
14th Annual International Conference on Languages & Linguistics
5-8 July 2021, Athens, Greece
Program (Athens Local Time)

Monday 5 July 2021


Opening and Welcoming Remarks:

  • Gregory T. Papanikos, President, ATINER.
  • Valia SpiliotopoulosHead, Languages & Linguistics Unit, ATINER and Instructor, Department of Language and Literacy Education, The University of British Columbia, Canada. (Video)


  1. Cornelia Paraskevas, Professor , Western Oregon University, USA.
    Title: Ensuring Equity in Linguistics Classrooms: Contract Grading. 
  2. Marija Drazdauskiene, Professor, Wszechnica Polska, Poland.
    Title: Idioms and the Directness of Language in Politics (Preliminary).


  1. Gabrielle Malfatti, Director of Global Engagement, University of Missouri, USA.
    Stephen Whitney, Associate Professor, University of Missouri, USA.
    Collaborative International Course A Constructivist Approach.
  2. Raphael Bar-El, Professor, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.
    David Bentolila, Senior Lecturer, Zefat Academic College, Israel.
    Dafna Schwartz, Director of the Research Authority, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya – IDC, Israel.
    Title: A New Model of Reverse Mentoring for the Promotion of Innovation In SMEs. 
  3. Samuel Kosolapov, Senior Lecturer, ORT Braude Academic College of Engineering, Israel.
    Title: Time-Effective Logistics of ZOOM-Based Image Processing Laboratory.
  4. Barbara Pavlock, Professor, Lehigh University, USA.
    Title: The Problem of Dido’s Desire for Fame in Vergil’s Aeneid.
  5. Frank Romer, Professor, East Carolina University, USA.
    Title: Aphrodite Philommêdês and Her Moira in Hesiod’s Theogony.

13:30-14:30 Lunch

Nadiia Kirnosova, Associate Professor, Taras Shevshenko National University of Kyiv Ukraine.
Yulia Fedotova, Assistant Professor, Taras Shevshenko National University of Kyiv Ukraine.
Title: Chinese and Japanese Characters from the Perspective of Multimodal Studies.

Anita Stasulane
, Professor, Daugavpils University, Latvia.
Title: Heritage Site as Non-Formal Educational Environment.

Maria Rosaria D’Acierno
, Associate Professor, University of Naples Parthenope, Italy.
Title: Phonetics, Phonology and Prosody in English as a Foreign Language.

Noreen Powers
, Assistant Professor, Northeastern Illinois University, USA.
Russell Wartalski, Assistant Professor, Northeastern Illinois University, USA.
Title: In the Words of Our Students: Perspectives on Support through Advising.

Sara Quintero-Ramírez
, Professor, University of Guadalajara, Mexico.
Title: Syntactic – Textual Functions of Verb Forms in Oral Chess Narratives.

Greek Night

Tuesday 6 July 2021

07:30-09:30 Urban Walk

Dan Cui, Professor Harbin Engineering University, China.
Xingyu Liu, Graduate Student Harbin Engineering University, China.
Title: Research on Chinglish in the Internet Hot Words from the Perspective of Sociolinguistics.

Dianyong Zhu, Professor, Harbin Engineering University, China.
Kuoyu Shi, Graduate Student, Harbin Engineering University, China.
Title: A Study of Endangered Languages in China from an Ecological Linguistic Perspective.

Atsuko Takase
, Instructor, Iwano English Cram School, Japan.
Good-bye Dementia.

Nina Weimann-Sandig
, Professor, University of Applied Sciences for Social Work, Education and Nursing, Germany.
New Didactics for Occupation-Accompanying Studies – Experiences from the Field of Social Work.

Krasimir Kabakciev
, Independent Researcher, Bulgaria.
Compositional Aspect in Languages Featuring Verbal Aspect: Biaspectuality on Bulgarian and Russian Data.

Jelena Osmanovic Zajic
, Teaching Assistant University of Nis, Serbia.
The Bologna in the Field of Social Sciences and Humanities: A Precondition for Successful University Education.

Rosa Maria Rodríguez Izquierdo, Associate Professor, University Pablo de Olavide, Spain.
Title: Pathways to Diversity Institutionalization in Spanish Higher Education Institutions: Are Universities Doing Enough?

Vasiliki Kontou-Watson
, Researcher, University of Sunderland, UK.
Title: A Critical Review into the Educational Theorem of The History of British Education.

13:30-14:30 Lunch

Elias Nyefolo Malete
, Lecturer, University of the Free State, South Africa.
Title: Evaluative Language in JJ Moiloa’s Humorous Text with Reference to his Collection of Stories in “Dipale le Metlae”.

Alīna Romanovska
, Researcher, Daugavpils University, Daugavpils University, Latvia.
Title: Teaching Excellence in Higher Education during a Pandemic: Results of Qualitative Research.

Abdulghani Muthanna
, Associate Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway.
Title: Professional Identity Development and Adjustment: A Reflexive Approach.

Lucia Campitiello
, PhD Student, University of Salerno, Italy.
Title: ASD-Robot: How an Open-Source Robot can Improve Social Skills in Children with ASD.

Lubaba Sanjana
, Phd Student, Mount Saint Vincent University, Canada.
Title: Productivity of Bangla Tense Inflections Among Bangla-Speaking Pre-School Children.


Wednesday 7 July 2021
Educational Islands Cruise

Thursday 8 July 2021
Delphi Tour