
11th Annual International Conference on Architecture
5-8 July 2021, Athens, Greece
Program (Athens Local Time)

Monday 5 July 2021


Opening and Welcoming Remarks:

  • Gregory T. Papanikos, President, ATINER.
  • Nicholas N. Patricios, Vice President of Strategic Planning & Analysis, ATINER,  Dean Emeritus & Professor, School of Architecture, University of Miami, USA. (Video)
  • Clara Germana Gonçalves, Head, Architecture Unit, ATINER & Researcher, CITAD (Centro de Investigação em Território, Arquitectura e Design), Lusíada University, Portugal. (Video)


  1. Vesna Žegarac Leskovar, Dean & Associate Professor, University of Maribor, Slovenia.
    Vanja Skalicky Klemenčič, Assistant Professor, University of Maribor, Slovenia.
    Title: The Role of Nursing Homes Architectural Design in Mitigating the Risk of COVID-19 Pandemics: The Case of Slovenia. 
  2. Riitta Niskanen, Researcher, Lahti City Museum, Finland.
    Title: Finnish Concert Halls – Union of Culture, Public Funding and Business.
  3. Karolina Wojnowska-Paterek, Lecturer, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (NCU), Poland.
    Title: Designing for People, not for Consumers. 
  4. Kieran Gaya, PhD Student, University College, Ireland.
    Title: Religion and Architecture in Islamabad.

13:30-14:30 Lunch

Raffaella Maddaluno, Assistant Professor, University of Lisbon, Portugal.
Astrology and Architecture: Religious Permanence and the Birth of Modernity.

Thomas Bisiani, Adjunct Profesor, University of Trieste, Italy.
Vittoria Umani, Researcher, University of Trieste, Italy.
Title: Forms of the Void. Gorizia and the Border that no Longer Exists.

15:30-18:30: Inter and Transdisciplinarity in Architecture

  1. João Miguel Couto Duarte, Assistant Professor, Lusíada University of Lisbon, Portugal.
    Title: The Rediscovery of Japan – Mapping the Critical Reception of Japanese Architecture in Portugal in the Early 20th Century.
  2. Rui Manuel Alves, Assistant Professor, Lusíada University, Portugal.
    Title: The Relationship Between Steven Holl and Kazuo Shinohara’s Project Design Processes.
  3. Alberto Reaes Pinto, Coordinator of CITAD, Universidade Lusiada/CITAD, Portugal.
    Selective Deconstruction and Dismantlement: Evolving Modular Housing.
  4. Maria João Moreia Soares, Research Fellow, CITAD & Assistant Professor, Lusiada University, Portugal.
    Clara Germana Gonçalves, Head, Architecture Unit, ATINER & Researcher, CITAD (Centro de Investigação em Território, Arquitectura e Design), Lusíada University, Portugal.
    Title: Gilles Deleuze and the Bernini’s Bel Composto: From Theatre as Architecture to Architecture as Cinema.
  5. Bora Ozkus, Assistant Professor, Fenerbahçe University, Turkey.
    Title: The Problématique of Representation and Notations for Architecture. 
  6. Secil Ozcan Geylani, Instructor, Baskent University, Turkey.
    Title: (Other) Home Between the Lines: An Alternative Reading on Domestic Architecture in Turkey through Contemporary Turkish Literature. 
  7. Popi Iacovou, Lecturer, University of Cyprus, Cyprus.
    Title: Non-Linear Spatial Narratives: The Construction of the Interior as Tableau-Vivant. 
  8. Rafaella Siagkri, PhD Candidate, University of Kent, UK.
    Title: Investigating the Role of Architecture in Cinema through the Application of Virtual Reality Technology. 

Julian Beqiri
, Assistant Lecturer, Epoka University, Albania.
Title: The Implications of Technological Progress in Architectural Thinking: The Future Impossibility for an Architecture of Hiding.

Nesrine Mansour
, Assistant Professor, South Dakota State University, USA.
Title: [Sacred] Virtuality: A Sense of Space and Place in Virtual Sacred Architecture.

Greek Night

Tuesday 6 July 2021

07:00-09:00 Urban Walk

Rahmatollah Amirjani, Lecturer, University of Canberra, Australia.
Title: The 1930s Town Planning of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company in Abadan: A Utopia Projection.

Haoribao Εnke
, PhD Student Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan.
Arrangement Plan of Inner Mongolian Buddhist Temple.

Xi Ye
, Assistant Professor, Macau University of Science and Technology, China.
Making Post-Colonial Place Identity: St Lazarus, Macau.

Jung Jen Tsai,
Assistant Professor, National United University, Taiwan.
In Remembrance of ‘National Savior’: the Design of the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall in Taipei.

Simona Calvagna
, Assistant Professor, University of Catania, Italy.
From the Landscape of Contrasts to the Landscape of Invisible Cities. A Strategic Landscape Design for the Revitalisation of the Ancient Greek Colony of Megara Hyblaea in Sicily.

Martina D’Alessandro, Adjunct Professor, University of Bologna, Italy.
Title: OMU at Belvederestrasse Self-Portrait in the Studio.

Alessandro Gaiani
, Assistant Professor University of Ferrara, Italy.
Title: Autism and Architecture The Importance of a Gradual Spatial Transi.

Raffaele Giannantonio
, Associate Professor, D’Annunzio University of Chieti–Pescara, Italy.
Title: Urban Utopia in the 1960s. Iannis Xenakis and the Cosmic City.

Simon Kay-Jones
, Senior Lecturer, UCLan, UK.
Title: Placing Matter: Experiencing Spacial Assemblage, Meta-plastic and Typological Boundary Effects, through New Materials.

Ignacio Sanfeliu Arboix
, Associate Professor, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain.
Title: Design Elements and Architecture of Orthodox Temples in Barcelona.

14:00-14:30 Lunch

Beate Loeffler
, Postdoctoral Researcher, TU Dortmund, Germany.
Title: (In)Visible Religion. Negotiating Traditional Hegemonies of Central European Urban Space.

Claretta Mazzonetto
, PhD Student, Iuav University of Venice, Italy.
Title: The Architecture of the Rest. The Greek Case and Italian one in the Sixties.

Elisa Monaci
, PhD Student, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.
Title: Kitsch Landscapes. Hybridise Architecture With Nature.

Mohamed Said
, Assistant Lecturer, Alexandria University, Egypt.
Title: An Insightful Resemblance Between Ancient Egyptian Miniatures and Current Digital Information Models.

Gianluca Rodonò
, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Catania, Italy.
Vincenzo Sapienza
, Associate Professor, University of Catania, Italy.
Title: Strategic Landscape Design and Innovative Building Technologies for the Revitalisation Project of the Ancient Greek Colony of Megara Hyblaea in Sicily.

Ilaria Maria Zedda
, PhD Candidate and Lecturer, RWTH Aachen, Germany.
Title: The Modern Berlin Block. Spatial Evolution of a Typology through the Twentieth Century.

17:30-18:00 Break

Hugo Pérez, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Chile.
Title: “Cordones Industriales“: Workers Space and Socialism in Santiago, Chile 1972 1973.


Wednesday 7 July 2021
Educational Islands Cruise

Thursday 8 July 2021
Delphi Tour