Title: Income, Loan & Debt Accumulation and Financial Stress among Breast Cancer Patients Seeking Treatment at India’s Largest Tertiary Cancer Care Center. - Ethan Sharygin, Assistant Professor, Portland State University, USA.
Title: Assessing Migration after Natural Disaster: A Housing Capacity Search Model. - Roni Sikdar, Research Scholar, International Institute for Population Sciences, India.
Title: Effects of Different Levels of Wealth Quintile on Women’s Contraceptive Use in India. - Arya Rachel Thomas, PhD Student, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India.
Umakant Dash, Director, Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA), India.
Santosh Kumar Sahu, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India.
Title: Illnesses and Hardship Financing in India: An Evaluation of Inpatient and Outpatient Cases, 2014-18. - Bolormaa Tsogtsaikhan, Professor, National University of Mongolia, Mongolia.
Title: Mongolia’s Demographic Transition. - Philip Alldritt, Lecturer, University of New Mexico, USA.
Title: Saving Democracy from Creeping Authoritarianism. - Sarika Bose, Lecturer, University of British Columbia, Canada.
Title: Citizenship and Statelessness in the Academy: The Case of the Academic Adjunct. - Jorge Cerdeira, Assistant Professor, University of Porto, Portugal.
Title: Too Much of a Good Thing? The Concave Impact of Corruption on Firm Performance. - Philip Cerny, Professor Emeritus, University of Manchester, UK and Rutgers University, USA.
Title: The Reactive State in a Heterarchical World. - Kenneth Christie, Professor, Royal Roads University, Canada.
Robert Hanlon, Associate Professor Thompson Rivers University, Canada.
Title: Conceptualizing Human Security; Promoting Peace. - Katsumi Ishizuka, Dean and Professor, Faculty of International Business Management, Kyoei University, Japan.
Title: Japan’s Contribution to International Peace. - Soňa Kehmová, PhD Student, National Chengchi University, Taiwan.
Title: Putin’s Use of Gendered Rhetoric: The Narrative of Masculinist Nationalism as a Path to Political Legitimacy. - Shi Li, Professor, Renming University of China, China.
Title: On the Triple Connection between Morality and Politics. - Eva Loreng, Assistant Professor, Central University of Gujarat, India.
Title: Exercising Soft Power: A Comparison of Narratives about the 1971 War in Cinema, Television Shows and Web Series. - Pietro Marzo, Assistant Professor, TELUQ University, Canada.
Title: GCC Countries Humanitarian Aid to West Africa. Geopolitics, Religion and Public Diplomacy. - Justin Massie, Professor, University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada.
Title: United we Stand? Explaining Varying Support to Ukraine. - Emre Ozigci, Deputy Head, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Türkiye, Turkey.
Title: The Problem of Returning to the “Things Themselves” in the IR Theorisation: Phenomenology’s Possible Use in the Study of the Pre-Theoretical, Immediate Givenness of the IR Phenomena and Events. - Amitendu Palit, Senior Research Fellow, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
Title: Geopolitics of Supply Chains: Examining the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF). - Gregory T. Papanikos, President of ATINER.
Title: Explaining Electoral Successes in Greek Parliamentary Elections: Is it the Economy Again? - Sunyoung Park, Professor, Sejong University, South Korea.
Title: Seek from Different Dream to Common Ground. - Carla Sequeira, Research Fellow, University of Porto/CITCEM, Portugal.
Title: Contributions to the Political and Party Characterization of the Douro Region during the First Republic in Portugal. - Dusanka Slijepcevic, Senior Teaching Assistant, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Ewa Dabrowska/Prokopowska, Assistant Professor, University of Bialystok, Poland.
Dusko Vejnovic, Full Professor, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Title: Social Control of Everyday Life and Political Construction of (Montenegrin) Identity. - Sunil Sahu, Professor, DePauw University, USA.
Punita Sahu, Department of Library and Information Science, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, USA.
Title: Social Media and Surveillance Capitalism: Facebook, Political Polarization, Orwellian Dystopia, and American Democracy. - Adrian Szumowski, Assistant Professor, Maria Curie-Skolodowska University, Poland.
Title: Correlates of War: Energy Prices and Causes of War. Cases Study Ukraine 2022. - Tamás Tarján, Assistant Lecturer, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Hungary.
Title: Fears, Desires and the Art of Tightrope Walking: Nation-building Strategies of the Hungarian Political Elite under the Austro-Hungarian Empire. - Kalliopi Tzani-Pepelasi, Senior Lecturer, University of Huddersfield, UK.
Title: The Relationship between Global Crises and Aggression. - Stephan Unger, Associate Professor, Saint Anselm College, USA.
Title: The Diffusion Speed of Good vs. Bad News in Geo-Politics. - Luiz Fernando Dias Duarte, Professor, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Daniel Nunes de Oliveira Malafaia, MA Student, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Izabela Henriques Feffer, MA Student, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Title: Vitalism and Processualism as Key Dimensions of Contemporary Anthropology. - Molefe Madinga, Nolizwe, Lecturer, University of Zululand, South Africa.
Title: An Exploration into the Role Played by Women in Establishing Food Security amongst the Youth: The Case of Soweto, Johannesburg. - Alessandro Milani, Tenured Professor, EPHE, France.
Title: Ukrainian Greek Catholicism in Habsburg Galicia (1830-1900). - Akvilė Stankutė, PhD Student, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania.
Title: Film Production Workers Community in Lithuania: Traits of Collective Identity. - Prashant Vijay, Researcher, Hyderabad Central University, India.
Title: Evolution of Malaria Research in India: A Bibliometric Analysis of Literature by Using Scopus Database. - Elżbieta Wiejaczka, PhD Student, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland.
Title: Maasai-Wazungu* Couples Living in Tanzania. Anthropological Study of Long-Term Relationships.