Program HUM

8th Annual International Conference on Humanities & Arts in a Global World
4-7 January 2021, Athens, Greece
Program (Athens Local Time)
(Note: each presentation includes at least 10 minutes for questions and discussions if available)

Monday 4 January 2021


Opening and Welcoming Remarks:

  • Gregory T. Papanikos, President, ATINER

Michael Michael
, Professor, Yonsei University, South Korea.
Title: No One Errs Knowingly: An Anti-Intellectualist Account of “Socratic Intellectualism”.

Sreekanth Yagnamurthy, Professor & Principal, Regional Institute of Education, NCERT, India.
Title: English as a Medium of Instruction at School Level in India: Opportunities and Dilemmas.

Francesco Del Sole, Assistant Professor, University of Salento, Italy.
Title: Building on the Border. Architecture as a Meeting Place.

Gregory T. Papanikos, President, ATINER.
Title: Collective Decision Making in Homer’s Odyssey. (Full Paper)

14:15-15:00 Lunch

Zoe Zaneteas
, Provenance Researcher, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, USA.
Title: “Grasp Where you May, Nothing you Touch Is Solid.”Eros, Tragedy, and Metaphysics in Gustav Klimt’s Vienna.

David Philip Wick
, Director, Arts, Humanities and Education Division, ATINER & Retired Professor of History, Gordon College, USA.
Title: Scholar, Smuggler, Mercenary, Thief – A Brief introduction to the Strange History of the Library of Pergamon, and the Stranger Men Who Buiilt and Broke It.

Pavlo Bosyy
, Associate Professor, Ryerson University, Canada.
Title: Faust, Theatre and Politics 

Steven Oberhelman, Vice President of International Programs, ATINER,  Interim Dean & Professor of Classics, Holder of the George Sumey Jr Endowed Professorship of Liberal Arts, and Texas A&M University, USA.
Title: Dogs in Early Greek Medicine and the Modern Debate over the Use of Animals in Research and in Traditional Medicine.  

Kristín Jónína Taylor, Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska, Omaha, USA.
Title: Icy Alternatives: Nordic Piano Literature  

Greek Night
(The event did not take place due to the limited number of attendance. Those who paid and were not able to attend will be offered a free voucher according to our policy:

Tuesday 5 January 2021

08:00-11:00 Urban Walk
(The event did not take place due to the limited number of attendance. Those who paid and were not able to attend will be offered a free voucher according to our policy:

Jayoung Che, Head, History Unit, ATINER & Visiting Professor, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, South Korea.
Title: Collusion of Anti-government Party, Prosecutors, Court, & Media, Opposing to the Prosecution Reform initiated by the Current Korean Government

Shogo Hashimoto, PhD Student, University of Göttingen, Germany.
Title: Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Colour-Octahedron and Shūzō Kuki’s Rectangular Prism of Value.

Sandra Mora Lopez, PhD Student, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain.
Title: Translation and Ectopic Literature: The Case of Ada or Ardor.

Radmila Janicic, Professor, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
Social Marketing in Raising Awareness about Arts Messages.

George Zouridakis, Research Fellow, ATINER.
The Case against Qualified Minority Thresholds in Derivative Actions and Functionally Equivalent Remedies.

Juergen Hagler, Professor, University of Applied Sciences, Austria.
Chained Animation: Collaborative Forms of Filmmaking in Education.

Alexander Makedon, Head, Education Unit, ATINER & Independent Scholar (Retired Full Professor, Chicago State University, USA).
Logical Foundations of Radical Perspectivism.

Nicholas Pappas, Vice President of Academic Conferences and Meetings, ATINER & Professor of History, Sam Houston University, USA.
European Officers and the Mainland Irregular Forces on the Ionian Islands, 1798-1814: A Comparison of Command and Tactics.

15:00-15:30 Lunch

(The event did not take place due to the limited number of attendance. Those who paid and were not able to attend will be offered a free voucher according to our policy:

Wednesday 6 January 2021
Educational Islands Cruise

(The event did not take place due to the limited number of attendance. Those who paid and were not able to attend will be offered a free voucher according to our policy:

Thursday 7 January 2021
Delphi Tour

(The event did not take place due to the limited number of attendance. Those who paid and were not able to attend will be offered a free voucher according to our policy: