Conference Program

7th Annual International Conference on Geology & Earth Science
Program (Athens Local Time)
(*In the program presentations are included from all the subjects scheduled to be presented in parallel)
(Note: each presentation includes at least 10 minutes for questions and discussions if available)

Monday 13 July 2020


Opening and Welcoming Remarks:

  • Gregory T. Papanikos, President, ATINER.

Ana Moldovan, Research Assistant, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Title: Assessment of Groundwater Quality as Drinking Water in Rural Communities from Dobrogea Region, SE Romania. 

Yongliang Yan, PhD Candidate, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Title: Common but Differentiated Responsibility for Environmental Protection in Outer Space. 

Vsevolod Yutsis, Professor, Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica, Mexico.
Title: Geological-Geophysical Modelling of the Intraplate Volcanic Zones. La Polvora Case Study (Mexico) 

Kurt Olson, Professor, Massachusetts School of Law at Andover, USA.
Title: World Leaders Fiddle while the Planet Burns.

Athanasios Mihalakas, Global Professor of Practice in Law, University of Arizona, College of Law, USA.
Title: Implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions under the Paris Agreement – Comparing the Approach of China and the EU. 

Tomás de Jesús Guzmán Hernández, Professor, Technology Institute of Costa Rica, Costa Rica.
Javier Mauricio Obando Ulloa, Professor, Costa Rica Institute of Technology, Costa Rica.
Guillermo Castro Badilla, Professor, Costa Rica Institute of Technology, Costa Rica.
Title: Active and Passive Solar Dryers: A New Design and Application in the Northern Huetar Region of Costa Rica. 

Greek Night
(The event did not take place due to the limited number of attendance. Those who paid and were not able to attend will be offered a free voucher according to our policy:

Tuesday 14 July 2020

09:00-12:00 Urban Walk
(The event did not take place due to the limited number of attendance. Those who paid and were not able to attend will be offered a free voucher according to our policy:

Evrim Coban, Instructor, Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Turkey.
Title: Investigation with Regard to Mineralogical-Gemological, Geochemical and Mining Potential of Diagenetic Gemmy Opal (Sio2 + Nh2o) in the Seydiler Ooze (Diatomite And Chalk) Deposit in the Afyonkarahisar-Seydiler Region. 

Tomás de Jesús Guzmán Hernández, Professor, Technology Institute of Costa Rica, Costa Rica.
Cristian Moreira-Segura, Environmental Management and Culture Emphasis Coordinator, Costa Rica Institute of Technology, Costa Rica.
Title: Impact in Latin America of the Postgraduate Program “Doctorate in Natural Sciences for Development” after Fifteen Years of Work”. 

20.00-21.00 Dinner
(The event did not take place due to the limited number of attendance. Those who paid and were not able to attend will be offered a free voucher according to our policy:

Wednesday 15 July 2020
Educational Islands Cruise

(The event did not take place due to the limited number of attendance. Those who paid and were not able to attend will be offered a free voucher according to our policy:

Thursday 16 July 2020
Delphi Tour

(The event did not take place due to the limited number of attendance. Those who paid and were not able to attend will be offered a free voucher according to our policy:

* ATINER does not have the administration and infrastructure capacity to organize separate online conferences for each one that is planned every week. Instead, an attempt has been made to have one online event for the given week.