2022 CBC PRO

16th Annual International Conference on Global Studies:
Business, Economic, Political, Social and Cultural Aspects
Program (Athens Local Time)

19-22 December 2022
9 Chalkokondili Street, 10677 Athens, Greece

(Note 1: the program is organized along time slots and not according to common theme)
(Note 2:
at the end of each session questions and discussions will follow)
(Note 2:
Please note that many attendees including those who present a paper may choose the online option. However, ATINER will provide full fledged services (lunches, dinners, excursions) even if one participant presents onsite.) 

Monday 19 December 2022


Opening and Welcoming Remarks:

  • Gregory T. Papanikos, President, ATINER

10:00-12:00 Session 1
Coordinator: Theodore Trafalis
, Head, Industrial Engineering Unit, ATINER, Professor of Industrial & Systems Engineering and Director, Optimization & Intelligent Systems Laboratory, The University of Oklahoma, USA.
  1. Elisabeth Springler, Professor, University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna, Austria.
    Nathalie Homlong, Professor, Volda University College, Norway.
    Title: Second Hand Clothing Market in Ghana: Driver for Sustainable Development or Waste Colonialism?
  2. Vincenzo Asero, Assistant Professor, University of Catania, Italy.
    Evangelia Kasimati, Head, Tourism, Leisure & Recreation Unit, ATINER & Researcher, Department of Economic Analysis & Research, Central Bank of Greece, Greece.
    Title: Event Tourism, Authenticity and Places Identity in the Mediterranean Area.
  3. Yaffa Moskovich, Associate Professor, Zefat Academic College, Israel.
    Title: Lesson learned from Cultural Features of Successful Non-privatized Kibbutz Industry- An Israeli Case Study.
  4. Ju-Hyun Pyun, Associate Professor, Korea University, South Korea.
    Title: The Effect of Inter-Firm Brain Circulation: Spillover from MNEs ‘Foreign’ Human Capital and Local Firms Productivities.


12:00-14:00 Session 2
Coordinator: Nathalie Homlong
, Professor, Volda University College, Norway.
  1. Alejandra-Maria Vilalta-Perdomo, Director of International Academic Development and Global Initiatives, TEC de Monterrey, Mexico.
    Title: Higher Education Institutions Learnings and Resilience from Previous Crisis. Developing Resilience and Learnings from Previous Crisis in Mexico Applied on the Global Covid 19 Pandemic to Continue International Student’s Mobility Operations in a Higher Education Institution in Mexico.
  2. Gannadiy Chernov, Associate Professor, University of Regina, Canada.
    Title: Selective Exposure: Revisiting Key Concepts.
  3. Luisa Weinzierl, Lecturer, St Mary’s University, UK.
    Title: An Integrated Framework on the Impact on Emotions, Challenges and Strategies that Arise from Mixed Proficiency Levels in the Corporate Language in Multinational Teams.
  4. Bekeh Ukelina, Professor, State University of New York, USA.
    Title: Missionization and Early Christian Education in Nigeria, 1843-1900.
  5. Kenneth Christie, Professor, Royal Roads University, Canada.
    Title: Lockdown, Vulnerabilities and the Marginalised: Melbourne as a COVID-19 Response Study.

14:00-15:00 Lunch

15:00-16:30 Session 3
Coordinator: Olga Gkounta
, Researcher, ATINER.
  1. Defne Gönenç, Researcher, Yasar University, Turkey.
    Decolonizing Climate Change: Indian Climate Policies.
  2. Nkululeko Zondi, Lecturer, Durban University of Technology, South Africa.
    Title: Rural Community Perceptions on Land Use Change and Its Effects on their Agricultural Practices in Vulindlela, Kwazulu-Natal.
  3. Veronika Belousova, Associate Professor, HSE University, Russia.
    Title: What Factors Help Universities to Attract Private R&D Funding?
  4. Emilio Bravo Grajales, Researcher, Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico.
    Title: Socio-Environmental Landscape of Daily Mobility in the Lake Zone of Mexico City Tlahuac Xochimilco-Milpa Alta.
16:30-17:30 Session 4
Coordinator: Olga Gkounta
, Researcher, ATINER.
  1. Luigi Spedicato, Associate Professor, University of Salento, Italy.
    Title: Breaking the Obvious: Interpreting Hate Speech on Schützian Reflective Bases.
  2. Pratima Verma, Professor, Alliance University, India.
    Title: Impact of Organizational Politics Perception at Different Stages of the Organization.

Greek Night

Tuesday 20 December 2022

Session 5

09:00-11:00 Session 5a
Coordinator: Kostas Spyropoulos (Administrator, ATINER)
08:15-11:00 Session 5b
Coordinator: Olga Gkounta
, Researcher, ATINER.
  1. Ali Abusalem, Director, E-Learning: The Quest for Quality Education, Australia.
    Title: Engaging and Retaining Students in Online Learning.
  2. Lorraine Bennett, Managing Director, Lorraine Bennett Learning and Teaching Consultancy, Australia.
    Title: Building Academic Integrity and Capacity in Digital Assessment in Higher Education.
  3. Flavia Capodanno, PhD Student, University of Salerno, Italy.
    Title: Appreciative Inquiry for Inclusive Schools: Preliminary Results from A Scoping Review.
  4. Alessio Di Paolo, PhD Student, University of Salerno, Italy.
    Title: Fostering Reading Skills Through Simplex Didactics and Music. Creation of an Inclusive Tool for Pupils with Dyslexia.
  5. Al-Khansaa Diab, Faculty Member, David Yellin college, Israel.
    Title:  Emotional Experiences among Youth Palestinians in the Israeli Jewish Higher Education Institutes.
  6. Fausta Sabatano, Researcher, University of Salerno, Italy.
    Title: Narrative Tool as a Vicarious Tool: An Action-Research on Inclusive Instructional Design.

Old and New-An Educational Urban Walk
The urban walk ticket is not included as part of your registration fee. It includes transportation costs and the cost to enter the Parthenon and the other monuments on the Acropolis Hill. The urban walk tour includes the broader area of Athens. Among other sites, it includes: Zappion, Syntagma Square, Temple of Olympian Zeus, Ancient Roman Agora and on Acropolis Hill: the Propylaea, the Temple of Athena Nike, the Erechtheion, and the Parthenon. The program of the tour may be adjusted, if there is a need beyond our control. This is a private event organized by ATINER exclusively for the conference participants. Some participants have videotaped the event. Click here for an example.


11:00-12:30 Session 6
Coordinator:Elisabeth Springler
, Professor, University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna, Austria.
  1. Basirat Oyalowo, Senior Lecturer, University of Lagos, Nigeria.
    Title: Between Modernization, Rights & Responsibilities: Lagos Informal Sector Policy through a Political Settlement Lens.
  2. Noa Lavie, Senior Lecturer, The Academic College of Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Israel.
    Title: COVID-19, War and the Decline of Democracy: Combat Lessons from the Israeli TV.
  3. Cheryl-Dean Thompson, PhD Student, Royal Roads University, Canada.
    Title: (Re)Discovering the Empathic Process for a (Re)Generative Approach to Global Challenges.
  4. Mark Rowlands, Master Student, Royal Roads University, Canada.
    Title: Resonating Global Change: A Needs Assessment.


12:30-14:00 Session 7
Coordinator: Basirat Oyalowo
, Senior Lecturer, University of Lagos, Nigeria.
  1. Amer Samar, Associate Professor, Zagazig University, Saudi Arabia.
    Title: Post-COVID-19 Smell, and Hearing Impairment; Frequency, Determinants, and Predictors Case-Control Study 2022.
  2. Sarah Zheng, Assistant Professor, University of Victoria, Canada.
    Title: When Is Standardization Most Beneficial for Reducing Medical Errors? The Moderating Role of Operational Failures.
  3. Abbas Fadhil Mohammed Albayati, Professor, Alqalam University College, Iraq.
    Title: Domestic Violence in Iraq in Light of the Repercussions of the Corona Crisis.
  4. Nemanja Milenkovic, Assistant Professor, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
    Title: Measuring Socio-Economic Development of MENA Countries – A Multivariate Approach.

14:00-15:00 Lunch

15:00-17:00 Session 8
Coordinator: Olga Gkounta
, Researcher, ATINER.
  1. Robert Smith, PhD Candidate, University of New England, Australia.
    Title: Is An “Open Innovation” Policy Viable in Southeast Asia?: A Legal Perspective.
  2. Ronagh McQuigg, Senior Lecturer, Queen’s University Belfast, UK.
    Title: Conceptualising Domestic Abuse – The Evolving Approaches of the European Court of Human Rights.
  3. Aleksejs Jelisejevs, PhD Candidate, Turība University, Latvia.
    Title: Good Faith as a Doctrinal Tool to Interpret Legal and Contractual Frameworks for Banks’ Rights to Close Accounts Unilaterally.
  4. Daphne Vidanec, Professor, Balthazar University of Applied Sciences, Croatia.
    Title: Taxonomy Related to the Public Administration Regarding Defence and Security Policy: An Ethical Approach.
  5. Danilo Yanich, Professor, University of Delaware, USA.
    Title: War in Ukraine: What is the Story.
  6. Monica Ewomazino Akokuwebe, Research Fellow, North-West University, South Africa.
    Title: Male Involvement in Family Planning Decisions in Malawi and Tanzania: What are the Determinants?
17:00-18:30 Session 9
Coordinator: Olga Gkounta
, Researcher, ATINER.
  1. Qinghe Hou, PhD Student, Southeastern University, China.
    Title: Assessing Hydrological Cost-Effectiveness of Stormwater Multi-Level Control Strategies in Mountain Park under the Concept of Sponge City.
  2. Antje Bierwisch, Professor, MCI (R) The Entrepreneurial School, Austria.
    Title: Corporate Foresight as an Enabler for Business Model Innovation in the Craft Industry.
  3. Cristian Pelizzari, Associate Professor, University of Brescia, Italy.
    Title: Rainfall Risk Management in the Wine Industry.
  4. Chixiao Lu, Master Student, University of Bristol, UK.
    Title: Analyzing the Performance of Service Industry during Pandemic Using SOCP Transformed Dynamic DEA and Classification DEA.


Wednesday 21 December 2022
Visiting the Oracle of Delphi

Thursday 22 December 2022
An Educational Visit to Selected Islands

Conference Venue: 9 Chalkokondili Street, 10677 Athens, Greece

+30 2103634210
+30 2103634209

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