
16th Annual International Symposium on Economic Theory, Policy and Applications
28-30 June & 1 July 2021, Athens, Greece
Program (Athens Local Time)

Monday 28 June 2021


Opening and Welcoming Remarks:

  • Gregory T. Papanikos, President, ATINER.
  • Sharon Claire Bolton, Vice President of Research, ATINER & Emeritus Professor, The Management School, University of Stirling, Scotland. (Video)
  • Timothy M. Young, Director, Center for Data Science (CDS) & Professor and Graduate Director, The University of Tennessee, USA. (Video)
  • Cleopatra Veloutsou, Head, Marketing Unit, ATINER & Professor of Brand Management, University of Glasgow, UK. (Video)
  • Codruta Simona Stoica, Head, Mathematics & Statistics Unit, ATINER & Professor and Vice-Rector, Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania. (Video)


  1. Jose Lopez-Gracia, Professor, University of Valencia, Spain.
    Title: Regulatory Environment and Capital Structure in Private Firms of the EU. 
  2. Thomas Dobbelstein, Professor Baden Württemberg Cooperative State University, Germany.
    Title: The Influence of Personality Traits of Millennials on the Buying Behaviour during the Covid 19 Pandemic – A Comparative Study between South Africa and Germany.
  3. Stephane Fotis Roume, Assistant Lecturer, University of West Indies, France.
    Title: Security Bubble Over. 
  4. Lazar Djurovic, Teaching Assistant, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
    Miroslav Todorovic, Full Professor, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
    Title: Why Corporate Governance cannot be Improved Easily: A Behavioural Perspective. 
  5. Viktar Dudzich, PhD Student, Prague University of Economics and Business, Czech Republic.
    Title: The FDI Home Country Impact on the Productivity of the Hosts. 


  1. Timothy M. Young, Director, Center for Data Science (CDS) & Professor and Graduate Director, The University of Tennessee, USA.
    Ampalavanar Nanthakumar, Professor, State University of New York at Oswego, USA.
    ‘Copula’ Based Quality Control Charts in the Presence of Positive Autocorrelation.
  2. Farida Said, Associate Professor, LMBA Laboratory, University of South Brittany, France.
    Title: Towards Generating Real-World Datasets for Teaching Statistics in Industrial Engineering. 10. Sheikh Sha.
  3. Sheikh Shahriar Ahmed, Graduate Research Assistant University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, USA.
    Title: Accounting for Multilayered Unobserved Heterogeneity in Bivariate Probit Modeling with the Grouped Random Parameters Bivariate Probit Model with Heterogeneity in Means.


13:00-14:00 Lunch

Codruta Simona Stoica, Head, Mathematics & Statistics Unit, ATINER & Professor and Vice-Rector, Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania.
An Alternative Approach to Difference Equations by Evolution Cocycles.

Milica Stojanović, Professor, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
Title: 3-Triangulations of P-toroids.

Erh-Tsung Chin
, Associate Professor, National Chunghua University of Education, Taiwan.
Shih Yu Yang, Graduate Student, National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan.
Hui-Ling Lee, Junior High School Teacher, Taiwan.
Title: Action Research of the Influence of Class Group Division Teaching on the Mathematical Learning Motivation and Achievements of Junior High School Low-achievers.

Miemie Struwig
, Professor, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa.
Title: Working Capital Management Research in South Africa During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Stavroula Kalogeras
, Associate Professor, University of Plymouth, UK.
SmartBrands: The Story of Purpose and Mindful Branding in a Digital World.

Radmila Janicic
, Professor, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
Title: Strategic Marketing Planning in Brand Building of Arts and Cultural Institutions.

Aarron Toal
, Research Associate, Durham University, UK.
Title: Examining the Country-of-Origin Effect Through the Lens of Evolutionary Psychology.

Marilia (Maria) Kountouridou
, PhD Candidate, European University, Cyprus, Cyprus.
Title: Brand Building in Higher Education: A Grounded Theory Investigation of the Impact of “Positive Visualisation Courses Upon Brand Identity”.

Jerome Henry
, Principal Advisor, European Central Bank, Germany.
Title: Reflections on Macroprudential Reverse Stress-testing.

Samaneh Raiss Shaghaghi
, PhD Student, University of Szeged, Hungary.
Title: Poverty Alleviation in China: An Example of Jiangxi Province.

Constantin Colonescu, Associate Professor, MacEwan University, Canada.
Title: Price Markups: The Invisible Hand in your Pocket.

Stavroula Malla, Associate Professor, University of Lethbridge Canada.
Title: Assessing the Effects of Health Claim Regulations on Food Demand.

Gustavo Bittencourt Machado, Associate Professor, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil.
Title: Productivist Agricultural Systems to Multifunctional Agriculture in the Cocoa Agrarian System, in Bahia, Brazil.

Greek Night

Tuesday 29 June 2021

08:00-10:00 Urban Walk

Giedre Dzemydaite, Associate Professor, Vilnius University, Lithuania.
Title: Economic Specialization, its Changes and Impact on Regional Economic Development in the European Union.

Chia-Hao Tsai
, Graduate Student, National Chunghua University of Education, Taiwan.
Pupil’s Fraction Learning Based on Board Game Playing.

Ya-Lan Huang
, Postgraduate Student, National Chunghua University of Education, Taiwan.
The Change of Participants’ Mathematics Knowledge for Teaching in a Primary School Teacher Professional Learning Community.

Wanting Zhao
, PhD Student, Shanghai International Studies University, China.
Analysis on the Differences of the Main Global Epidemic Fighting Models – Based on the Deep Research of Glacial Model.

Marco Mazzoli, Associate Professor, University of Genova, Italy.
Simone Lombardini, Research Fellow, University of Genova, Italy.
Title: Business Cycle in an Oligopolistic Economy with Entry and Exit.

Nikolai Brosch
, Researcher, Technical University of Munich, Germany.
Title: Practice the Purpose Preach: Experimental Evidence on the Effect of Corporate Purpose on Workers Willingness to Go the Extra Mile.

Emilie Sartre, Phd Student, CREST-ENSAEI, France.
Gianmarco Daniele, Assistant Professor, University of Milan, Italy.
Toxic Loans and the Rise of Populist Candidacies. 

14:00-15:00 Lunch

Leonida Correia
, Associate Professor, Centre for Transdisciplinary Development Studies, Portugal.
Title: The Macroeconomics and the Construction Sector: Evidence from Portugal.

Paloma Lanza-Leon
, Researcher, University of Cantabria, Spain.
Social Exclusion in Spain: The Scenario prior to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Sofía Ruiz-Palazuelos
, Researcher, University of the Basque Country, Spain.
Title: The Impact of Network Cycles on Employment And Inequality.

Sergio Cappellini
, PhD candidate, Bocconi University, Italy.
Title: Unemployment Insurance, Learning and Worker Profiling.

Joshua Cova
, PhD Candidate, Hertie School and Humboldt University, Germany.
The Convergence Trajectories of European Minimum Wages: From ‘Antiquated Anti-Poverty Tool’ to Indicator of Changing Power Structures in Industrial Relations?

Dora Simon
, Phd Student, University of Zurich, Switzerland.
To Beef or Not to Beef: Trade, Meat, and the Environment.

Arpita Nehra
, Graduate Student, Utah State University, USA.
Regional Water Transfer and Economic Growth: A Synthetic Control Analysis.

Laura Lambdin
, Clinical Assistant Professor, University of South Carolina, USA.
Title: Teaching University Gen Z Business Students in Synchronous Online Professional Business Courses.

Aradhana Kumari, Assistant Professor, Borough of Manhattan Community College, City University of New York (CUNY), USA.
Title: A Partial Nonlinear Extension of Lax-Richtmyer Approximation Theory.

Ampalavanar Nanthakumar
, Professor, State University of New York at Oswego, USA.
Title: A Diagnostic Test based on a Mixture of Gaussian Copula Model.


Wednesday 30 June 2021
Educational Islands Cruise

Thursday 1 July 2021
Delphi Tour