ATINER is organized into 35 Units and 6 Divisions. Each one organizes at least one annual academic event (conferences, symposiums, roundtable discussions etc.). Academics/researchers are more than welcome to propose a special session/stream to be organized as part of an academic event. Important Note on Conference Indexing: ATINER is a world association of academics and researchers based in Athens. Our policies for academic events and publications serve our mission statement and overall goals established in the mid-1980s. One of them is to organize truly (100%) international academic events as we have done for almost three decades now. There is a conflict between our academic interests and the requirements for indexing conferences according to international standards. If they were to be adopted, they would change the uniqueness of ATINER’s meetings. As a matter of academic principle, ATINER would never pay, directly or indirectly, any private or public organization to be included in their indexing lists. Such organizations are more than welcome to list our conferences of their own volition, but this cannot come from an official request by ATINER’s executive. In addition, all ATINER’s academic events are organized by academics from a range of universities and colleges, as can be verified here. | Abstract Submission Information |
18-21 December 2023 | 17th Annual International Conference on Global Studies:Business, Economic, Political, Social and Cultural Aspects organized by the Business, Economics and Law Division and the Economics Unit of ATINER Academic Members Responsible for the Conference: Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, President, ATINER. Dr. Philip G. Cerny, Director, Social Sciences Division, ATINER & Professor Emeritus, University of Manchester (UK) and Rutgers University (USA). Dr. Evangelia Kasimati, Head, Tourism, Leisure & Recreation Unit, ATINER & Researcher, Department of Economic Analysis & Research, Central Bank of Greece, Greece. Dr. Peter Koveos, Head, Finance Unit, ATINER & Professor of Finance, Syracuse University, USA. Dr. Chris Sakellariou, Vice President of Finance, ATINER & Associate Professor of Economics, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Dr. Kenneth Christie, Head, Politics & International Affairs Unit, ATINER & Professor, Royal Roads University, Canada. Dr. Theodore Trafalis, Director, Engineering & Architecture Research Division, ATINER, Professor of Industrial & Systems Engineering and Director, Optimization & Intelligent Systems Laboratory, The University of Oklahoma, USA. Dr. Henry Thompson, Head, Economics Unit, ATINER & Emeritus Professor, Auburn University, USA. Dr. Cleopatra Veloutsou, Head, Marketing Unit, ATINER & Professor of Brand Management, University of Glasgow, U.K. Please click here to see special sessions currently organized within this conference. | Conference Program |