The Teacher and the
Teaching Profession: Current Research and International Issues
Edited by Marina-Stefania Giannakaki
ISBN: 978-960-6672-25-5, 655 pages, Hardback
First published in 2007 by ATINER
Price: Paperback: 60€ (It includes Shipping and Handling) Hardcover: 100€ (It includes Shipping and Handling)
Electronic copy: 30€
Table of Contents
1. |
Introduction Giannakaki, M-S |
1 |
1: Teachers and Subject Specialisms |
Mathematics |
2. |
A New Non-Traditional University Calculus Course for
Teachers and Future Teachers Baggett,
P. and Ehrenfeucht, A. |
21 |
3. |
Mathematical Thinking: The Case of Prospective Secondary Mathematics Teachers Bloom,
I. |
31 |
4. |
A Study into Teachers views on Mathematics in the UK
using a Q Methodological Approach Coogan,
J., Dancey, C.P., Attree, E.A.,
Burton, E. and Cahill, S. |
47 |
Sciences |
5. |
Elicitation of Learners’ Emotions and Misconception
Refutation in Science: A Comparative Study Allen,
M. and Coole, H. |
61 |
6. |
Point of View of Primary School Teachers on Nutrition Education Cakiroglu,
F.P., Ucar, A. and Kus,
S. |
77 |
Literacy and Modern Foreign Languages |
7. |
Preschool Reading and Writing Studies in Turkey Ustun, E., Boz, M. and Karaman, G. |
93 |
8. |
Implementing and Resisting Change in EFL Teaching in
Taiwan Keng,
N. |
105 |
9. |
Identification of English Consonant Phonemes as
Fossilized Pronunciation Errors of Turkish Teachers of the English Language Demirezen,
M. |
119 |
Arts and Music |
10. |
The Opinions of Pre-School Teachers about Three
Dimensional Art Work Akbayrak,
B. and Durmusoglu, M.C. |
133 |
11. |
Why University Students in Turkey choose to Study Art
and Art Education? Alp,
O.K. |
147 |
12. |
Measurement of Musical Perception Gursen
Otacioglu, S. and Aslan, E.A. |
157 |
Physical Education |
13. |
Opinions of Students and Physical Education Teachers about which Activities
should be Included in the Physical Education Curricula Demirhan,
G., Bulca, Y., Guven, B. and Kangalgil,
M. |
171 |
14. |
Learning – Is it a Constraint for the Pre-service Physical Education Teacher? Chow,
L.P.Y. |
179 |
15. |
Teachers Perceptions on an ICT In-Service Training
Programme: An Example of Greece Fragkouli,
E and Pritchard, A. |
187 |
2: Teachers and Technologies |
16. |
Competence in ICT Use in the Education System of Latvia Geske, A. and Grinfelds, A. |
201 |
17. |
24-hour Society and New Technologies in Education Auzina, A. |
209 |
18. |
The Role of Teachers and Parents in Media Education
in Slovenian Kindergartens Jurka
Vodopivec, L. |
221 |
3: Teachers and Pedagogies |
19. |
Parent Involvement AS Education: Activist Research in Multilingual and Multicultural Urban Schools Schecter,
S.R. |
235 |
20. |
Speaking, Listening, Planning and Assessing: The
Teachers’ Role in Developing Metacognitive Awareness Jones,
D. and Ludhra, G. |
245 |
21. |
A Study on the Attitudes of Preschool Teachers
towards Play Gursoy, F. and
Yildiz Bicakci, M. |
259 |
22. |
The Evaluation of Primary School Teachers’ Views on
the Application of the Constructive Learning-Based Primary School Curriculum
in Turkey Berkant, H.G. and Karakus, M. |
269 |
4: Managing Difficult and Abusive Behaviour |
23. |
Teacher Behaviour versus Student Behaviour: The
Influence of Teacher Characteristics upon Student Behavioural Management in
Malaysian Secondary Schools: A Study of Student Perceptions of Teacher
Characteristics Palaniandy, S. |
289 |
24. |
Addressing Challenging Behavior in Smart Schools: A
South African Perspective Hlalele,
D. |
303 |
25. |
Future Key for the Prevention of Conflict in Schools:
Anger and Communication Skills of Preschool Teacher and Counselor Candidates Ikiz,
E., Vural, D.E. and Argun, Y. |
315 |
26. |
Preservice Teachers’ Attitudes and Perceptions of
Child Maltreatment and Mandated Reporting in the United States Kesner,
J.E. |
329 |
5: Teachers’ Professional Identity |
27. |
Utopia in the Classroom: Career Changers in Search of
Fulfillment Daraviras,
T. |
339 |
28. |
Professional Ethics in Education: A Theoretical and
Normative Framework Monteiro,
A.R. |
351 |
29. |
A Research on the Empathic Skills and the Attitudes
towards their Profession of Preservice Teachers of Early Childhood Education Koksal Akyol, A., Oguz, V. and
Yildiz Bicakci, M. |
365 |
30. |
Investigating Socio-cultural Adult Educators: A
Survey on Professionals’ Beliefs, Experiences, and Context Vanwing,
T., Jacquet, W., Knockaert J., Buffel, T. and Verte, D. |
377 |
31. |
Making Meaning of Social-Cultural Adult Education Buffel,
T., Vanwing, T., Verhaest, W. and Verte,
D. |
389 |
6: Teachers’ Training Needs |
32. |
The Importance of Education and In-service Teacher
Education for the Professional Teacher Development Devjak,
T. and Vogrinc, J. |
403 |
33. |
Construction of Pedagogical and Professional Needs Gonzalez,
P.F. |
415 |
34. |
Open and Distance Learning in Teacher Training in
South Africa, with Specific Reference to the North-West Province: Elusidating
the Urgent Implementation of Distance Education for Teacher Training in South
Africa Du
Toit, C. |
421 |
35. |
Ethnic-Knowledge towards an Ethnic-Acknowledgment:
The Importance of Differentiated Education for the Construction of Public and
Popular Education in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Reis,
M.A. and Hora, D. |
441 |
7: Teacher Efficacy/Performance |
36. |
What’s Right with me? The Effects of Urban Teachers’
Identified Strengths on Teacher Efficacy in California’s Public School Marcos,
T. |
461 |
37. |
Insight into Guidance for Instructor Performance,
based upon Student Course Evaluations over Several Years Kelly,
D.J. and Mcshane, W.R. |
477 |
38. |
Emotional Intelligence: The Trojan Horse of
Performativity into the Teacher’s Soul Neophytou,
L. and Koutselini, M. |
499 |
8: Teachers and Organisational Management |
Teachers’ Involvement in Organisational Management |
39. |
Strategic Planning with Transformational Assessment Bardwell,
R. and Fallahi, M. |
517 |
40. |
Barriers to Teacher Participation in Decision-Making
in Egyptian Secondary Schools Hammad,
W. |
531 |
41. |
Schools as Learning Organizations and Teachers’
Professional Development Kalin,
J. |
539 |
42. |
The Use of Team Work Principles in the School of
General Education Lusena-Ezera,
I. |
553 |
The ‘Teacher-Manager’ |
43. |
The Headmaster’s Role in the Induction of Novice
Teachers Valencic
Zuljan, M., Vogrinc, J., Sesek, U. and Kristof, Z. |
563 |
44. |
School Leadership Behaviours-Teacher Job
Satisfaction: How to Create a Happy Marriage. Introducing a Model of Responsive School Leadership Trisokka,
L. |
577 |
45. |
Education Reform Implementation in Malaysian Schools:
Challenge for Principals Malakolunthu,
S. |
591 |
46. |
Factors Perceived by Secondary School Principals of
Eastern Free State as Stressors in their Sphere of Operation Milondzo,
K.S. |
603 |
47. |
Exploring the Italian Deanship in the Post-reformed
University Faccin,
I. and Wilkin, L. |
611 |
9: Teachers as Researchers |
48. |
Teachers in the Role of Researchers of their own
Teaching Practice Hodnik
Cadez, T. |
625 |
49. |
Research as a Factor of Teachers’ Professional
Development Podgornik,
V., Vogrinc, J. and Devjak, T. |
641 |