Program COM

18th Annual International Conference on Information Technology & Computer Science
16-19 May 2022, Athens, Greece
Program (Athens Local Time)
(Note 1: the program is organized along time slots and not according to common theme)
(Note 2: at the end of each time slot questions and discussions will follow)

Monday 16 May 2022


Opening and Welcoming Remarks:

  • Gregory T. Papanikos, President, ATINER


Coordinator: Olga Gounta, Researcher, ATINER

  1. Tarek Saadawi, Professor, City University of New York, USA.
    Title: Cyberattacks Protection and Challenges.
  2. Nada Matta, Professor, University of Technology of Troyes, France.
    Nour Matta, PhD Student, University of Technology of Troyes, France.
    Title: Evolution Discovery in Textual Data.
  3. Kosmas Pipyros, Senior Lecturer, CTL Eurocollege, Cyprus.
    Sotiroula Liasidou
    , Assistant Professor, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus.

    Title: Hotels’ Cybersecurity Risks Assessment: Proposing a New Cybersecurity Framework.
  4. Mihail Mateev, Assistant Professor, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Bulgaria.
    Title: Creating Modern Data Lake Automated Workloads for Big Environmental Projects.
  5. Thomas Fehlmann, Senior Researcher, Euro Project Office, Switzerland.
    Title: The World Formula.


Time Slot 2a

Coordinator: Leticja Gusho, Associate Professor, Tirana University, Albania

Time Slot 2b

Coordinator: Olga Gounta, Researcher, ATINER

  1. Mervyn Wighting, Professor, Regent University, USA.
    Title: Measuring Relationships between Children and their Teachers.
  2. Cheryl McCarthy, Professor, Flagler College, USA.
    Title: A Flipped College Classroom Approach to Facilitate Spanish Oral Language Skills.
  3. Adrienne Coleman, Director of Equity and Inclusion, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, USA.
    Title: A Path towards Advancing Educational Equity and Excellence.
  4. Daniel Bosmans, Lecturer, University of Teacher Education – BEJUNE, Switzerland.
    Vincent Fivaz, Deputy Headteacher, Cercle Scolaire Le Locle, Switzerland.
    Françoise Casciotta, Headteacher, Cercle Scolaire Le Locle Cercle Scolaire Le Locle, Switzerland.
    Title: The Autonomous Acquisition of Transversal Competencies by Primary School Children through the Use of Pedagogical Scenarios.   


  1. Nick Linardopoulos, Associate Professor, Rutgers University, USA.
    Title: Reimagining the Basic Communication Course for the Post-COVID-19 Environment.
  2. Randa Bou-Mehdi, Senior Instructor, American University of Sharjah, UAE.
    Title: Shifting from Hybrid back to “Traditional”: University Students’ Attitudes towards the Different Modes of Teaching and Learning.
  3. Lalitha Jawahar, Lecturer, Fatima College of Health Sciences, UAE.
    Title: Student Preparedness to Transition to E-Learning during COVID-19 in the UAE from Learner Perspectives at a Health Science College. (Monday)
  4. Natoya Thompson, Lecturer, Fatima College of Health Science, UAE.
    Title: Student Academic Performance before COVID-19 and after Using Distance Learning in English at a Health Sciences College in the Middle East. (Monday)



Time Slot 3a

Coordinator: Rosa Jimenez, Associate Professor, University of San Francisco, USA.

Time Slot 3b

Coordinator: Olga Gounta, Researcher, ATINER

  1. George Kamberelis, Professor, Western Colorado University, USA.
    Title: Interest-Based, Purpose-Driven, Responsive Literacy Learning and Teaching.
  2. Karren Timmermans, Professor, Pacific University, USA.
    Title: Vision & Reading Readiness.
  3. Lena Bostrom, Professor, Mid Sweden University, Sweden.
    Goran Bostedt, Associate Professor, Mid Sweden University, Sweden.

    Title: Students Study Motivation – A Question for All Actors in Daily Work in School.
  4. Naomi Kruger-Arram, Lecturer, Michlalah Jerusalem Teachers’ College and Hebrew University Jerusalem, Israel.
    Title: Our Inner Note-Taker – How we Search for Information in Previously-Read Texts.
  1. Erik Hedlund, Assosiate Professor, Swedish Defence University, Sweden.
    Title: An Education Model for Producing Officers with Ambidextrous Competences and Skills.
  2. Fernanda Yamamoto, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of São Paulo, Brazil.
    Title: Professional Development of Teachers of Integrated Technical/Vocational Training in Secondary School.
  3. Sara Dias-Trindade, Teacher, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
    Title: Technologies and Digital Competences in Portuguese Education: History of their Integration in Pedagogical Practices since the Beginning of the 20th Century.



Time Slot 4a

Coordinator: Kostas Spyropoulos

Time Slot 4b

Coordinator: Olga Gounta, Researcher, ATINER

  1. Besmira Lahi, Chair, University of New York in Tirana, Albania.
    Title: Students’ Mental Health and Wellbeing While Living in Pandemics in Albania.
  2. Melpomeni Papadopoulou, Associate Professor, University of Tours, France.
    Title: E-Learning in Adults Education: The Approach of “Integrative” Distance.
  3. Nurit Chamo, Head, Levinsky College of Education, Israel.
    Title: When VUCA Met the Principal Education Programme During COVID-19.
  4. Liat Biberman-Shalev, Lecturer, Levinsky College of Education, Israel.
    Title: Activating Research Project for Coping with Crisis in the Context of Teacher Education.
  5. Keitha Burnett, Coordinator, Gulliver Preparatory School, USA.
    Title: The Power of Purposeful Portfolios in Social Science: An Inclusive Approach to Comprehensive Teaching.
  6. Carolyn King, Programme Leader; Religion, Culture & Society (BA & MA Courses), University of Central Lancashire, UK.
    Title: Religion, Culture & Society: the Key to Understanding Diversity.


  1. Norbert Tusnio, Lecturer, The Main School of Fire Service, Polan
    Title: Analysis of Capability of Air Pollution Monitoring from an Unmanned Aircraft.
  2. Florian Pramme, Research Assistant, Ostfalia University of Applied Science, Germany.
    Title: Accelerating Production Code through Code Analysis and High-Level Synthesis Using FPGA.
  3. Suzan Yesil, PhD Candidate, Texas Tech University, USA.
    Title: The Role of Parental Involvement as A Psychosocial Protective Factor As Well As An Intervention In Pre/Peri/Post COVID-19 Pandemic Traumatic Stress Recovery In University Students.
  4. Paulette Hebert, Professor, Oklahoma State University, USA.
    Title: Considering the Vocabulary of Internationalization: A Content Analysis across Academic Units at One University.
  5. Stephen Wanger, Associate Professor and Don and Cathey Humphreys Endowed Chair, School of International Studies, Oklahoma State University, USA.
    Tong Wu, PhD Candidate, Oklahoma State University, USA.
    Title: Higher Education and the Tensions Between Globalism, Nationalism and Nativism: The Pendulum Swinging.


Greek Night

Tuesday 17 May 2022


Time Slot 5a

Coordinator: Kostas Spyropoulos

Time Slot 5b

Coordinator: Olga Gounta, Researcher, ATINER

  1. Eva Anderl, Professor, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany.
    Title: Fostering IT Competencies in Business Students through IT-Based Business Development Projects.
  2. Maria Rosaria D’Acierno Canonici, Associate Professor, Parthenope University of Naples, Italy.
    Title: Music and Art: Two Underestimated Disciplines.
  3. Elize Vos, Associate Professor, Northwest University, South Africa.
    Title: The Newspaper as a Multimodal Tool in Developing Self-Directed Reading.
  4. Deon Vos, Senior Lecturer, North West University, South Africa.
    Title: The Influence and Value of Technology in the Education Systems of South Africa and Russia.
  5. Lydia Komodromou, PhD Student, University of Cyprus, Cyprus.
    Title: The Application of Differentiated Teaching and Learning: Potential Challenges and Obstacles.
  6. Indrit Enesi, Professor, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania.
    Title: Evaluation of the 3D Reconstruction Performance of Objects in Meshroom: A Case Study.


Old and New-An Educational Urban Walk
The urban walk ticket is not included as part of your registration fee. It includes transportation costs and the cost to enter the Parthenon and the other monuments on the Acropolis Hill. The urban walk tour includes the broader area of Athens. Among other sites, it includes: Zappion, Syntagma Square, Temple of Olympian Zeus, Ancient Roman Agora and on Acropolis Hill: the Propylaea, the Temple of Athena Nike, the Erechtheion, and the Parthenon. The program of the tour may be adjusted, if there is a need beyond our control. This is a private event organized by ATINER exclusively for the conference participants. Some participants have videotaped the event. Click here for an example.


Time Slot 6a

Coordinator: Ms Olga Gounta, Researcher, ATINER

Time Slot 6b

Coordinator: Nick Linardopoulos, Associate Professor, Rutgers University, USA.

  1. Chevelle Hall, Associate Professor, Virginia State University, USA
    Willis Walter, Dean, College of Education, Virginia State University, USA.

    Aaron Livingston, Graduate Coordinator, Grambling State University, USA.
    Title: Educational Justice for All.
  2. Tania Hossain, Professor, Waseda University, Japan.
    Title: Denial of Education for Rohingya Refugee Children in Bangladesh.
  3. Jean Berlie, Researcher, Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), Hong Kong.
    Title: Evolution of Higher Education in China, COVID-19 and Globalization and its Impact on China’s HE.
  4. Mariann Kuusivuori, Lecturer, Södertörn University, Sweden.
    Eva Farjsjo, Lecturer, Södertörn University, Sweden.
    Title: Qualitative and Qualitative Analysis of Mathematical Bishop’s Activities in Kindergarten’s Prospective Teachers’ Field-Report Observations.



  1. Irina Falls, Professor, University of North Carolina, USA.
    Title: Why Early Childhood Educators’ Beliefs and Attitudes about Teaching Science Matter.
  2. Anat Abramovich, Lecturer, Gordon Academic College, Israel.
    Title: Development of an Online Climate Change Course to Change Environmental Behavior and Commitment in Pre-Service Teachers.



Time Slot 7a

Coordinator: Olga Gounta, Researcher, ATINER

Time Slot 7b

Coordinator: Konstantinos Manolidis

  1. Kristi Julian, Professor, Middle Tennessee State University, USA.
    Vickie Harden, Associate Professor, Middle Tennessee State University, USA.

    Title: An Holistic Approach to Interdisciplinary Learning among Social Work and Design Students.
  2. Andrea Schroeder, Administrative Director, Centre for Teaching Development and Innovation, University of Applied Sciences, Germany.
    Kristi Julian, Professor, Middle Tennessee State University, USA.

    Title: Design Student Understanding of Global Context and Practice: An Interdisciplinary Project Based Approach to Learning.
  3. Yeşim Bulca, Associate Professor, Hacettepe University, Turkey.
    Title: The Effect of Inquiry-Based Learning Model on Physical Health Related Fitness Knowledge Levels and Attitudes of Middle School Students
  4. Angelina Lumbre, Teacher, San Mateo Senior High School, Philippines
    Title: Relationships among Mathematics Teachers’ van Hiele Levels, Teaching Styles and Students’ Achievement in Geometry.


  1. Niclas Lindstrom, Associate Professor, Umeå University, Sweden.
    Lars Samuelsson, Associate Professor, Umeå University, Sweden.
    Title: Three Approaches of How to Address Controversial Issues in Education.
  2. Ali Sakkal, Associate Professor, Wake Forest University, USA.
    Title: Connecting Hand & Mind: Makerspaces for Inspired Teaching & Learning.
  3. Sagufta Sahin, Assistant Professor, University of Gour Banga, India.
    Title: Gandhi’s Intellectual Inspiration the Panacea for All Social Evils in Indian Context.
  4. Alistair Martin-Smith, Retired Professor, New York University, USA.
    Title: Quantum Drama as Theatrum Mundi.
  5. Celeste Joy Matias, Researcher, Miriam College, Philippines.
    Title: Being Female and At-risk in Mathematics: A Phenomenological Study.




Time Slot 8a

Coordinator: Olga Gounta, Researcher, ATINER

Time Slot 8b

Coordinator: Konstantinos Manolidis

  1. Kobi Assoulin, Senior Lecturer, Oranim College of Education, Israel.
    Title: Education and Multiculturalism: The Way Illuminating Some Blind Spots within Taylor’s Concept of Recognition and Kymlicka’s Concept of Multiculturalism Affect Multicultural Education.
  2. Mark Melton, Associate Professor, Northeastern Illinois University, USA.
    Title: Supporting Students with Autism: Strategic Approaches for Enhancing Communication, Socialization and the Effective Use of Relationships in School Settings.
  3. Meredith Drees, Chair, Department of Religion and Philosophy, Kansas Wesleyan University, USA.
    Alexander Botz, Research Assistant, Kansas Wesleyan University, USA.
    Title: The Discipline of Dialogue: Discovering Student Empowerment through Conversation.
  4. Joseph Oluwole, Professor, Montclair State University, USA.
    Title: Truth Matters: Race-Conscious Measures in Schools and the Parents Involved Case.
  5. Rebecca Renee Herrera, Teacher, The American University of Ras Al Khaimah, UAE.
    Title: Teacher Planning Templates: Helpful Tool or Waste of Time? A Comparative Analysis of the Perceptions Novice And Experienced Teachers in the UAE and USA.
  6. Troy Herrera, Teacher, The American University of Ras Al Khaimah, UAE.
    Title: Examining the Role of Job Satisfaction in Length of Stay among Expatriates: A Case Study of Public-School Teachers in Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates.


  1. Sobitha Samaranayake, Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin – Whitewater, USA.
    Title: Dependency Visualization Tool for Decision Support Systems.
  2. Janet Jarvis, Academic Leader, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
    Title: Crossing Disciplinary (and Contextual) Boundaries: Empathetic-Reflective-Dialogical Restorying – A Teaching-Learning Strategy in Higher Education.
  3. Hannele Laaksonen, Principal Lecturer, Tampere University of Applied Sciences.
    Title: Fun Human Resource Management Experiences and Learning from Them.
  4. Orpha Ongiti, Dean of Postgraduate Studies and Director of Research, Africa Nazarene University, Kenya.
    Title: Talent through Higher Education in Kenya: A Case of Universities in Nairobi City.
  5. Ghina Kalaji, Master of Education, American University in Dubai, UAE.
    Title: Gifted and Talented Programs for High School Students in the UAE.
  6. Miranda Enesi, Lecturer, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania.
    Title: An Analysis of English Writing Errors of Freshman Students’ Essays (The Case of Aleksandër Moisiu University).



Coordinator: Olga Gounta, Researcher, ATINER

  1. Holly Manaseri, Associate Professor, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA.
    Title: Social Justice Leadership: DisCrit in Action.
  2. Teresa Perkins, Assistant Professor, Doane University, USA.
    Title: US Public School Principals’ Job Satisfaction: A Comparison by Region and Gender, School Location, School Level.
  3. Richard Surrency, Superintendent, Putnam County School District, USA.
    Title: Lead Your Way Out of a Crisis, Rather than Only Manage Your Way Out.
  4. Ann Davis, Retired Clinical Associate Professor, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA.
    David Taylor, PhD Student, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA.
    Title: Superintendents Perceived Professional Development Needs in Rural America: A Qualitative Study.

Greek Home-Made Dinner (includes the traditional Greek household hospitality and quality)

Wednesday 18 May 2022
Educational Islands Cruise

Thursday 19 May 2022
Delphi Tour