Conference Program

18th Annual International Conference on Communication and Mass Media
Program (Athens Local Time)
(In the program presentations are included from all the subjects scheduled to be presented in parallel)
(Note: each presentation includes at least 10 minutes for questions and discussions if available)

Monday 11 May 2020


Opening and Welcoming Remarks:

  • Gregory T. Papanikos, President, ATINER.
  • John Pavlik, Professor, Rutgers University, USA.  (Video)

Lucia Perez Perez
, Professor, EAE Business School, Spain.
Adoracion Merino Arribas, Professor, Universidad Internacional de la Rioja, Spain.
Title: The Implementation of Communication in an Anthropological Management Model. A Case Study of Picasso Museum. (PowerPoint)

Giuseppe Giuliano, Professor, Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
Title: «Arquitectura» 1927-1988: History and Critics of a Portuguese Magazine.(PowerPoint)

Seda Mengu, Head, Public Relations Department, Istanbul University, Turkey.
Title: Value-Based Communication during Covid19 Pandemic: A Study on the Twitter Messages of Turkish Ministry of Health. (PowerPoint)

Gabriella Velics, Associate Professor, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary.
Title: Promising, Remarkable, Marginal – 30 Years of Community Broadcasting in Hungary.(PowerPoint)

Gulhan Gundogdu, PhD Student, Istanbul Commerce University, Turkey.
Title: From Dominant Perspective to Critical Perspective in Health Communication: Analysis of Turkish Television Health Programs in Terms of Critical Health Communication. (PowerPoint)

Antoine Badaoui, PhD Candidate, University of Leicester, UK.
Title: LGBT Organizations and LGBT Social Media Visibility in Lebanon. (PowerPoint)

15:00-17:00 Lunch Break

Brian Massey, Associate Professor, East Carolina University, USA.
Title: Entrepreneurial Journalism and the Individual-Opportunity Nexus: A Critical Review.(PowerPoint)

Nicholas Pappas, Vice President of Academic Conferences and Meetings, ATINER & Professor of History, Sam Houston University, USA.
Title: Sports and Theatre in Antiquity and the Origins of Modern Entertainment. (PowerPoint)

Shawn Thompson, Assistant Professor, Thompson Rivers University, Canada.
Title: The Lost Therapeutic Wisdom of the Early Interactive Socrates.(PowerPoint)

Greek Night
(The event did not take place due to the limited number of attendance. Those who paid and were not able to attend will be offered a free voucher according to our policy:

Tuesday 12 May 2020

07:00-10:30 Urban Walk
(The event did not take place due to the limited number of attendance. Those who paid and were not able to attend will be offered a free voucher according to our policy:

Richard Bowyer, Senior Lecturer, University of Derby, UK.
Title: Where Have All the Stories and Voices Gone in Local Newspapers? The Effect Falling Advertising Revenues and the Rise of the Web Have Had on UK Regional Newspapers.(PowerPoint)

Mihalis Kuyucu
, Associate Professor, Istanbul Aydin University, Turkey.
Title: Effective Factors in Preferences of Students in favor of Foundation Universities Providing Paid Education in Turkey (PowerPoint)

David Morrish
, Senior Fashion Design Academic and Postgraduate Student, Sheffield Hallam University & Nottingham Trent University, UK.
Title: Lake Windermere “Am I Still Beautiful?” – A Case Study, Looking into Developing an Archival Collection Process as a Methodology to Engage Participants in a Collaborative Creative Art Process.(PowerPoint)

Valerie Isabel Elss
, Research Associate, Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM), Germany.
Johannes Treu, Professor, Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM), Germany.
Giovanni Buono , Guest Lecturer at LUMSA University and Co-Founder Fundsfy, Italy.
Title: Interpretation of Cultural Heritage in the Context of Tourism.(PowerPoint)

Lisa Stansbie, Dean, The Leeds School of Arts, Leeds Beckett University, UK.
Title: Strava and The Use of Data Visualisation: Self-Tracking as Creativity (PowerPoint)

Abdulaziz Alajlan
, PhD Candidate, Cardiff University, UK.
Easa Alqahtani, PhD Candidate, Cardiff University, UK.
Title: The Media Coverage of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans(PowerPoint)

Ala’a Alshaikh
, Head, Strategic Communication and Public Relations, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia.
Title: Twitter as a Safe Sphere: The Influence of Twitter Activities on Repairing Image of Governmental Organizations during Crisis in Saudi Arabia. (PowerPoint)


(The event did not take place due to the limited number of attendance. Those who paid and were not able to attend will be offered a free voucher according to our policy:

Wednesday 13 May 2020
Educational Islands Cruise

(The event did not take place due to the limited number of attendance. Those who paid and were not able to attend will be offered a free voucher according to our policy:

Thursday 14 May 2020
Delphi Tour

(The event did not take place due to the limited number of attendance. Those who paid and were not able to attend will be offered a free voucher according to our policy: