Program MDT

15th Annual International Conference on Mediterranean Studies
11-14 April 2022, Athens, Greece
Program (Athens Local Time)
(Note: each presentation includes at least 10 minutes for questions and discussions if available)

Monday 11 April 2022


Opening and Welcoming Remarks:

  • Gregory T. Papanikos, President, ATINER.
  • Steven Oberhelman, Vice President of International Programs, ATINER, Interim Dean & Professor of Classics, Holder of the George Sumey Jr Endowed Professorship of Liberal Arts, and Texas A&M University, USA. (Video)

Stephen Bay, Associate Professor, Brigham Young University, USA.
Title: The Treatment of Witches in Septuagint-Dependent Cultures. 

Barbara Polo-Martin
, Lecturer, University of Barcelona, Spain.
The Michelin Guide: A Geographical Perspective of the Famous Red Guide through Time.

Mariana Sampayo, Professor, Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra, Portugal.
Silvia Mendes, Professor, Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra, Portugal.
Title: Algeria, Morocco, Portugal and UE International Problems and Trade.  

Alfred Tovias, Professor, Hebrew University, Israel.
Title: Eu’s Foreign Policy on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Reevaluation. 

Heba Mahran, Professor, Minia University, Egypt.
Title: Acts of Official Grief on the Berlin Museum “Trauerrelief” (AMP 12411). 

Hannah Grace Howard, PhD Candidate, Boston University, USA.
Title: From Culture to Politics: Reviewing the Question of Mediterranean Unity within Anthropology. 

13:30-14:30 Lunch

Defne Gönenç
, Researcher, Yaşar University, Turkey.

Title: Turkey’s Climate Politics: Before and After the Paris Climate Agreement. 

Gloria Marchetti
, Professor, University of Milan, Italy.

Title: The Right to Disconnect of Remote Workers Introduced by Some Countries and at European Union Level. 

Gregory T. Papanikos,  President, ATINER.
Title: The War in Ukraine and the MENA Countries. 

David Philip Wick, Director, Arts, Humanities and Education Division, ATINER & Retired Professor of History, Gordon College, USA.
Title: The Lyceum in Twilight: Athens’ “Second School” and its Struggle to Re-Invent Itself and Survive in the Last Years of the Roman Republic.. 

Greek Night
(The event did not take place due to the limited number of attendance)

Tuesday 12 April 2022

08:00-10:00 Urban Walk

Marilia Futre
Pinheiro, Professor, University of Lisbon, Portugal.

Title: Culture and Globalization.

Nellie Munin
, Associate Professor, Zefat Academic College, Israel.

Title: A New Horizon? Assessing the Abraham Accords’ Economic and Political Effect on Israel 18 Months After Their Conclusion.  

Tetiana Reheshuk, PhD Student, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Ukraine.
Title: Ethnohistorical Memory of the Ukrainian Hunting Folktale. 

Presentation cancelled due to the unavailability of the presenter

John Vella, PhD Graduate, University of Malta, Malta.
Title: Greek Words in Maltese Harbour Toponymy. 

Jayoung Che
, Visiting Professor, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, South Korea.

Title: A Review on the Constitutional Court’s Decision of the New Administrative Metropolis Act to Be Unconstitutional (2004 Heonma 554, 556. 2004. 10. 21) – ‘State-Preferred’ collectivism vs. ‘Individual-Preferred’ Human Dignity. 

13:30-14:30 Lunch

Marija Gjurasic, Assistant Professor & Head, University of Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Tea Durovic, Alumni, University of Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Title: The Development of Sericulture in Eastern Adriatic at the Time of the Austrian Administration.  

Amani Ismail, Mass Communications Programme Lead, University of Hertfordshire Hosted by Global Academic Foundation, Egypt.
Title: Journalism in the Age of WikiLeaks: Contemporary Investigative Reporting in the Middle East.

Flavio Monti, Project manager, MedWet, the Mediterranean Wetlands Initiative, France.
Title: Use of Voluntary Environmental Contracts for Wetland Governance in the European Mediterranean Region. 


Wednesday 13 April 2022
Educational Islands Cruise

Thursday 14 April 2022
Delphi Tour
Mycenae Visit