2023 BYZ PRO

6th Annual International Conference on Classical and Byzantine Studies
Tentative Program (Athens Local Time)

29-31 May & 1 June 2023
9 Chalkokondili Street, 10677 Athens, Greece

(Note 1: the program is organized along time slots and not according to common theme)
(Note 2: at the end of each session questions and discussions will follow)
(Note 3:
Please note that many attendees including those who present a paper may choose the online option. However, ATINER will provide full-fledged services (lunches, dinners, excursions, etc.) for all those who present onsite.) 

Monday 29 May 2023


Opening and Welcoming Remarks:

  • Gregory T. Papanikos, President, ATINER.
10:00-11:30 Session 1
Moderator: Steven Oberhelman
, Professor of Classics, Holder of the George Sumey Jr Endowed Professorship of Liberal Arts, and Interim Dean, Texas A&M University, USA.
  1. David Philip Wick, Retired Professor of History, Gordon College, USA.
    Title: It Seemed Like Such a Good Idea at the Time … – Expected and Unexpected Consequences when Athens & Other Major Greek City States Leveraged Philip V to Draw Rome into the Eastern Mediterranean.
  2. Jeffrey Lerner, Professor, Wake Forest University, USA.
    Title: Klearchos and the Delphic Maxims of Ai Khanoum (Northeast Afghanistan).
  3. William Davis, Professor, Colorado College, USA.
    Title: Friedrich Holderlin, Waiting for the Greek Gods.
  4. Mohar Daschaudhuri, Associate Professor, University of Calcutta, India.
    Title: The Uncanny in Yoko Ogawa’s Revenge and in Linda Lê’s Autres jeux avec le feu (Other games with Fire).



11:30-13:00 Session 2
Moderator: David Philip Wick
, Retired Professor of History, Gordon College, USA.
  1. Steven Oberhelman, Professor of Classics, Holder of the George Sumey Jr Endowed Professorship of Liberal Arts, and Interim Dean, Texas A&M University, USA.
    Title: Nineteenth-Century Plant-Based Medical Healing Manuals in Northern Greece.
  2. Gunnar Hallstrom, Retired Professor, Abo Akademi University, Finland.
    Title: Athens in 2nd Century Christian Apologetics.
  3. Ana Paula Figueiredo Pinto, Assistant Professor, Portuguese Catholic University, Portugal.
    Title: Imagery of Childhood from the Homeric Poems.
  4. Ana Rita Figueira, Researcher, University of Lisbon, Portugal.
    Title: Achilles and Ajax: The Board Game as Μίμησις ἐρωτική.



13:00-14:30 Session 3
Moderator: Lea Baratz
, Lecturer, Achva Academic College, Israel.
  1. Sabine Loucif, Professor, Hofstra University, USA.
    Title: The Story of a Nobel Prize: The Trajectory of Annie Ernaux from Rural Normandy to Stockholm.
  2. Aleksandra Tryniecka, Adjunct Professor, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland.
    Title: Finding Hope in the Future: Redeeming Generations of Women in Anthony Trollope’s “Castle Richmond” (1860) and “Lady Anna” (1873).
  3. Tetiana Reheshuk, PhD Student, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Ukraine.
    Title: Allusions to the Indo-European epic tradition in the Chinese folk tale “Shy Flower” (“含羞草花语与传说故事”).
  4. Siim Sõkkal, PhD Student, University of Tartu, Estonia.
    Title: Epicurean Philosophy and Political Instability in the Late Roman Republic.


14:30-15:30 Discussion + Lunch

15:30-17:30 Session 4
Moderator: Sabine Loucif
, Professor, Hofstra University, USA.
  1. Lea Baratz, Lecturer, Achva Academic College, Israel.
    Title: The ´Red Color’ that Cracks Children’s Souls – A Look at Israeli Children’s Books on Life in the Gaza Strip.
  2. Andrew Sidle, English Teacher, St. Stephen’s & St. Agnes School, USA.
    Title: Kate Chopin, Emerson, and the American Patriarchy: Criticism in Three Acts.
  3. Riccardo Bonotto, PhD Student, School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, France.
    Title: Non-Muslim Minorities in the Modern Afghanistan’s Economy.
  4. Maria Jose Lopes, Assistant Professor, Catholic University of Portugal , Portugal.
    Title: A New Take on the Wrath of The Aeacids in a 21st Century Portuguese Rewriting of Trojan Women.
  5. Liping Sun, PhD Student, Southeast University, China.
    Title: A Study on the Mechanism of Conservation and Utilization of Modern Architectural Heritage in Qingdao — Based on Multi-Party Interactions among Government, Enterprises, and the Public.



17:30-19:30 Session 5
Moderator: Mr Konstantinos Manolidis 
(ATINER Administrator).
  1. Sujatha Napanda Cheeyanna, Assistant Professor, Karnataka State Open University, India.
    Title: Royal Women Patronage to Temple Architecture.
  2. İlksoy Aslım, Lecturer, Cyprus Science University, Cyprus.
    Title: The Role of the United States to the Formation of the Violence in Cyprus During the 20th Century.
  3. Attila Simon, PhD Student, University of Debrecen, Hungary.
    Title: Bull in the House – An Attempt to Interpret a Motif of Mithras Symbolism.
  4. Keilah Gerber, PhD Student, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil.
    Marina Pelluci Duarte Mortoza, Independent Researcher, Brazil.
    Title: Translation and Memory from the Cremation Ovens in Poland to Freedom in Greece and the US: Τhe Journey and the Manuscripts of Marcel Nadjary.
  5. Jonathan Needham, Professor, Penn State University, USA.
    Title: The Power of Myth and an Ancient Meta-poetic Theme Presented in Ugo Foscolo’s The Graces.
  6. Simonetta Milli Konewko, Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, USA.
    Title: Brutal Madness: A Gender Crisis.


Athenian Early Evening Symposium (includes in order of appearance: continuous academic discussions, dinner, wine/water, music and dance)

Tuesday 30 May 2023

09:30-11:30 Session 6
Moderator: Mr Konstantinos Manolidis 
(ATINER Administrator).
Old and New-An Educational Urban Walk
  1. Ranko Kozic, Associate Professor, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
    Title: Symbol, Enigma and the Legend of Socrates in Dio Chrysostom’s Olympic Discourse.
  2. Eka Dughashvili, Associate Professor, St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia, Georgia.
    Title: Old Georgian Translations of Byzantine Literature: Translation Method and Cultural Orientation towards the Intellectual Process of Byzantium.
  3. Ceylan Kosker Bevington, Assistant Professor, Bilkent University, Turkiye.
    Title: Victorian Sapphic Tradition.
  4. Sally Hanna, Independent Scholar, Egypt.
    Title: Healing Wounds in Joy Harjo’s Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings and An American Sunrise.
  5. Fatima Salem Al-Aqili, Professor, Benghazi University, Libya.
    Title: A Reading about the Motives of the Greek Conflict with the Libyans on the Coast of Syrtis “Nassamonis as a Model”.


The urban walk ticket is not included as part of your registration fee. It includes transportation costs and the cost to enter the Parthenon and the other monuments on the Acropolis Hill. The urban walk tour includes the broader area of Athens. Among other sites, it includes: Zappion, Syntagma Square, Temple of Olympian Zeus, Ancient Roman Agora and on Acropolis Hill: the Propylaea, the Temple of Athena Nike, the Erechtheion, and the Parthenon. The program of the tour may be adjusted, if there is a need beyond our control. This is a private event organized by ATINER exclusively for the conference participants.


11:30-13:00 Session 7
Moderator: Aleksandra Tryniecka
, Adjunct Professor, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland.
  1. Leena Eilittä, Professor, University of Helsinki, Finland.
    Title: Global and Local in Viennese Modernist Literature.
  2. James Kirkland, Professor, East Carolina University, USA.
    Title: Poe’s Parasomniacs: The Confluence of Folklore, Medicine, and Literature.
  3. Stefania Acciaioli, Lecturer, University of Cologne, Germany.
    Title: Perhaps that a Very Distant Eye Could Unravel a Secret Script from this Splintered Work….”: M. Haushofer’s Prose.
  4. Marta Licata, Scientific Technician, University of Insubria, Italy.
    Title: Women and Death. Bioarchaeology Reveals the Condition of Women in the Medieval and Post Medieval Ages.\



13:00-14:30 Session 8
Moderator: Andrew Sidle
, English Teacher, St. Stephen’s & St. Agnes School, USA.
  1. Annette Vowinckel, Head of Research Department, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany.
    Title: “Lost Places.” The Allure of Modern Ruins, Abandoned Sites and Urban Exploration in Historical Perspective.
  2. Jack Hanrahan-Shirley, PhD Student, Macquarie University, Australia & University of Vienna, Austria.
    Title: Tractus Errores Graecorum: Polemics of the Latin Patriarchate of Constantinople Against the Greeks.
  3. Peter Malisse, PhD Student, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium.
    Title: Hesiodic Reception as Tradition Formation: Myth and Reality in Plutarch.


14:30-15:30 Discussion + Lunch

15:30-17:00 Session 9
Moderator: TBA
  1. Nemanja Vujčić, Associate Professor, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
    Title: Large Scale Slave Revolts in Ancient Greece: An Issue of Absence or an Absence of Issue?
  2. Michal Moshe, Senior Teacher, Ariel University, Israel.
    Title: The Birth of Public Space during Iron Age.
  3. Hiromasa Matsukura, PhD Student, Kyushu University, Japan.
    Title: Self-Representation of the Ottomans: Diplomatic Practices in the Age of Süleyman.



17:00-19:00 Session 10
Moderator: Mr Konstantinos Manolidis 
(ATINER Administrator).
  1. Evangelia Sarlak, Professor, Işık University, Turkiye.
    Ruhiye Onurel, Assistant Professor, Beykent University, Turkiye.

    Title: Stylistic Analysis of the Holy Icons from Saint George Church In Yenikoy, Istanbul.
  2. Monika Szczot, Associate Professor, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland.
    Title: Between Tradition and Innovation. Old Polish Menippean Satires and their Ancient Genological Patterns.
  3. Paola Partenza, Associate Professor, “Gabriele d’Annunzio” University, Italy.
    Title: Becoming a Subject. The Example of the Late Victorian Novelist F. H. Burnett.
  4. Dina Eiduka, Research Assistant, University of Latvia, Latvia.
    Title: An Echo of Antiquity in Latvian Literature: The Case of Mythological Motives in R. Blaumanis Novella “Raudupiete”.
  5. Elizabeth Dahab, Professor, California State University, USA.
    Title: Poetics of Prison Narratives: The Case of Soha Bechara.


Ancient Athenian Dinner (includes in order of appearance: continuous academic discussions, dinner with recipes from ancient Athens, wine/water)

Wednesday 31 May 2023
An Educational Visit to Selected Islands
Mycenae Visit

Thursday 1 June 2023
Visiting the Oracle of Delphi

Friday 2 June 2023
Visiting the Ancient Corinth and Cape Sounio

Conference Venue: 9 Chalkokondili Street, 10677 Athens, Greece

+30 2103634210
+30 2103634209

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