Conference Program

14th Annual International Conference on Mathematics: Teaching, Theory & Applications
Program (Athens Local Time)
(*In the program presentations are included from all the subjects scheduled to be presented in parallel)
(Note: each presentation includes at least 10 minutes for questions and discussions if available)

Monday 29 June 2020


Opening and Welcoming Remarks:

  • Gregory T. Papanikos, President, ATINER.
  • Sharon Claire Bolton, Emeritus Professor, The Management School, University of Stirling, Scotland.
  • Timothy M. Young, Professor and Graduate Director, The University of Tennessee, USA.
  • Codruta Simona Stoica, Professor and Vice-Rector, Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania.

Radmila Janicic, Professor, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
Title: Holistic Marketing Approach in Literature Arts. 

Evangelos Xevelonakis, Professor, Head of Center Data Science & Technology, HWZ University of Applied Sciences in Business Administration Zurich, Switzerland.
Title: Identifying Sustainability Efforts in Swiss Start-up Webpages using Machine Learning and Lexicon Based Approaches. 

Cyrine Khalfallah, PhD Student, IHEC Carthage, Tunisia.
Faten Malek
, Adjunct Professor, ESSCA École de Management, France.
Norchene Ben Dahmane Mouelhi, Senior Lecturer, IHEC Carthage, Tunisia.
Title: What Luxury for the Silver Generation Market? Seniors’ Motivations in Luxury Consumption 

Thanos Athanasopoulos, Senior Lecturer, De Montfort University/Leicester, UK.
Title: Stability of Collusion and Vertical Differentiation. 

Gede Sumertha Kusuma Yanca, Lecturer, Former Dean, Faculty of Defense Srategy, Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia.
Title: Participation Indonesian Female Peacekeeper in UNIFIL Year 2015-2017: Implication to Defense Diplomacy. 

Tobias Zander, PhD Student/Researcher, University of Wuppertal, Germany.
Title: A Gravity Approach to Analysing the Effects of Corruption on Foreign Direct Investment Flows within OECD Economies.

David Hanrahan, Researcher, University of Wuppertal, Germany.
Title: Tax Challenges of the Digitalized Economy.  

Codruta Simona Stoica, Professor and Vice-Rector, Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania.
Title: Modelling with Evolution Cocycles  

Zoubida Jadda, Professor, Écoles de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan, France.
Title: PS—Boolean Functions.  

Patrice Parraud, Assistant Professor, Ministère des Armées, France.
Title: New and Efficient Combined Hard Fault and Algebraic Attack on Full Trivium.  

Carla Santos, Adjunct Professor, New University of Lisbon and Polytechnic Institute of Beja, Portugal.
Title: Linear Mixed Models and Best Linear Unbiased Estimators for Estimable Vectors.  

Cristina Dias, Adjunct Professor, New University of Lisbon and Polytechnic Institute of Beja, Portugal.
Title: An Extension of the Concept of Common Structure for a Series of Studies.  

Catherine Bruneau, Professor, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France.
Title: Labor Productivity in France: Is the Slowdown of its Growth Inevitable or are There Levers to Fight it?  

A Panel on “Corporate Responsibility, Equality and Diversity Practices in Organizations”
Leader: Neide Lúcia de Oliveira Almeida, PhD Student, Sustainability Management Systems, Fluminense Federal University (UFF), Brazil.
  • Edna Ribeiro Alves, MBA Teacher, Fluminense Federal University, Brazil.
    Title: Are the Organizations Ranked by the Great Place to Work a Great Place for All in Brazil? An Analysis of what is Being Done toward the Brazilian LGBTQI+ Minority.  
  • Marcello Borio, Researcher, Fluminense Federal University, Brazil.
    Title: The Rights of Inclusion of People with Disabilities (Pwd) in the World of Work: An Overview in Brazilian Organizations.  
  • Patricia Goncalves Pacheco, Researcher, Fluminense Federal University, Brazil.
    Title: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: A Case Study of a Brazilian SME.  

17:00-17:30 Rafael Roos Guthmann, Assistant Professor, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Title: On the Informational Efficiency of Decentralized Price Formation  

Ampalavanar Nanthakumar, Professor, State University of New York at Oswego, USA.
Title: Comparison of Archimedean Copula Models for Reliability.  

Irma Hunt, Associate Professor, Shippensburg University, USA.
Title: Cheating, Culture, and Incentives: Who Deserves a Bonus?  

Michael Radin, Associate Professor, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA.
Title: Value Orientations, Emotional Intelligence and International Pedagogical Innovations and Practices.  

Carmine Gorga, President, The Somist Institute, USA.
Title: Concordian Economics: An Integration of Theory, Policy, and Practice.  

Maryam Dilmaghani, Associate Professor, Saint Mary’s University, Canada.
Title: The Blue of the Rainbow: Sexual Orientation and Hiring Discrimination in Blue-collar Occupations.  

Timothy M. Young, Professor and Graduate Director, The University of Tennessee, USA.
Title: Improving Manufacturing Data Quality with Data Fusion and Advanced Algorithms for Improved Total Data Quality Management (TQDM)  

Greek Night
(The event did not take place due to the limited number of attendance. Those who paid and were not able to attend will be offered a free voucher according to our policy:

Tuesday 30 June 2020

Urban Walk
(The event did not take place due to the limited number of attendance. Those who paid and were not able to attend will be offered a free voucher according to our policy:

Yanbo Ren, Research Assistant & Postgraduate, Shanghai International Studies University, China.
Title: The Effect of Product Design Novelty on Purchase Intention: The Mediating Role of Cognitive and Affective Attitudes.  

Lukanda Kalobo, Lecturer, Central University of Technology, Free State, South Africa.
Title: The Relationship between the Teaching of Mathematics and the Teaching of Statistics at High School Level in the South African Context.  

Narjes Haj Salem, Assistant Professor, University of Sharjah, UAE.
Title: The Theory of Planned Behavior: An Exploration of the Role of Anticipated Emotions in Green Product Consumption.  

Jan Konig, Honorary Professor, University for Sustainable Development Eberswalde, Germany.
Title: Labor Market Integration of Migrants: Hidden Costs and Benefits.  

Weiwei Zhao, PhD Student, Shanghai International Studies University, China.
Title: A Better Family Member or a Better Female Leader? The Effects of Work-Family Enrichment and Female Leadership Effectiveness in the Mediating Role of Positive Mood.  

Ida Kukliansky, Head, Industrial Engineering and Management Department, Ruppin Academic Center, Israel.
Title: Is Ogive’s Interpretation Easy for College Students?  

G Suganya, Research Scholar, PSG Institute of Management, India.
Title: Efficiency of the Unorganised Sector’s Supply Chain  

Iman Boseila, Lecturer, MSA University / Cairo University, Egypt.
Title: Global vs. Local? Egyptian Consumers’ Perceptions and Preferences of Global vs. Local Brands.  

Siting Lu, PhD Student, The University of Edinburgh, UK.
Title: Status Signalling with Luxury and Cultural Goods.  

Lucky Otame, PhD Student, Bournemouth University, UK.
Title: The Link between International Remittances from Abroad and Households’ Ability to Access Capital for Business Development: The Case of Nigeria.  

Alexander Seiler, PhD Student, University of Basel, Switzerland.
Title: Foreign Exchange Hedging of Bonds in Foreign Currency.  

Saiyu Gu, Postgraduate Student, Shanghai International Studies University, China.
Title: Crafting a Confucian Culture in Chinese Corporations: A Case Study of Guangzhou Borche.  

Danyang Zhao, PhD Student, Xi’an Jiaotong University / Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China / Hong Kong.
Title: Does Contract-Based Governance Lead to or Curtail Opportunism?  

Nahdh S.M.Alsaif, Lecturer, University of Anbar, Iraq.
Title: Approximate Solution for Integro Partial Differential Equation via Neural Network  

Rolf Rellstab, Research Associate, ZHAW School of Management and Law, Switzerland.
Title: Motivation for Craft Beer Consumption – A Means-End Approach.  

Ovinda Wijeyaratne, Lecturer, Nottingham Trent University, UK.
Title: A Development of a Conceptual Framework to Study Customer Buying Behaviour during a Pandemic Crisis.  

Jessica Thacker, PhD Student, South Asian University, India.
Debdatta Saha, Assistant Professor, South Asian University, India.
Title: The “Missing Middle” Problem and Small Firm Fragility: The Case of Food Processing in India.  

Sureyya Dal, Assistant Professor, Trakya University, Turkey.
Title: Regional Disparities of Poverty in Turkey: Lessons from Family Characteristics.  

Juan Carlos Chica, Associate Professor, Colombia National University, Colombia.
Title: Influence of Olfactory Marketing on Human Attention and Concentration for Marketing Decision Making.  

Maria Estela Navarro Robles, Titular Professor, National Pedagogical University (UPN), Mexico.
Title: Analysis of the Results of a Pilot Test for an Online Course of Rational Numbers Designed Using Variation Theory and Lesson Study.  

Juan Ignacio Alcaide, Lecturer, University of Cadiz, Spain.
Title: Reconnecting the Old City-Harbour: Best Practices for Attracting Cruise Tourists.  

(The event did not take place due to the limited number of attendance. Those who paid and were not able to attend will be offered a free voucher according to our policy:

Wednesday 1 July 2020
Educational Islands Cruise
Thursday 2 July 2020
Delphi Tour

(The events did not take place due to the limited number of attendance. Those who paid and were not able to attend will be offered a free voucher according to our policy:

* ATINER does not have the administration and infrastructure capacity to organize separate online conferences for each one that is planned every week. Instead, an attempt has been made made to have one online event for the given week.